Schwarzbart Posted September 16, 2022 Report Share Posted September 16, 2022 My name is Seng Schwarzbart 4th son of a minor noble from Strozzan. Because my mother is the child of immigrants from the far east my appearance especial the eyes are kind of unusual. From what I learned my father only became a land owning noble a short time before my oldest sister was born. Still, he was actual born as 2nd son of a Noble und became famous when defending a border of my uncle against a fleet of raiding pirate's. My interests are books, books and maybe tales about battles and the tactics used there. So, my wish was becoming a librarian or maybe even a mage. Sadly, my parents had other plans for me and so before the letter for my place at Vernin arrived, I had to learn and serve as Page at another noble house. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schwarzbart Posted September 16, 2022 Author Report Share Posted September 16, 2022 Before I arrived at the Academagia I was wondering about my class list, I have not even a single school of casting magic listed! Do I maybe have no talent for what traditional is imagined as Mage? Before I go on and complain maybe I first should list the class I have to take: Arithmetic A basic class for the Vernin College and mathematic is important to follow a receipt for magical items.Dialectic What good will this class do me? I don't plan to become an investigator! I would have preferred Incantation, Astrology, Revision or even Calligraphy any day over this. Enchant My only real magic class and it is sure interesting to be able to craft potions and magical equipment in the long term. But is it any good without other magical skills?Geometry Ok another mathematic skill although in my opinion not as important as Arithmetic it still should help with Enchant.Music Is this something for recreation? I really don't understand why I got this class over others. Zoology I don't have a Familiar, don't plan to become a hunter and it's even a core skill of the rival college! So why should I learn about animals? To me it feels like I got the short stick on my classes. Maybe I was just a fill up who got lucky that a person planned to join Vernin couldn't join? Still, it should be more interesting to be a student at the prestigious Academagia then continue to live as Page. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schwarzbart Posted September 16, 2022 Author Report Share Posted September 16, 2022 When I arrived, an older Student called Oan showed me around a bit and told me that we will meet at a other day again but even after 1 week this day didn't arive so far. At the room I share with some other 1st year Vernin there was a letter left behind from a former student who shared a few tips how to "survive" the 1st year. I can't take the person who have written this letter for full as he didn't even mention the great libraries housed at Academagia with one word! Already on my first day in Zoology some Morvidus student made it clear that I'm not welcome in this class, especial a flowerchild called Eliana. Because of this I used some things I learned as Page to gain favour with the Zoology professor. With this I hope to learn more about the background of Eliana and have him hopeful step in when things become too troublesome. During the Enchant class in the 1st week I even found 2 new friends. Although it is some after class work, I joined a club called Bookworms Club. Thanks to be in this club I got easy access to good book and so most of my free time this week I had my nose in them. Today, Sunday the 7. Athonos on my way back from the Tempel I spot that a famous Jeweler is teaching basics of his crafts with a nearly free schedule. This sounded to interesting so that I signed up without considering that the last week was already stressful enough and the 200 pims are a lot of money for me. Because I had nothing to do with crafting before joining Vernin I might learn important knowledge for the enchant class from him. Also, in case I fail to become a Mage, maybe Jeweler is a more interesting job then Page. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schwarzbart Posted September 16, 2022 Author Report Share Posted September 16, 2022 Week of 8th to 14th Athonos This week I had lot less time to read books then last one. For one class started to become interesting and we got homework as well. Then I got 1 afternoon in detention because I have read a book while I was supposed to listen to the Professor and so I had to be more careful. Beside this Detention was something else, the Professor was attacked by a brother of his and I had to suffer from this as well. At last, after we escaped the glamour, my detention ended. This week I also managed to visit Brisbane the Jeweler I paid to learn some basics from last Sunday. He even explained how to cast the 6th Finger spell, but I failed to learn the necessary pheme for it in the short time. At a place that I should visit under the order of my father there is an old woman that promised me that she teaches me some unusual magic. Then there was the visit of some invisible creature, I suspect a bird, that promised me some place to study magic. But why is my memory so hazy when I try to remember more about this encounter? Anyway, I think this probably explain why I have no magical class beside Enchant. