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DLC 3: The Riddles of the Queen has been released!

Legate of Mineta

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Black Chicken Studios is delighted to present our third free DLC for Academagia: The Making of Mages, The Riddles of the Queen!


Behind a thousand veils, Queen Hedi of Tiljat kept her empire, her wealth and her people safe through diplomacy, intrigue and deception. The power of what seemed to be stayed the claw of dragons and tyrants alike. The only trouble with Glamours are that, sometimes, you can lose track of what's real yourself...


Who can tell the difference between dreaming and waking? The DLC includes:


11 new Adventures, themed around the College of Hedi: dreams, a relationship, and a conflict in academia await!

20+ new Events, dealing with the aspirations and tribulations of the Students of Hedi, as well as several diverse Events submitted by the community

1 new Skill, over 15 Items, and lots of new Abilities, Actions, Locations and Spells for new ways to advance your Character's growth


...you can download it here:



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