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100 Ahmose Relationship Points?

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Has anyone gotten 100 relationship points with Ahmose or more than 96? I am trying to write out how to get all 100 points, but I can only find 96. Ahmose is not involved in many capers, and I've been over those few capers so many times, I have no idea how I'm missing four points. Here is what I have:

  • Ahmose main=10
  • Christmas=5
  • Easter=4
  • Ahmose Egypt=13
  • Ahmose Australia=12
  • Ahmose India=12
  • Ahmose Peru=11
  • Ahmose New Orleans=12
  • Ahmose Turkey=15
  • Kheper Conversations=2

Those are also the only capers that Ahmose has relationship points in, so there isn't much to search through. If anyone can add any information, confirm anything, or point out any errors, please let me know. I can't imagine that there are actually four Ahmose points missing in-game, but since I think Sterling has two points not obtainable (on his route anyway), I am not ruling it out.

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Just to double check, did you get all Dream points for every character or all Relationship points? I know you can get all 100 Dream points for every character, but the relationship points (the ones that lead to friendship endings) are the ones that may not be there. I've always thought that it was confusing that the relationship points get you friendship endings yet 'relationship' implies romance, so I thought I would double check. If you did get 100 relationship points with everyone and not 100 dream, then that is confirmation that I need to go back over Sterling's relationship points as well.

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It's fine. Like I said, it's confusing how you get relationship points that add to the friendship ending, but then the Dream points add to the endings where you're in a relationship. Thanks for responding though ^_^.

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