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DLC 13: A Most Difficult Number

Legate of Mineta

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A quick update on this- I've seen the error once more, and it came about on a slower system, wherein I tried to save before the clock icon had turned from grey (still processing) to gold (ready). It's *possible* that attempting to save while the clock is in the grey state causes the save system hang.


We're investigating this now, and we'll keep you updated. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since installing newest patch, I've only had the save problem twice but I haven't started a new game yet so we'll see what happens then. It hasn't been the clock issue on my end. I've learned how to get around the issue mostly (not saving as much). I have finished that game so I will be starting another soon, so we'll see if the save problem is gone for good.

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