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schwarzbart Posted September 17, 2022 Author Report Share Posted September 17, 2022 Week of 15th to 21st Athonos With the help of Oan, my mentor, I actual managed to cast my first spell this week. This simple Glamour spell called Glow of Victory only needs the Mirabilis Pheme drawn twice on your palette. Although wenn I later tried again I only failed what make my doubt rise again that I'm not able to use the normal casting magic. Oan also explained to me a few things about how to make new friends and how to care for a familiar. Because I already got me some friends, although we don't hang around that often, and I still didn't have a familiar this other info wasn't that helpful, for now at last. During the Workshop days I decided to explore an old tower at the territory of our college. The key for me to enter was the time Pheme something I learned from a history book. But the first fight after entering was already too difficult and I wone just by pure luck with my heirloom knife against this huge cat. Although I found a good magical sword afterward, I think the exploring of the rest of this tower need to wait for a later date. The rest of the Workshop days wasn't all that enjoyable because small scales fights between Academagia students and an entertainer guild happened all over the place. What worse I got back to the College after curfew once and was spotted by the Legate what earned me a reprimand. For Zoology I already managed to read nearly the complete material we supposed to study for the exams. So, when I did entertain Professor Pachait once again as page he suggested me to learn some topics about the strange creatures called fish. Thanks to the holiday I also managed to read a lot again. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schwarzbart Posted September 17, 2022 Author Report Share Posted September 17, 2022 Week of 22nd to 28th Athonos This week finally came what I learned from Master Brisbane and what I learn during the Enchant class together. Now I can cast the very useful Sixt Finger spell and that even reliable! Also, I earned the first money from helping Master Brisbane at his Jeweller shop, although so far only around half what I paid for the teaching. The spell Glow of Victory still only works every 2nd or 3rd casting but that is still a clear improvement to last week where I failed nearly all try. I also learned everything needed for the Revision spell Inspirational Thinking that helps with Researching. Sadly, my lack of knowledge of revision magic makes it next to impossible to cast it. Thanks to learning about the Library of the Mantle and Stars I managed to gain some very limited understanding in Astrology. When I was helping in a library in my function as Bookworms Club member there where even 2 stranger who from their talk try to steal a map. So, I signalled a nearby Professor about these suspicious persons and despite that they draw their weapons it took the professor only a short time to arrest them. This week I also got my hand on a quite unique magical book about music. After I solved a magical music puzzle, I was drawn into the book where I had to go through 2 more tests before I was named Master of Music. I would have put this off as a dream if it wasn't for the amulet with a miniature Lute on it that I suddenly wearing afterwards. Another person of our Enchant class joined our clique this week and so we are now 4 people. Eduard Solov'ev from Hedi, Aymeri Cauer, and Tabin Furenzti both from Aranaz are now beside me in this Clique. Thanks to my recent performance in the Enchant class I was invited to the Back Office from Professor Leith. There i was told that I can watch the ceremonial enchanting of the Great-Wall from the 1st row. I better had avoided to watch it, not because it was boring, but because some prank did go wrong. So instead of the representing Keystone from the Great-Wall the magic somehow was directed to my hand. When I awoke in the infirmary, I now have a glowing rune on my Hand. I was told that for now I have to bear with this till they have found a way to transfer the magic to its rightful place. