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In my newest playthrough,  I was experimenting with familiars as I have never used one to any extent.  It occurred to me that I could not find the Familiar's Gift spell in the spell lineup.  I have Familiar Kinship 10, so it should be there.

Later in the game, I reached Piety 10, and began looking for Cleanse and Remake, and it is also missing.

Did the Devs remove the stat enhancer spells from the game?


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You're probably missing a Pheme. You need to have learned all of a spell's Phemes before you can cast it, which can require you to jump through some hoops. For The Familiar's Gift your best bet is to clean out the Field Medicine subskill (Empower is Field Medicine 8, which will pick up Blood on the way if you don't have it). For Cleanse and Remake you're missing either Righteousness (Ethics 1 is the easiest source, assuming you've got the subskill unlocked) or Beseech (Prayer 5 should be available if you're going for C&R).

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