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A Dark Ahmose Question

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Spoilers for Ahmose's route


So, the Ruby Eye keeps Ahmose alive and Zul steals it in Egypt. If Sadie never sees this event, does it still happen? Does Ahmose die in every other route because Sadie did not get the Ruby Eye back? I would like to think that the entire thing just does not happen, but the game often has continuity even if Sadie hasn't seen an event (EX: Roland being depressed on his birthday even if you are not following his route).

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Well, I guess every happy ending is truly a sad ending... :(


I'm hoping that Ahmose somehow got it back on his own since nothing says that he didn't. Not sure how he would, but the hearts of all players need something to cling to.

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Gosh, now you're giving me one in a million hope here. My guess would be if you negotiate with Zul in The Zul in New York Adventure and the artifacts get returned to Egypt, the Ruby Eye might be one of the artifacts. But, that is getting pretty close to the deadline and they might just shove it into a museum in Egypt instead of putting it back into the tomb.....and those artifacts were Ruddy's and not Zuls, so..... I guess Ruddy could have bought the Ruby Eye, from those thugs in Istanbul since you weren't there to stop them, maybe? Otherwise, the other capers you get into with Zul do not really have anything to do with the Ruby Eye or the locations of his artifacts (except for Ahmose's Turkish Adventure, but you'd have to already be doing Ahmose's route to see that).


Can you give a bit more of a hint as to how to maybe not kill Ahmose? I'm still traumatized XD.

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Darn, well, hopefully it is explained in the sequel. At least I have some hope to cling onto. Thanks~

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