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schwarzbart Posted September 18, 2022 Author Report Share Posted September 18, 2022 Week of 1st to 7th Pramidi Oan showed me this week that places especial in and around Academagia can have their unique effect on different things you are doing. She also showed me another way to earn favour with a professor, although serving them for a bit as a Page have a much better effect with less time spend. When the regent from Vernin sends for me to check on my hand, he also asked me if I could help him with a task. Because I accepted to help him, I had to enter a cave and to bring back what looks like a key. Without the light spell from Eduard, I think I would already have failed at the cave entrance. This light spell created a reaction in the stalactites and stalagmites of the cave, made them to shed light as well. Because of this it only needed a bit of search to find the only one not reacting and get the item hidden in it. With my many visits to the Venalicium Library as a Bookworms club member I discovered a place where something must be hidden. When I planned how to get in there, I realized that my friends and I have no ways to get beyond the Wall. Hopeful no one else take whatever treasure is hidden there before us. This week I finally also got through nearly all the material from Dialectic that I supposed to study for the Exams. Afterwards things where I was kind of stuck in the Enchant class and Master Brisbanes teaching got easier to understand. So, this class makes me understand complicate stuff easier? That is sure be handy, but I still would have preferred a magic class instead. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schwarzbart Posted September 18, 2022 Author Report Share Posted September 18, 2022 Week of 8th to 14th Pramidi This week I was introduced to a good shop by Oan, hopeful they also pay well for things I have to sell and not only have an interesting stock. There were also some people who tried to trick me into release something evil on this world, so I destroyed the vial they asked me to get for them. At last, I hope I did the correct thing but when someone else gifted me a magical bracelet for what I did I suspect this probably wasn't the correct way either. After I got this rune, I also was checked up regular by Professor Leith, my Enchant Professor, but it more and more looks like it is just to have a cheap helper. Still, during the Friday Enchant class I was allowed that from now I can do join the commission work for Academagia to earn some money. To clear my head, I visited the nearby city Frontino who had a small festival going. But instead of just relaxing there I had to meddle with the feud of 2 families. What worse I not even managed to improve the situation by even a little before I had to return to the Academagia. Thanks to a so-called Red Ship the Regent and I made a day trip to the Great Wall, something usual taking weeks using normal ships. In the Mineta chapter house of the Aultrine Order, where this ship is stationed, I suddenly hearing a voice to not trust and be wary. I didn't know who I should be wary about and not trust, also I still wondering who said this, so for now I have no other choice then just ignoring this "warning". The Red Ship interior looks like a crazy mix of technology and magic with little place left for the crew and any passengers. When it started it really got crazy, all these loud noises, the strange controls that changed every second and worst of it, I was pressed into the seat as if a stone house had crashed down on myself. When we got close to the Wall, I no longer could feel the pressure and even could get up from the seat. From what they told me I'm apparently linked with the wall and the closer I got to it the more strength I get through this rune. With all this strength I got from the Great Wall maybe I should become someone guarding it if the rune can't be removed. Anyway, after confirming this theory, we did fly back. Once we got back to the Academagia I was sent to the office of my Geometry Professor. Apparently, he found a way to reduce the negative impact this rune has on people near me and also dimmed the glowing by a lot. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schwarzbart Posted September 19, 2022 Author Report Share Posted September 19, 2022 Week of 15th to 21st Pramidi This week started great when I visited Professor Leith again to let him check the rune, there was an emergency. I was sent to look for a specific receipt in the Infirmary Library and despite the unusual filling system I found it fast. After the other patient left the Professor explained to me how to make a Vitality Potion with some common materials. Also, he allowed me to use the Infirmary Library as long I make sure to keep the filling system he uses. When I walked into the city to sell some of the stuff that got stacking in my wardrobe, I collide with a man who wearing pots as some kind of armour. I was wondering what's up with his strange outfit and was told that he is an albatross. Thanks to my Zoology class I know that the animal he thinks he is, is probably an armadillo. When I told him so, he continues to wander, apparently now happier. For the things I sold, at the shop Oan introduced me last week, I managed to get a Wand for Revision that also said to increase your luck, a ring that increases my Glamour Methodes, and another ring that improve my Astrology. Afterwards I even left with