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There are no goals (official party line.)


However, in general, I go for (in order of priority):

all Attributes 6+ (natural+passive ability, don't include emotions+clique)

All class study 10

All class skills 10+

(any spells, if necessary, to get 130+ on finals)

All Magic skills 10+ 4 Legal magic types, 2 illegal magic types, Enchant, Enspell, Brew, Forge

Mentor Adventure

Main Story line Adventure

Clique Member adventure

Research 10+

School Survival, Rimbal 10

Other non-student adventures

1200+ total skills


I think I've hit all of that only a couple of times. (one of whom was a real boring tied-to-the-Sphinx-hip type of run-through, that was a classic case of self torture)

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There are no goals (official party line.)


However, in general, I go for (in order of priority):

all Attributes 6+ (natural+passive ability, don't include emotions+clique)

All class study 10

All class skills 10+

(any spells, if necessary, to get 130+ on finals)

All Magic skills 10+ 4 Legal magic types, 2 illegal magic types, Enchant, Enspell, Brew, Forge

Mentor Adventure

Main Story line Adventure

Clique Member adventure

Research 10+

School Survival, Rimbal 10

Other non-student adventures

1200+ total skills


I think I've hit all of that only a couple of times. (one of whom was a real boring tied-to-the-Sphinx-hip type of run-through, that was a classic case of self torture)


ive been doing a buttload of adventures and i have a problem. it claims i did not succeed in using adventure but i got 1 luck 150 pims and lots of skill steps and the text said i defeated the dark wizards of constradin or w/e. the book and wizards died. yet it claims i didnt do it. am i missing something?

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Im considering spamming the sphinx for the rest of the year. aside from 10 or so casts of mathematical acuity i have done all i need to get 150s on my final exams. most of the options that let me get as many skill steps as the sphinx have been used up and i cant train those skills anymore. sadly i would have to do lots of save reloads with the sphinx because often i only get 2 of the 4 skills due to it trying to level maxed skills. thats a really really annoying function on random skill step raise actions btw. ive done about 10 adventures so i am not sure i want to continue those. they are really a pain too.


how well did sphinx spam go for any of you guys?

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