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Dmnt last won the day on June 26 2019

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    Tanks... and knives... and warships...

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  1. If you want to play it on the PC, you can use an Android emulator, such as BlueStacks.
  2. Dmnt

    update 183

    "Just keep in mind all the valuables you find, if any, will be contributed to the war effort."
  3. Dmnt

    Update #181

    Does Algérie's new art still include knives? This matter is of utmost importance, and a potential deal-breaker.
  4. Didn't you say the same last year? And the year before that?
  5. By that, you mean she's from the actual Canary Islands? Then she's speaking the canarian dialect, I guess... Before, when I was giving some more thought to it, and attempting to make Google's text-to-speech sound like that, my guess was it might be someone speaking the andaluz dialect(up to this point, I wasn't even aware there was such a thing as a canarian dialect) Given what the wiki says, it seems I wasn't too off the mark, all things considered. Either way, neither of them is "standard" Spanish, and definitely NOT the way you'd expect an aristocrat to speak. Regarding Google's text-to-speech, if you want to try for yourselves, here are the lines: These are the lines in "standard" Spanish: Que alguien eche un vistazo al sónar! Sencillamente, me niego a perder esta batalla. And here is what I used to make it sound like Canarias' lines: Quelguien eche un vistaso el sónar! Sensiamente, me niego a perde esta bataia. You can paste them on Google translate and compare.
  6. I cannot really say about the others, but I can assure the lines spoken by Canarias are definitely not from a native speaker.
  7. Dmnt

    KS Update 144

    While not exactly relevant to the update itself, when I looked up USS Panay, I also found the actual island of Panay, and with it I found something rather uncanny. This is the island of Panay: Now, compare its general shape to... this: Coincidence? I THINK NOT SO!!!!
  8. Dmnt

    KS Update 140

    Also, the spear is too short, and the sword is laughably small(but don't tell her I said that) I'd say that's likely a deliberate decision by the artist, so those elements don't clog up too much of the picture. So... anyone got any idea who that [Redacted] is? If we're gonna go just on namesakes, I say HMS Hector and this other one have some solid chances(?) The former even being part of the Royal Navy too. If it's something related to the history of the ships themselves then...
  9. You can argue out of it(if you so desire) by pointing that she's not exactly dressed as "Sinterklaas" (and considering what she's actually wearing, I'd hesitate to say she is "dressed" at all) Biggest argument being the "Santa" hat instead of a Mitre, among others.
  10. I see the test run of the new torpedoes was successful.
  11. For all we know, they could very well just disappear after the war ended, their mission being over, and being no longer needed.
  12. Next will be a belle running for president. In for a penny, in for a pound.
  13. Will the Bunny Belles from this other topic be on this same line? I somewhat expected that to be more like a floofy easter bunny-like costume.
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