more money in my pocked then I had before. There was also an interesting Arithmetic class this week where we had to use Arithmetic to decrypt a message. It took our class over 10 Min to decode it but with the Oliba's Reading spell I'm sure I could have done so alone and in less time. Sadly, I still haven't found how to draw the Understanding Pheme and even then, I have my doubt that what I learned about Astrology so far would be enough for it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schwarzbart Posted September 20, 2022 Author Report Share Posted September 20, 2022 Week of 22nd Pramidi to The Dance of Fools This week a lot of things happened but first let start with a personal goal I reached. With Music I now have managed to complete to go trough they topics I'm supposed to study for half my class. Sure, I still have some reviewing left before the exams, but the rest is done for these 3 classes. I hope I manage to get the 3 other classes to this point also before the mid-term exam. During a walk around the city, I meet the pilot of the red ship again. With some questions regarding the red ship and the live of a monk I accompany him to the Aultrine Order chapter house. For the next few days, I visited him every evening. Thanks to his easy-to-understand lessons I learned a lot about Theology, Piety and Prayer during this time. What was most impressing is that they not only have prayer but also spells like Awareness of the Blessed or Cleanse and Remake. Especial Cleanse and Remake turned out to be an extrem powerful magic, that increase all my Attributes for 4 days. I still need the help of a place of piety, like the Prayer Grove at the back of Durands campus, I already manage to cast it this Sunday. After I cast the spell, I want to present my progress and so I went to the Aultrine Order chapter house. There I saw the Red Ship lifting off and perhaps 1 minute later I hear a loud explosion and the chapter house turned into rubble. I found the pilot and part of his crew unconscious outside of the rubble. If the pilot is here, who is then flying the ship? From the underground of the remains of the chapter house I suddenly hearing a help call With the help of other people, we managed to save what turned out to be a prisoner. One of these helpers turned out to be a professor at Academagia and she decided to take the monks and the prisoner to the infirmary of the academy. Despite my regular visits of the Aultrine Order chapter house this week, I still found the time to help at the library as bookworms club member. Now the librarians are even willing to pay me as part time Filing Fugue. Sadly, this job is clearly underpaid for me with the 10 pim they pay per Evening. For me helping Master Brisbane is clearly the better job option when I need money. If librarian is also a bad paid job my dream in becoming one got busted. During a club meeting, I also learned about a meeting place where people exchange their knowledge called Emperor Sphinx's Room. During the Festival of Pixies my clique was pranked into skipping some stones at a place that turned out to have a water spirit. I was even so unlucky to hit the head of said spirit with a stone. Although at first it looked like we were able to convince the spirit to not punish us, in the end we were still all turned into penguin. Thanks to the Revision skills of Tabin we were turned into emperor penguin instead of common ones, that still didn't change much. A stranger told us then that if we help removing the trash from this body of water the spirit might lift the magic from us. We each did swim to different places to clean out the trash, and when I was done with my spot, I was really turned back into a human. The spirit was even so nice and picked 2 items from the trash heap I build on the shore and explained to me that they are magical. Thanks to this I got the Gloves of the Revisionist and the Robe of Water's Endurance from this dirty evening work. I don't know what the other got from this as we got the tactile understanding to not talk about this evening in the future. I wonder why our clique members from Aranza found it funny to join Durand de Thiomines, a 1st year from Durand, for the Dance of Fools despite from a rival college. Because we were not sure where the parade is we asked an older lady and she send us through some allay. Following the trail of caramel we found a parade, but it is clearly of some very old style. We were invited to join also but need to disguise either as a beast or a dragon. Natural we selected the beast side as the dragons where the enemy of all living. The massacre the beast did on the dragons prove our decision to be correct. What followed had the feeling of a historical theatre play for education. From this we learned why this old celebration was replaced by the Dance of Fools. On our way back we found the grave of one of the first fool. When we told our experience in a tavern to the History Professor it turned out this history including the grave