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Can't find "Follow My Parents' Instructions"


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I've just started a new game with DLC 17 and the exotic familiar and cheat mods installed (both loaded after the DLC). I noticed that, despite selecting the Secret Heritage background, I can't see "Follow Your Parents' Instructions" anywhere under either actions or abilities. I've played until the middle of Gelamenus and tried restarting a couple of times with the load order of the mods switched around, but no dice.


Am I missing something needed to activate the House in the Bog adventure? Or is this a mod conflict issue?

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Seems to be working perfectly fine for me, using no mods other than the DLC. So step one would be to clear your cache, and if that doesn't work see if it works without any other mods loaded.

For reference, you don't need anything special to activate the House in the Bog adventure. The background gives you the Ability to Follow your Parent's Instructions, which in turn opens the adventure (and forbids you from repeating the ability, not that you'd want, need or logically could do so).

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