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yurisama last won the day on April 28

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  1. Release it, release everything! Remember all the people you've kept waiting and make that your power!
  2. Not if the instructors are just as flamboyants!
  3. @Rhialto face app, is also nice to play around even on free version
  4. @Rhialto i used this website, https://www.pica-ai.com/ai-art-generator/, uploaded her picture there and selected the enhancer filter
  5. Today its a good day to release y2, i will take early access
  6. You can also get Etiquette from favor 2 from Badcrumble
  7. Will familiar skill bonus count toward the color coding in y2?
  8. @RhialtoAny tips on how do you usually get the relationship maximum bonus from etiquette to land on the right target? Do you use a macro to reload, an action to reduce random events or anything?
  9. I just tested a game with the Arcane mod (cheat mod) to give me 20 Zoology and 100 intelligence to always suceed on exchange familiars here's what i got. Each time you use the "Exchange familiars" action, your current familiar is deleted and a new exotic one is added, never repeating. I used enough so i cicled the exotic familars to the point that i had no familiars and could not get a new one from that action. no crash or anything, just rendered the action useless. So what this mod does on that regard, is if i use exchange familiar with Alice, i delete her and end up with no familiars, not that i would want to exchange the doll on the first place with this mod, but it was good to know how Exchange familar worked
  10. This is a mod where the Bond: exotic only have the doll familiar, by changing the reference table to only have her there. It's only 6 kb, so proper amo usage and the reference table has not changed since the start (same 21 familiars), since the platypus and the rock familiar don't use the exotic pool. Her adventure automatically start on juvenalia as it should. https://easyupload.io/ai1il0
  11. Are the triplets one of those love triangles or you see them more as siblings?
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