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Dmnt last won the day on June 26 2019

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    Not Kansas
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    Tanks... and knives... and warships...

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  1. If you want to play it on the PC, you can use an Android emulator, such as BlueStacks.
  2. Dmnt

    update 183

    "Just keep in mind all the valuables you find, if any, will be contributed to the war effort."
  3. Dmnt

    Update #181

    Does Algérie's new art still include knives? This matter is of utmost importance, and a potential deal-breaker.
  4. Didn't you say the same last year? And the year before that?
  5. You can argue out of it(if you so desire) by pointing that she's not exactly dressed as "Sinterklaas" (and considering what she's actually wearing, I'd hesitate to say she is "dressed" at all) Biggest argument being the "Santa" hat instead of a Mitre, among others.
  6. I see the test run of the new torpedoes was successful.
  7. For all we know, they could very well just disappear after the war ended, their mission being over, and being no longer needed.
  8. Next will be a belle running for president. In for a penny, in for a pound.
  9. Will the Bunny Belles from this other topic be on this same line? I somewhat expected that to be more like a floofy easter bunny-like costume.
  10. Implying poor Béarn(who genuinely believes a battleship-carrier hybrid is a good idea) is an expert on aircraft combat... I'd love to see her again what she has to say on the matter tho.
  11. I must say... I never really paid much attention to it, but... for being a submarine, Nautilus has some... elements that make her hydrodynamics rather questionable.
  12. Not once in the entire doujin was there a "torpedo breaching the hull" metaphor... I still can't decide if that's a good or a bad thing...
  13. "D-don't get the wrong idea. This is only to boost the crew's morale. It's not like I wanted to see you wearing this or anything." º//_//º
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