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Hello Everyone.


I am in the Clique 'The Kids of Blazing Glory' or something along those lines. I never really wanted to be a member, I befriended one of the Cliques members thinking we could create out own Clique, but instead I ended up joining theirs.

I've been trying to find a way to either Kick Members Out, Change The Name or simple Leave The Clique Altogether, but I don't seem to have access to any of these abilities, does anyone know what you have to do to unlock them?

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Change The Name : Not Posible

Leave The Clique Altogether: Not Posible to my knowledge

Kick Members Out : All you can do is start a Clique fight so that the Clique get split but for this you have to manipulate the standing betwean 2 Cliquemembers so that they dont like each other. (Gossip and some Magic are your tools for this)

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Perhaps this could be an option? Theoretically, shouldn't we be able to torture our cliquemates into a negative relationship with us, and then cause a schism in the clique? I think there are several actions/spells that can be used against other students. Maybe we could manipulate it all into a duel or something?

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