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My best Morvidus Student


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He was a gates mage at the Schohanwicht with Love with Oriabel Sidot. He did several, but not all, Morvidus adventures, including Pelia's.

His courses were: Athletics, Dialectic, Grammar, Negation, Revision, Zoology.

My statistics were as follows:

Fitness 12

Finesse 7

Charm 7 (10 with emotions)

Strength 5

Intelligence 17

Insight 12

Luck 5 (6 with emotions)

Aesthetics 1

Ambush 3

Arithmetic 0

Art 8

Astrology 13 (14 with emotion)

Athletics 15

Befriend 11

Beguile 7

Blackmail 1

Botany 1

Brew 2

Bully 3

Calligraphy 1

Compete 7

Cooking 2

Dialectic 11

Duel 1

Economy 2

Enchant 12

Engineering 1

Enspell 1

Espionage 4

Explore 10

Forge 11

Gates 10

Geometry 1

Glamour 3

Gossip 1

Grammar 14

Heraldry 10

History 11

Incantation 12

Language 10

Law 1

Malice 4

Mastery 0

Music 1

Natural philosophy 4

Negation 14

Patrol 1

Plot 6

Raid 3

Religion 2

Research 18

Revision 16 (17 with emotion)

Rhetoric 11

Rimbal 1

Sabotage 4

School Survival 10

Sleight of Hand 7

Society 6

Spy 0

Synchronicity 0

War 3

Zoology 12

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5 hours ago, TNN said:

How do you get such fine stats?

Strength is the most difficult one to raise in the game. I did it through the following things: athletics (and getting wresting to level 11) allow for +2 strength. Another point of strength through completing the adventure Naming Beasts. Then the last strength point was through either "A walk Along the Lake" or "Morvidus Plans an outing" (I forget which). Raising charm was to 5 was through training at Master Whip's Studio - the rest was through completing adventures. Luck was easy to raise through the adventures Carnage in the Fields and Cloudy Skies - to say nothing of Negation Mastery. I hope that these tips are helpful.

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15 hours ago, Rhialto said:

Strength is the most difficult one to raise in the game. I did it through the following things: athletics (and getting wresting to level 11) allow for +2 strength. Another point of strength through completing the adventure Naming Beasts. Then the last strength point was through either "A walk Along the Lake" or "Morvidus Plans an outing" (I forget which). Raising charm was to 5 was through training at Master Whip's Studio - the rest was through completing adventures. Luck was easy to raise through the adventures Carnage in the Fields and Cloudy Skies - to say nothing of Negation Mastery. I hope that these tips are helpful.

Thank you very much!

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