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Consolidated Patch 17

Legate of Mineta

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Consolidated Patch 17 has been released, and can be found here:


Instructions: Copy all files and place into your Academagia install folder (same folder as Academagia.exe). For example: C:\Program Files\Academagia\Mods\Content.mdm (Please overwrite all files.) Begin a new game, checking 'Riddles of the Queen', to use DLC 3.


Before you Install: Patch 17 does not require you to create a new game, but if you wish to have certain fixes, you will need to create a new one. This Patch is cumulative, and contains all previous Content Patches, Code Patches and DLC.


This Patch corrects these issues:


1) Encumbrance and Concealment now show maximums

2) Increase Issue for negative Parent Skill cases corrected

3) Artifice crash related to null values corrected


Special thanks to the following Academagians who originally suggested or raised awareness of these:






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