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So i bought this awhile o.O ago i played through it looked into year 2 going by the forums ,thats probably not going to happen o.O it seems.


but i was considering playing again ...an i was curious the 'updates' mentioned , since i have it from Gamersgate, and not Steam.


Do i have to download all the updates in order, or just the latest one ? by updates i mean the "Free DLC" things. o.o

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Just the latest, but...well, there's a small detail. Here is where you can get the latest DLC (in terms of what's been released, at any rate), and here is the latest patch. The former should have included the latter, but...mistakes were made, so you'll need to grab both (and install them in that order, BTW - DLC 16 first, then the latest patch).


You having the Gamersgate version shouldn't be a problem, particularly because the Steam version doesn't exist yet. It's being worked on, though (same for Y2).

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