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KS Update 133

Panay's Ghost

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That ended up even better than expected. Thanks Belfast dearest. 


Some Belles wonder whether you're all supposed to be dead. Y'know, if the Morganas hadn't come and we hadn't woken up, maybe you all would have already died in this War. Maybe you were "chosen" in the same moments we were.

Now, admittedly, many of the Belles who enjoy this idea like to think that this means we saved you lot just by existing and therefore you... um... kind of implicitly belong to us. 

Turn about is fair play, if you saved us, didn't we likely save you as well? If anything, we likely both belong to a third party knowing for selecting heroes for end of the world scale battles. *cough Odin and Frejya cough* but no sense writing alternate history like, what if this Belle didn't wake up, or if she had a different Captain, till we're done making history. 


There's a whole series of occasionally off-colour "Captain Harem" jokes and cartoons that... 


... Maybe I should just move on. 


Please forget I said anything about that last bit.

No no, by all means continue. It's only fair. We lewd you, you lewd us... really you should see some of the things that get passed around the Captain Association's bar... like the theory of "new ship construction" that's just about the bawdiest thing I ever.... you know what? Please forget I said anything about that last bit. 


There are also Belles who propose that you might all be national heroes reborn. An Arthur here and a Joan of Arc there and a Barbarossa way over there and a bunch of sleeping knights risen to save the world in its hour of need. 

Far be it from me to complain about it being suggested I'm Cú Chulainn, Fionn mac Cumhaill or Wolf the Quarrelsome 


Which doesn't preclude our being uncomfortably possessive, but makes it considerably more glamorous.

As far as my fleet goes as long as you Belles aren't exchanging naval gun fire over who gets to have me on board for inspection today, be as possessive as you like. It's the opposite of uncomfortable.


one of the popular ones is that we'll only be able to permanently kill a Morgana when we're doing something that addresses her name. Sinking Injustice would involve righting a wrong, that kind of thing.

I'm not sure how it would work for, say, Asphyxiation, but it's the sort of thing that seems to be kind of percolating at the back of some Belles' minds.

I propose the latter would involve ending a blockade. You know, choking a country or island or military force of it's supplies?

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Okay, now I really want to know what happened to S-H..... and "something" in the Baltic or the Vistula waiting to be awoken, @Shirogane can you think of anything?

Regarding the "national heroes reborn" thing I made a small, incomplete list of possible persons from Germany.

On 3/10/2019 at 6:46 AM, TwoHeavens said:

I propose the latter would involve ending a blockade. You know, choking a country or island or military force of it's supplies?

I have no idea what you're talking about. *whistles innocently*

And thank you very much Salmon, that's a really good start. Nikolai von Essen looks interesting.

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>great deal of ambiguity about her final


> U-29 and I have talked about trying to compile a book of them, but we don't have anything like the kind of time that would really require.

>don't have anything like the kind of time that would really require



>Belfast, I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you, but you're a ship!




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