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DLC 4: Downfall of Tyrants has been released!

Legate of Mineta

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Black Chicken Studios presents the fourth free DLC for Academagia: The Making of Mages, Downfall of Tyrants!




When the Sakkanaks of the Dragon Emperor came to the Chardissian Isles, the young Queen Avila rejected all their demands. Though she had no armies, no magic and no authority, she would not yield- and this simple act alone set in motion the events that would liberate all mankind. But when is the right time to make a stand...?


What tyrannies must be thwarted? The DLC includes:


6 new Adventures, themed around the College of Avila: tea-time, a system of oppression, and a bitter harvest await!

20+ new Events, dealing with the struggles and heritage of the Students of Avila, as well as several diverse Events submitted by the community

1 new Skill, over 10 Items, and lots of new Abilities, Actions, Locations and Spells for new ways to advance your Character's interests


...have fun!

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