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Wow no Suggestions thread for this game so far, what a shame! Then I open one ^^

Because in MMO I see many people who share accounts despite its a hated topic with the developer and publisher.

Now my thought why not build in a official "Holliday" function that create a new login to be used by the account sitter with this the sitter can play the game normal on the account except he can't use things that need to spend RL money or edit the account.

This account sitting should be limited to up to 1 month before the original account owner have to unlock it again.

Reason I bring this up is this posting: 


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No worry @DrYuriMom I try to explain why account sharing is so problematic in many games:

In most games the login for the game is the same that is also used to manage the account data and make payments.

Now if you give the Login to a other person its more or less easy to change the account that it belongs to the other person and the original owner can't use it any longer.

So far so bad for the account owner but if (s)he write a support request it becomes a problem of the support who have to find out if the account was hacked and stolen, the owner carless given away the account info to a stranger / fake friend, or even sold what take manpower and time. The next problem is when it was decided to return the account to the real owner but i. e. a rare Belle was sunken after the account got stolen. If player trade is possible then it becomes even more problematic as things could have changed hands with other player. 

Given that in some MMO a thief even spend months to gain the thrust of a rich player just to rob him / her blind once the opportunity is there you can understand the problem.

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I understand that which is why I was extending this in public, just for beta, with nothing but pious intentions in support of a better game. We all know what the road to Hell is paved with, though. Sigh

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As far as I know, the issue of things in the account being lost or changed probably wouldn't apply here, since the accounts will be wiped clean after the beta for the actual release anyway(?)

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Usual the account system it self is not wiped after the beta so that owner not have to redo entries or changes like e-mail, password, payment info or address. Also your sure there will be a wipe after the final beta and not a floating transition to the release especial if they make a public beta?

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Well, I mean, isn't that how betas usually work?

I don't think it's ok for a beta player to carry whatever he/she earned during the beta into the release game(?)

Or not more than some really small bonus, at most.

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Obviously, everything is speculation until Legate says otherwise but I'm on the side that there will be a wipe. It's the most sure way to make sure any fixes done during the Beta really take. Is that the only option? Ofcourse not, but it's the best opportunity to start from zero rather than on top of old beta data thus reducing the number of possible glitches.

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