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Panay's Ghost

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Posts posted by Panay's Ghost

  1. A little something to get Nerpa in trouble:


    A man arrives home and excitedly informs his wife, "Guess what, I got into the Party!"

    She replies, "You're always getting into something.  Did you get it on your shoes?" 


  2. Spoiler

    There is a tale of a butcher in Germany who made sausage from various birds he killed, including sea birds. Eventually the police showed up and had him arrested. He was charged with taking a tern for the wurst.


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  3. 11 minutes ago, Procyon said:

    What I'm hoping for is a pic of how a Belle appears with an actual ship.  Didn't the devs say that they took inspiration from Arpeggio...meaning that the Belle has a physical ship that is used to fight the villains?


    Also...will the villains be in ships as well?  Will they look like ghost vessels?

    From Update #14:

    (first question answer in blue.  Second in red.)


    The Morgana Threat

    The first reports of Morgana activity- in particular, their Mists, came in the pre-dawn hours of 1 September, 1939. At first considered to be meteorological events, any vessels entering them quickly discovered that wasn’t the case. Only a handful of ships survived those encounters, Captain, and almost all of those had Belles manifest aboard.

    From that date, the Morganas have shown clear intent to expand not just their Mists, but their operational area- sending out fleets on a daily basis to harass shipping, prevent maneuver, and, chillingly, raid coasts. Early conventional attempts to stop them ended in disaster, but we Belles have proven their equal. And, may I add, sir? Will always. *Ahem!*

    Their attacks appear essentially at random, and while dangerous, show no signs of a larger strategic goal. About that, sir...well, before we come to that, I suppose we ought to discuss where our information primarily comes from.

    How we know what we know

    As the Morganas do not communicate, and since very few conventional ships have survived one of their attacks, you may have asked yourself: how do we know anything at all about them? How did we name their ships? How is it that we are able to defeat them? The answer is, of course, we Belles.

    Sir, it is a little difficult to explain, but among our talents is the ability to know when a Morgana is near, what her name is, and a general sense of course and heading. In battle, we can sometimes tell if they are wounded, and where, and even the best place to direct our fire.

    I’m afraid that I cannot shed any light on how we know, sir, only that we *do* know. I…*ahem*...dislike relying on, shall we say, intuition, but in this case everything we feel to be true seems to be correct. I trust that more scientific analysis will eventually replace this over-reliance on emotion, sir!

    Morgana Metallurgy

    Although approaching a dying Morgana has its risks, enterprising Captains have attempted the perilous crossing more than once, and modern science is very glad for it!

    Hull materials range from easily recognized Krupp steel, to truly exotic materials, which flake and shard under the lightest touch. Simple tests indicate similar performance to our armor, sir, in regards to the Krupp samples- the other material does not seem to have any value, as even normal shipboard vibrations can render it to dust!

    Captured machine parts are capable of independent functioning -even in the absence of a power source!- and have resulted in numerous injuries in the past. Please handle salvage of this type with caution, sir!

    Internal machinery has been confirmed by chemists to be largely made of a porous tantalum of great refinement. Sadly, we’ve thus far been unable to gain access to a Morgana boiler or engine room, so their method of powering their ships is as yet unknown.

    Hasty sketches and small cuttings from their naval rifles and anti-aircraft guns give an unknown origin but conventional type of weapon, as well as indicate an enemy capable of production of exquisite gun barrel steel. *Ahem* Combat results seem to vindicate these conclusions as well, sir.

    Captain, whoever the Morganas are, their underlying ships are the equal of our own.



  4. 44 minutes ago, Dschuncks said:

    I'd like to know about the development of the War. I suppose it would be spoiler-y looking into the game past starting point, but... Would Germany still attack Poland in September with the Morgana threat? Does the U.K. still guarantee Poland's independence despite the threat of the Morganas, now facing war with Germany and the unknown? I'm getting the impression that the war period is more a backdrop so BCS can use ships from the last great naval battles era, but I'm curious as to how much of the geopolitics we'll see.

    I believe in Update 4 Mahan answered those questions:


    Next, we must discuss a critical topic: the War. And I don't mean just against the Morgana, Captain.

    If it’s one thing that our common human history has shown us, it’s that it’s not so easy to dampen the passions that lead nations to conflict, even if their common policy is the same. If you consider the Franco-Dutch War of...well, I suppose a detailed discussion on this can wait for a moment. *Ahem*

    The unpleasant truth is that while we are fighting a war against the Morgana, our nations are waging other wars across the globe. In Europe, the long-dreaded general war has arrived, and shows no signs of weakening. In Asia, the Japanese Empire maintains the attack in China, and demands no interference with its policies from the League or another other Nation.

