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KS Update 139


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"Apo" (greek base): Prefix occurring originally in loanwords from Greek, where it was joined to verbs, deverbal forms,and other parts of speech. Among its functions in Greek, apo- has the spatial sense “away, off,apart” ( apogee; apocope; apostasy; apostrophe ); it occurs with deverbals that denote a responseor defense ( apodosis; apology ) and is found on verbs having perfective force relative to a corresponding simple verb ( apoplexy; aposiopesis ). In modern scientific coinages in English andother languages, apo- marks things that are detached, separate, or derivative ( apocarpous;apoenzyme ).

"Andra" (greek base): 
From Ancient Greek ἀνδρός (andrós), genitive of ἀνήρ (anḗr, man, husband).

"Sis" (greek base): 
-sis. suffix in Greek-derived nouns denoting action, process, state, condition, fromGreek -sis , which is identical in meaning with Latin -entia , English -ing (1).

Looking at this word, I am assuming the basis has something to do with fighting ships (and bureaucracies) being crewed (staffed) exclusively by men as of Sept 1, 1939 and something, an irregularity, became manifest that was different than the crew (staff) at that moment...and undeniably feminine and therefore "not man".  As of a week and a half into the Morgana events, so little is known about what the heck is happening, add the natural desire to cling to some scientific basis for what is otherwise pure madness, official discourse hearkens back to Greek for sanity.  So the Belles, a term which would not have become colloquial yet, are clearly NOT men (apoandra) yet came into being (sis).  Once the term was coined, I could see it remaining in use for official purposes by bureaucrats fiercely resisting placing fairy tales in their precious documents.

In a less patriarchal world, I would like to think "apoanthroposis" would have been the choice, but in a world led, staffed and crewed by men, I can understand the inherently sexist choice.  Fortunately the Belles themselves will hasten a revolution that has already been fulminating during the interwar years.  Thanks to the Morganas and Belles, an "anthropo" rather than an "andra" world is manifesting. 🙂

I'll add that the term "apoandrasis" opens up "not husband" as a parallel interpretation which would suggest the possibility for "wife".  Again, sexist as hell but opens up that MEN were already thinking of Belles in terms of waifu material even in the initial days... 😛

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As a curiosity, there is no mention in the text about missing Polish fishing boats in the Baltic area a few days before September. The Polish navy and border guards investigated the issue of mysterious disappearances.  Meanwhile, on Polish ships, a radio message was received by means of the secret basic code MAR-3 with the message about not shooting reconnaissance airplanes in broken Polish language.

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> I can understand the inherently sexist choice.




Man ascending to God -> apotheosis

God descending to Man -> incarnation

God ascending to Man -> apoandrasis

(Man as "Imperium of Man", not as "1x mortal, puny, male". Blame Englith philosophers(tm) for forgetting that Man != Human for Greek when they wrote that abomination )



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Shiro, the update's report was written by Americans. For better or worse, I doubt they knew much about the chaotic days leading up to the German invasion of Poland.  Especially in light of the Morganas. 

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3 hours ago, von_Lipstig said:
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> I can understand the inherently sexist choice.


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Man ascending to God -> apotheosis

God descending to Man -> incarnation

God ascending to Man -> apoandrasis

(Man as "Imperium of Man", not as "1x mortal, puny, male". Blame Englith philosophers(tm) for forgetting that Man != Human for Greek when they wrote that abomination )



As Von Lipstig points out, with Greek words are frequently more than the sum of their parts. Apoandrasis potentially already has a meaning, and I think it's probably what they were going for versus Dr. Yurimom's admittedly detailed analysis. 

A spirit of a warship taking on the flesh, or at least something like it of a far more human incarnation and walking amongst us... and gods by the way we think of them, then and now the Belles are decidedly not. They're far too human for that. If incarnation is a god taking on flesh, apoandrasis would be more along the lines of a god becoming a man by way of actual loss of immortal/divine status instead of just taking on human form. 

Sounds like exactly what I'd expect a bunch of over educated, over paid bureaucrats to call a fairy tale in their government documents to me. 

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>>If you have any comments or concerns, please let me know as soon as possible.<< - You called?

SMS Schleswig-Holstein? Who died to restore the monarchy? 2tes Kaiserreich bestätigt, Vorbereitungen zum Kaisersalut laufen. ......
I would like to remind everyone at this point: The prefixes "KMS" or "DKM" were never used until after the war. And the correct prefix would be "DFS" anyways.....

Strait of... where? *vanishes for a while in the maproom* Ah. Now I'm curious about the RCN report on the same incident. Also thanks for the flowers.

If they raid Buenos Aires in the Americas, I suggest Rotterdam better braces itself. The Petroleumhaven from 1929 should've developed well in the last 10 years.

I really don't like how the Nixe seems to hit civilians primarily in the opening week. I suppose small coastal villages and towns desert very quickly. Is there an evacuation plan in effect?

On to the Elephant in the room: Apoandrasis.

