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KS Update 198


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Woo! I hope we get Eddie's interview at some point soon. It would be nice to get to know another Town-class. And I loved getting to see the sisterly dynamic between her and Belfast. I wonder then if maybe Belfast would ever do any interviews or is Wichita the one and only, because I'm there for the sibling rivalry

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On a venom note, we do have a documented case of a large venomous serpent coiling itself round the turret workings of a warship of the Imperial Russian Navy, Second Pacific Squadron. Apparently the incident was resolved without too many people getting bit. It's a bit of a shame they got rid of the snake really, it probably vastly improved the combat potential of the ship.

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Wow, Mahan scheduled her. That was way back then.....

I like the hint about Scharnhorst. Now I really want her and Lebi in one fleet together. Even though I won't hide my disappointment of Gerhard being used as comic relief. And given her sister is August... that makes for a missed opportunity.

What's so demeaning about it? And if all of them feel that way -as Bellies reaction suggests-, why was the admiralty board so mean? Or crude? Or both? *plans to go rogue intensifiy*

Can someone please explain to me Auld Reekie? I get the words, but who or what is it referring to? A mascot skunk? Mascot skunk confirmed?? And who killed it? Can we avenge it? 

And what's "barry" in the given context?

On a different tune, I actually posses a written version about the events in question at Glencoe......

Talking about things familiar and starting with "Glen" (yes, I know what a Glen is, too), the last time I had Glenkinchie was ages ago, see, the story starts in 2001 and..... but I digress. Why Glenkinchie? Nearest distillery to Eddie? Only Scotch the author knew? Tell me about it.

Ohohoho..... she speaks on behalf of the Town-class sisters..... so there's more than just two of them in the game? Just to anger Mr. Wells, I hope for Glasgow and Liverpool.

"Of the names in their foul language from the uttered only in depths of Hell" - yeah, yeah, just say it already......

Ah yes, that cute thing at Invergordon. Worked like a charm and well "mutiny" is such a harsh word for it. Kiel was a mutiny. Invergordon was...cute. It was an ordinary strike. Cry me a river. Treating the officers with respect.....pfff.....mutiny. Also it was successful AND embarrassed the Royal Navy...so much they struck the Atlantic Fleet and renamed it. And nobody died. So what's not to like? 

What's warm sporran? And how does it taste?

They say "och" in Scotland, too. Noice.

Overall I'm a bit ambivalent about Eddie. On the one hand her positive attitude, especially towards alcohol. On the other hand I'd probably need to be tipsy the whole time to endure her skittish and apparently unreliable nature for longer terms.

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A sporran is the furry pocket on the front of a kilt.

Auld Reekie means Old Smokey, referring to the city of Edinburgh when coal and peat fire smoke covered the skies


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Nice mention of the Invergordon mutiny. A bit weird having Edinburgh mention it, since she was still in mente Dei when it happened, but she is closest geographically, I guess...

Speaking of which, apart from some old destroyers derated to torpedo boats, by 1939 there weren't any Italian ships around involved in what could be defined instances of mutiny regarding D'Annunzio's occupation of Fiume (nowadays Rijeka) in 1919-20. 

For the Marine Nationale, though, the Provence is still around, for the ships that were involved in the Black Sea mutiny.

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