where forgotten. As soon we reached the gate the guard there recognized me and direct send me to an office for a meeting with the Legate. Apparently, the Aultrine Order monks and the prisoner recovered by now and are in a meeting with the Legate and some Regent when I entered the office. There I was told that apparently the head monk of the chapter house in Mineta betrayed the Order and probably by now try to destroy the Great Wall. I had to learn as long the rune is at my body if this wall is ever destroyed, I'm also dead. Because the prisoner is a master of the forbidden gate magic there is a way to get fast to the Wall although with some risks involved. The other option would be taking a normal mercenary ship that would take weeks, something we or better said I most likely not having. So the prisoner brought the crew of the red ship, the Regent from Durand and me to the Great Wall. Although we were a bit spread out on the Wall, all arrived save, just the person casting the Gate spell was nowhere to found. I took us not long to find the Red Ship with the head monk nearby. The monks and I try to convince their former head monk to stop his foolish plan when suddenly a dragon was spot. Because dropped to a prone position to take cover I touched the Wall with the rune. The rune and energy it gave me left my body and entered the Wall right at this moment. There was then suddenly a bright light all around us and when we could see again the dragon had turned around fleeing. The head monk was in a state of shock and could easy captured by the other monk. Because the Red Ship was undamaged, we could return to Mineta by early Monday morning. Thanks to Cleans and Remake this night without sleep didn't affect me at all. Urgs I'm back to my long writing because I now reforming the story to fit with the character Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schwarzbart Posted September 21, 2022 Author Report Share Posted September 21, 2022 Spells as of 7. Gelamus I'm kind of confused why I suddenly know so many spells that I can use. Was it thanks to the Cleanse and Remake spell, that I had a close encounter with dead, that I saw other people using magic, or just my memory of books I read got together somehow? Maybe it is all this together? Spells I now can cast without any difficulty:6th Finger A simple spell of the Enchant and Revision school that helps a lot with working on Enchant projects or at the Forge. It even lasts for a full week.Awareness of the Blessed A simple spell of the Revision and Religion school. It improves your sense for Dangers at the cost that you can't communicate that well for 2 days. Benefice from Above An difficult to cast spell of the Astrology and Religion school. Gives a 5-day lasting small increase to success with Beneficial Actions and Abilities that might even increase your Intelligence and Insight.Moment of Peace A very simple Incantation spell that remove some stress and let one withstand stress better during the next 4 daySolace A very simple spell of the Revision and Religion school that reduce your Stress even more then Moment of Peace. What more for 1 week your Temperance and Composure increases. Synchronize Schedule A Time and Glamour spell that once you managed to learn it is very simple. Plot and Coordinate is raised for all clique member for a full week. Even better a full 1 in 20 chance to hit the target of a ranged attack despite all the odds.Warm Cloak A very simple Air and Incantation spell that keep one warm. We learned it from the Legate thanks to our college winning the college competition. Spells I still have some problems but work at last half of the time:Cleanse and Remake A very difficult Religious and Astrology spell that increase all your Attributes for 4 days. I think that you start do disregard your own live during its effect is a big flaw of this spell. Glow of Victory A Glamour, Glory and Charm spell that is supposed to be simple. It increases the casters Charm, Glory and Beguile for 5 days.Inspirational Thinking An Informative, Knowledge, and Revision spell of moderate difficulty. It increases ones Research and Insight for 3 days.Seed of Doubt An Glamour and Confidence spell of moderate difficulty. The target loses its confidence, get stressed, and even get hampered with all the Actions and Ability it tries for the next 4 day. Stiff Upper Lip An Emotion and Glamour spell of moderate difficulty. It increases ones Courage and Leadership for 4 days. On a good casting it even increases the Forge and Enchant skill sets by more than the 6th Finger Spell. Spells I know everything needed but without some helping push can't castDurand's Flotilla A Glamour of moderate difficulty that increase your Patrol and Courage for 3 days. Unless you manage to perfect cast it all your Actions and Ability get hampered for this time as well.Harmon's Strife An Glamour and Emotion spell of Moderate difficulty that permanent reduce the relationship of the target with some other people.Jumble