Since the report only talks about "irregularities" (plural) I take it quite literally. A phenomenon where the ship or parts of the ship evades the control of the human/male crew. Iirc it takes the -confused- Walküren some time to actually manifest aboard. So a word which can be translated as "doing/taking away from man/human" would be fitting. I doubt that the US authorities of all would accept the manifestation of female(!) gods(!!) among mortals. 
It's the first time I regret having no Graecum.... although I know only one school in and around Dortmund which would offer one.
But as I understand it, elevating/forming a god into a human is anthropomorphism. Which would fit the manifestation of a Walküre much more closely.

Anyways, the word can be translated much less literal. As von_Lipstig and DYM both showed. I'll add some grimmer possibilities. Be warned:


It could also mean castration of men. The German word "Entmannung" pretty much fits the bill..... but from there it could also mean some men spontaneously became women or got spontaneously dressed in women clothes. While loading a gun for example.

Furthermore it could mean the ship devoured its crew to gain strength or some other reason. She would "deman" or "unman" herself. 

If I go with DYMs "not husband" translation it could also mean all men turned into their (future?) wifes or got replaced by them magically. 

So it could be a really ugly scene...... a whole crew of castrated, partly consumed sailors..... and a confused (or insane?) female god in human form in the midst of it all.

In case the word "Apoandrasis" hasn't a fixed meaning in a text which could be found in 1939 in Germany, I suggest the Kriegsmarine either uses a latin expression like "Demasation" (literally a apoandrasis in latin) or finds a German word for it. "Spontane Selbstkontrolle" nur so als Beispiel.

On 5/4/2019 at 10:14 PM, Shirogane said:

I understand and only mark it as a curiosity.

A curiosity that perfectly fits the narrative..... aaaand gives us someone else to blame.....Nos fortuna ridet. Was kann da schon schief gehen? 

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6 hours ago, Käpt'n Korky said:

>>If you have any comments or concerns, please let me know as soon as possible.<< - You called?

SMS Schleswig-Holstein? Who died to restore the monarchy? 2tes Kaiserreich bestätigt, Vorbereitungen zum Kaisersalut laufen. ......



Anyways, the word can be translated much less literal. As von_Lipstig and DYM both showed. I'll add some grimmer possibilities. Be warned:

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It could also mean castration of men. The German word "Entmannung" pretty much fits the bill..... but from there it could also mean some men spontaneously became women or got spontaneously dressed in women clothes. While loading a gun for example.

Furthermore it could mean the ship devoured its crew to gain strength or some other reason. She would "deman" or "unman" herself. 

If I go with DYMs "not husband" translation it could also mean all men turned into their (future?) wifes or got replaced by them magically. 

So it could be a really ugly scene...... a whole crew of castrated, partly consumed sailors..... and a confused (or insane?) female god in human form in the midst of it all.

In case the word "Apoandrasis" hasn't a fixed meaning in a text which could be found in 1939 in Germany, I suggest the Kriegsmarine either uses a latin expression like "Demasation" (literally a apoandrasis in latin) or finds a German word for it. "Spontane Selbstkontrolle" nur so als Beispiel.

Maybe Schleswig-Holstein forced her crew to hoist the banner of the Reichsmarine after the initial engagement with Despair was over.

Korky, wouldn't the Kriegsmarine be more likely to adopt the mythic interpretation of events? Especially once the rest of the German government gets ahold of it. Walküren isn't just a sailor's nickname, it's the official term from the German government, which itself is happy to support just about anything that pushes it's internal mythology.

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1 hour ago, TwoHeavens said:


Korky, wouldn't the Kriegsmarine be more likely to adopt the mythic interpretation of events? Especially once the rest of the German government gets ahold of it. Walküren isn't just a sailor's nickname, it's the official term from the German government, which itself is happy to support just about anything that pushes it's internal mythology.

I disagree. A very contemporary example is the popular term "Hartz IV" in comparison to the correct term "Leistungen nach dem Sozialgesetzbuch II - Grundsicherung für Arbeitssuchende". And the only part of German government to endorse "Walküren" promptly and officially would probably be the (Waffen-)SS and then maybe the ministry for propaganda and peoples education. So it is the political official term maybe, but you clearly underestimate the precision needed in bureaucratic terminology. Also it deters Allied intelligence from even attemtpting to read bureaucratic communications for fear of losing their own sanity. 😉

That said, "Walküre" is probably "Selbsterkennende spontane Erscheinung welche über Identifikation mit und lokale Bindung an ein bestimmtes Schiff verfügt", or "Selbsterkennende Schiffserscheinung" for short and practical, daily use. Such practice is common in Germany. My example above has "Arbeitslosengeld II" as official short version.

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2 hours ago, Käpt'n Korky said:

 So it is the political official term maybe, but you clearly underestimate the precision needed in bureaucratic terminology. Also it deters Allied intelligence from even attemtpting to read bureaucratic communications for fear of losing their own sanity. 😉


Well you know my opinion on bureaucratic terminology. No worries about anyone besides a few singular members of Allied intelligence reading those documents though, most of us can't even read our own bureaucratic nonsense with our minds intact never mind advancing to the eldritch horror that is German bureaucratic communications. Honestly I think the whole thing's an international plot to bring around the end of the world... but that's a different discussion... or is it? Hmmm... note to self ask ONI to investigate the whereabouts and movements of US bureaucrats leading up to 1 September, 1939.

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