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KS Update 103: On Languages and Restricted Information


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1. Being insane and discipline are not mutually exclusive. As the Marine Corps has proved over centuries (now) of combat engagements.

2. Gneisenau you wound me. My word is my bond, and paranoia is a survival mechanism... and is it really paranoia when people are indeed out to get you? Morgana thralls, intelligence agents from powers foreign or native causing trouble. I trust my walkure, myself and maybe other INPF Captains I've worked with who've shown themselves to be men and women of honor and integrity. INPF fleet command goes on the do not trust list. Especially INPF fleet command.


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7 hours ago, TwoHeavens said:


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1. Being insane and discipline are not mutually exclusive. As the Marine Corps has proved over centuries (now) of combat engagements.

2. Gneisenau you wound me. My word is my bond, and paranoia is a survival mechanism... and is it really paranoia when people are indeed out to get you? Morgana thralls, intelligence agents from powers foreign or native causing trouble. I trust my walkure, myself and maybe other INPF Captains I've worked with who've shown themselves to be men and women of honor and integrity. INPF fleet command goes on the do not trust list. Especially INPF fleet command.


Edit: Added Gneisenau's lovely portrait. Sorry things aren't pretty and centered but I don't get the full editor on my phone it seems.

@twoHeavens I have to agree trust has to be earned

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They didn't quite say that David. There's still plenty of room for treachery, and mixed crews mean agents won't stand out nearly as obviously as a British man trying to do a Brooklyn accent, or an IJN man attempting to sound like he was born in San Francisco, or worst of all, a Texan doing his whether best at a German accent.



I also maintain that U-29 would back up my paranoia. One must consider the activities and habits of traitors if one is to catch, then keelhaul said traitors and I...

Redacted: "Captain, we can't keelhaul traitors. It violates the Hague conventions and INPF naval policy."

Shit. Hangings still on?

Redacted: *checks document* "Yes."

Right. Hangings it is, thank you. Carry on.

Redacted: "Aye aye."

Where was I? Right. The habits of traitors. One must consider the avenues of approach for a traitor, and the counter measures available, especially extra counter measures such as a Belle might possess that a mere human agent might not be able to account for so we can catch them, then hang them. Then toss them overboard for fish bait.

Similar thoughts must be applied to infiltrating the Morgana. It wouldn't be safe for a human agent to approach unless we can learn to counter their enthralling... magic for lack of a better term, though U-29 may have my hide for it later. If it is not a technology, and not a learned skill, like say a spell, then it stands to reason it is inherent to the Morgana themselves. Can a Belle produce a similar effect? Perhaps a Belle does produce a similar effect already, but far more subtle, and passive. Something that boosts the efficiency and gallantry of the sailors aboard. If the latter is true, with practice a Belle might be able to produce an effect that feels to an outside observing Morgana the same as their enthrallment effect. Do a little redecorating and you have a infiltrator. I wouldn't trust it at close range, but it might be enough to manuver within the mists.

Redacted: "If you try to bolt *anything* to my hull for an intelligence ploy I'm killing you and then myself."

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>Would never break the Gentleman's Agreement. She promises.

Reliable as her engines, eh :rolleyes:

>Listen, I don't know how they do things in Germany, but where I come from it's considered quite rude to poke at another Belle's main batteries.

Poor Captain :rolleyes:

>But, yes, sorry. I think Ark Royal might be a bit contagious.

air-transmittance of puns?

Too physical :D

>I believe all the Walküren speak to their Captains in the Captains' native languages. 


>"Complete and utter madmen." Is that compatible with strict discipline?

"Sanity is overrated"(q)

>We're all 'required' to have an absolute majority of crew members be citizens of our home nations - and, moreover, they're meant to have the skills necessary to form a viable skeleton crew if need be. You couldn't just assign me 450 British cooks and call the matter closed.

on-job training is no more?

>Now, the Walküren Fleet of the INPF would not have been inaugurated if it hadn't been demonstrated that it's almost impossible for us to be sabotaged by members of our own crews.


> It was decided at Zurich was that you would intern yourself if the INPF dissolves and the War continues. You will have seen too much, and your presence on one side or another might confound the natural loyalties of the Walküren.

eh. LoN != enough power to enforce it





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This update gave me the urge to touch turrets. Especially English ones. Very especially the "lucky" Mk XVI, if I ever get Belfast into my fleet. And I do know how we do things in Germany.