    If we truly are going to work together to defeat the threat, we are going to have to navigate troubled waters. That means we may choose to influence or settle the outcome of the great conflicts going on around us, and that could put us opposition with the very nations we're sworn to defend. This is The War, Captain.


  5. 4 hours ago, Wellington99 said:

    Bulldog isn't really too obscure. She captured the Enigma machine. Just not as headlining as Warspite or Hood.

    ...She captured the Enigma machine...NOT something the Allies wanted put on a headline.  In fact, when the USS Guadalcanal successfully captured U-505 on 4 June 1944, the code-breaking department had a fit because they were worried it would jeopardize what Bulldog's prize had been netting them since 1941.

    ...And don't get me started on the May Incident...:angry:

  6. 19 minutes ago, PizzaRocket said:

    Hope it's Fusou (presumably will be in at launch, but as of yet unannounced) in honor of the huge mast.

    Thanks to Pola, it's been established that a Belle doesn't reflect her ship (heavy cruiser with a "tiny" Belle to Mahan's standards).

    Otherwise, Bismark, Yamato and Musashi, etc. would surely be giants and all the submarines midgets. 

  7. So dudes, how exactly can we ship Nerpa to Baikal? The main rule is that you can't break her down to pieces for transport or else this won't be a fun challenge.

    Please think of a tougher challenge, Mignonette. Obviously, you ship her to Ulan Ude, via the Trans-Siberian Railway. ...On an open car and carefully, of course, but she's only a sub. It's not that difficult. ;)

  8. ...


    I look at him confused he says "Ask um why none of the belles have nice round butts"


    And here I am, asking for him and realising that no one will believe me even though it's the truth.


    Just....let's get this over with, and never speak of this again as a favour to me -_-

    ...Because none of them are sternwheelers, of course. Duh... :P

  9. On January 18, Ninjapacman started it by saying:


    I like the fubukis. And Kenobi seems popular. I do love her bubble personality, and the fact that she has smiley faces on her boots.






    I hate autocorrect. I fixed it.


    Help me Nenohi Kinobi, you're my only hope!

    ...Too late to correct it, Ninjapacman, the meme has already been born. I can't wait to see who the art-accomplished choose to be her padawan... :rolleyes:


    That was glorious. :)

    ...I thought that was Nenohi. Glorious is somebody else :P .

  10. I recently found a ship with a very interesting service history that would make quite an interesting Belle. The USS Russell was a sims class destroyer with 16 battle stars. She served in the Battle of the Coral sea, where she screened Lexington and rescued survivors. She served in the battle of Midway, where she screened Yorktown and rescued survivors. She also served in the battle of the Santa Cruz islands where

    I think I see a pattern here

    she screened hornet and rescued survivors.

    Yes, but is she rescuing survivors because she's brave or because she is crummy at screening? :P

  11. But Avarice in a red dress for Christmas will most certainly not be frowned upon. :P


    I am reminded of the immortal words of Weird Al Yankovic:


    You might hear some reindeer on your rooftop

    Or Jack Frost on your windowsill,

    But if someone's climbin' down your chimney

    You better load your gun and shoot to kill


    ( From Christmas at Ground Zero ;) )


    So...palette swaps?


    That sounds more like a job for a Fan-artist with Photoshop.


    Sadly, I don't have a red cape in my closet. Sorry. :P

  12. Seeing stuff like this only encourages me to continue practicing and eventually draw Mahan, Nevada and Graf Spree playing a game of Poker.



    Now that would be awesome to see! Keep working at it and I'm sure you'll get it!


    *Waits to see a Belle version of A Friend in Need, AKA Dogs Playing Poker*


    ...Maybe not from you, Goddess Candidate, but I'm sure it will happen. It's simply a matter of time. :rolleyes:

  13. Even though Oscar is one of the more famous ship cats, there were still a lot of them. I wouldn't be surprised if half of VB's Ship Mascots are cats.

    That is, if Canarias will let them have pets... ;)


    There will probably more cats than dogs, parrots, bandicoots, mules, etc. because cats have a long reputation of bringing good luck to ships. They also kept the rat population down during the earlier age of sail, and considering rats spoiled food/ could carry disease, it wouldn't be hard to make some sort of correlation.

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