Letters An Alphabetic, Enchant, Glamour spell of moderate difficulty. The target has its Intelligence and Insight reduced and even better see a slightly higher chance of failure with all Action, Ability and spell it tries before it next rest.Marcum's Square and Rectangle An Numeric and Glamour spell of moderate difficulty. For 3 day it increases your Intelligence, Geometric Laws, Dialectic and Logic.Number Knack An Numeric and Glamour spell of moderate difficulty. For 3 days your Astrology, Glamour, Incantation, Negation and Revision is increased.Oliba's Reading An difficult Astrology, Alphabetic and Numeric spell. For 3 days it increases your Cryptology by a lot. Somehow it feels to me that the spell assignment to a standard school of magic is quite deliberate. As someone who didn't really study any kind of spell magic shouldn't I only be able to cast very simple spells? Still all the religious spells except Cleanse and Remake come quite easy to me, while a spell like Glow of Victory is still difficult to cast for me. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schwarzbart Posted September 22, 2022 Author Report Share Posted September 22, 2022 Week of 1st to 7. Gelamus When we returned from the Great Wall it was still way too early to do anything, so I decided to go for a nap. During this nap I had a strange dream about a storm brewing from a nearby mountain with a man in the centre of it. When I then head outside of the dorm building, I realised that the wind got stronger by a lot, and it started to rain. I still did walk around a bit to get this unsettling dream out of my head. The stroll ended when I encountered a professor who was asking me what I'm doing outside during this weather and at this early morning time. At a place protected from the weather we were talking for a bit. When the talk came to the dream I had, the Professor wo introduced himself as Regent Finus Piaxenza and asked me to go with him to meet the Legate. Again I had to tell the whole dream, this time to the Legate Orsi. From the Legate I had to learn that the one who was summoning this currently brewing storm was a former Legate of Academagia. This former Legate called Mjolnir lost his position in disgrace. Somehow, I managed to worm myself into the team of Regents that will fight Mjolnir. Despite the weather the ride on a gryphon was an interesting experience. Sadly, it turned out that I was more of a hindrance then help to the Legate and Regents. Although our side won the fight, somehow I have the feeling it isn't the last time I will seeing Mjolnir. The next day, when we were still busy with repairing the damage Academagia suffered from the storm, we got under the attack of masked creatures. These creatures look almost like humans, but something is off with their faces and back. To help the professor some student including me distracted the enemy and that was enough for the Academy side to win. When then enemy fleeing one of them lost a scroll and I pointed the Legate, who was also in the group of professor, toward the scroll. After he read the scroll and showed it also to a regent, I was asked by the Legate to follow in his office. In the office I was explained that I should warn some kind of Duke of an upcoming attack. But why must this Duke live in a dangerous forest and why must it be gate magic again to get there fast? Although this time it is from an artefact and not from a person it is the forbidden gate magic. Just when I did fall out of the gate on the other side, I did land in front of an Ogre. Lucky it is a follower of the Duke I had to meet but apparently the enemy I should warn him about where already hunting him. The enemy have flying wyvern good that we are in a wood and not under open sky! Still, I couldn't keep up with this fight and at some point, I was knocked out. When I woke up for some time, I was in some kind tree and saw a small Opinicus lying next to me. Somehow the next time I woke up I was in the infirmary that I saw many times the last weeks. And only a feather of this Opinicus child prove it that I didn't dream all this. When I finally full recovered in the infirmary the repairing of the buildings were also be done. Because of the close encounter with dead, I distract myself with learning the basics of some music instruments in the evening during the next days. During these few days I also once followed some senior students where they did go to eat lunch because the lines where too long in our canteen. The food at the Debatters was good and the entertainment was interesting, sadly 15 pim just for 1 meal is too much for a poor student like. This price show me once more that any job that only pay 15L or less for 4h of work isn't even worth it. Oan, my mentor took me to a duel between two 3rd year this weekend, but it was too one-sided that I could enjoy it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schwarzbart Posted September 23, 2022 Author Report Share Posted September 23, 2022 Week of 8th to 14th Gelamenus