Also Gneisenau would never break the Gentleman's Agreement. That's what Scharnhorst is for. Good Walküre, bad Walküre.

"Stupor Teutonicus" .... -_-

I have to admit I was confused about "Lucan" reference. In my mind "De bello civili" written by Julius Cesar popped up. And the shortening of Lucanus threw me further off. Also every German who had Latin in school, or payed attention in history class would get at least the intention of that pun.

"It would be wise to keep such an ability secret from us, though." - See? Good Walküre.

""Complete and utter madmen." Is that compatible with strict discipline?" - If it's conditioned. Just don't break it. But if you break it make sure to put the broken human resource out of its misery after it served the purpose you broke it for.

"One of the things that Zurich streamlines..." - Zurich? Or Zürich? What did I miss? Are there some "Zurich Accords" in place? Last time I checked the LoN (VB) and the meetings of it to form the INPF (ISSF) were held in Geneva/Genf.

"Home nation" might be a very interesting concept if you're on a vessel of the Empire or la République. And what about the Phillippines? And then we tap into the juicy subject of "ex-pats" in the form of ethnic minorities. Or the question who to Anschluss if you run out of people of your "home nation". *looks at Denmark*

"There are countries that might reasonably sneer at British cuisine. I'm not sure Germany is among them." - First of all I never heard someone really complain about German cuisine as a whole. Just snoop around and you'll find something you regard as tasty. And more importantly this quote shows the point of Gneisenau calling Belfast insecure proven. Gneis was referring to the warcrime of sending a crew made up entirely of non-combatants into battle, natürlich. Please check the Hague Conventions for further reference.

I totally like how Gneisenau deflects the concern about espionage to the topic of sabotage.

"Pff. So much for the Deuxième Bureau." - I encourage anyone not familiar with them to look them up. They're the tragic figure of the WWII spy game.

"Now, of course, I am 'neutral' and we're all such good friends." - Yes we are, aren't we? *decaps a bottle of totally not poisoned beer for everyone reading this*

"If someone wearing our colours does something meant to cause us harm, we're on the scene immediately." - But what if someone doesn't wear your colours? I hope you feel it too.

"Information, in terms of technical specifications, ship capabilities, port intelligence, mine fields and the like, we do not have direct control over." - So IJN captain on USN ship would've to have access to those informations anyhow if you think about it.


Top brass: "We lost the Missouri? Outside of New York in our territorial waters? How come?"

Poor messenger sod: "Uhm, we withheld the information about our minefield there from Capitano Ramirez."

TB: "Why did we do something so stupid?"

Pms: "Because you gave specific order not to share that kind of intel with a fascist."

"That certainly won't prevent a Captain of a different nationality using us in ways not intended, or for propaganda purposes. I'm certain you won't lead us into that unpleasantly sticky situation, will you, Kapitän?" - Sure. I'll just park the HMShips outside Helgoland before I enter Wilhelmshafen and send them a postcard and a supplyship. <_<

"It was decided at Zurich was that you would intern yourself if the INPF dissolves and the War continues. You will have seen too much, and your presence on one side or another might confound the natural loyalties of the Walküren." - Zurich again. Also... yeah.... sure....I'd intern... myself. *coughs* Totally unrelated, but what do you all think would be a required size of a Walkürenfleet to carry out doing..... "rogue" is such a nasty word.... voluntary security work on our own before we intern ourselves? Also who speaks fluently portugese? *looks @Gerrion* I heard Brazil is lovely any time of the year.

"Assuming they're not just shot." - She talks about barbaric Soviets and brute French, natürlich. No one who commanded a German ship would be shot. At least not immediately. Also you would be an officer POW. ... So nothing to fear. Unless you meet other... criteria as well, I suppose. Maybe. Just don't worry.

But on a broader view of the last topic: I wonder if there is a possibility ingame for the INPF to dissolve if you don't support the INPF goals at all. Or at least to be kicked out of it.

I noticed a lot of very proper German. Very nice. A round of hugs and cookies for the author(s).

" Love, Belfast" - :wub:


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Admittedly I felt my heart jump a little with the first ever "Love, Belfast". She's grown on me well.

Also, TwoHeavens has pointed out an inherent bias from BCS: All the presenters of the updates have been redheads

Oh, and no touchy Belfast's turrets Kork unless you want what Tirpitz got

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