I can't believe that I wasted nearly all free time last week in learning to play music instruments when the exams are in less than 1 week! So, this week I had to focus mostly on study for the remaining class. At last, I managed to finish all the suggested material for Enchant this week, what leaves me with only with the 2 mathematical class to do. Checking with the exam schedule I decided that Geometry is the next I have to study for. The egg hunt during The Hunt was nearly too easy for me and for be the first to find an Egg I even got the 50 Pim price money. There was a parade from a mercenary group that use horn, a music instrument. They even demonstrated that they could destroy walls just by blowing their horn. When they took a break afterward, I asked their leader how this works and so learned that they use an enchanted horn. The leader also told me where they train. So, during the weekend I then learned the basic how to play this horn and even managed to break a wall. They lend me one of their horns so I can train with it till they return to Mineta the next time. Because so far, I had nothing for ranged offence this horn was exactly what I had missed. When I returned to the college Oan around Sunday noon Oan was looking for me. She wants to look for something called Trees of Knowledge but why do we start at an old warehouse? In the warehouse we had to find a secret entrance, then have to go through a dark passage were no magic works, and at the opening after the passage had to realize that a near dead plant actual give us the clue where to look in a riddle. Afterwards we had to find a way to enter the Imperial Reserve, and find there the clues for the next location. When we entered the circle at a grove the hints pointed us too we got attacked by a large swarm of praying mantises. Good that I remember that they hate loud noises so I could use the enchanted horn for the first time after the practice ended. Despite that the spell is an incantation it feel like it either triggered a gate magic or is in it self a rewritten gate spell, I already had this feeling when we crossed the dark passage both time we did go trough it. In front of the Trees of Knowledge Oan apparently lost her voice and so it was on me the react on the question what we want. So I modified the words of a great leader of the past to fit with the current situation and ask for Wisdom, what we got granted. I never saw Oan this happy as she was when we left. From what she told me she finally saw a dream fulfilled that she dreamed about for over 2 years. Her story make me wonder if I also have to leave behind some task I took on me this year to be solved at a later year. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schwarzbart Posted September 24, 2022 Author Report Share Posted September 24, 2022 Week of 15th to 21st Gelamenus This week I managed to finish the study for the Geometry class, now I only have the Arithmetic class left to study for. That means I finally back on track to manage finishing the study for all the class I have before taking the midterm exam for it. Still, I fear for some of my class the "Study Mastery" alone won't be enough to reach the suggested 50% minimum exam result. Early Pramidi I found a place in that I want to check out for a secret chamber and final I think I have the means to check it out. Abusing some of the rights I earned as bookworm member I managed to seal of the area where I suspect the chamber. Entering the secret chamber wasn't an issue any more thanks to the enchanted horn, only a friend had to make sure no noise going out. I didn't expect a lightning trap right behind the wall. To our surprise the chameleon from Tabin turned invisible and passed the trap without any problems, it also disabled the trap from the other side. The text is long enough and still short enough to use the principles of codebreaking. After a few failures to get the Olibia's Reading spell working it took me less then 30Min to comprehend the meaning of this text. Apparently, we have 3 choices what knowledge we want to get and the majority vote in my clique was to go with the knowledge how people lived back then. Although I would prefer the math knowledge, learning about the Early and Middle Empire should be useful for me as well. After we left the secret chamber, it sealed itself once again. Because I already found a way inside the Imperial Reserve, I took on an extra credit project from the Zoology professor. Although I didn't discover what was asked what asked by the Professor I decided to turn around when an old Ortsov blocked the passage. This creature was long past its best years but angering a creature that at its peak could rival dragons isn't worth some extra credit. When I reported my trip and about the Ortsov to the professor I still got 3 extra credits from him. When I had to visit Mineta anyway to get some supply I visited a music instrument shop as well. There I could trade a few Charmel Chews I still had left from The Dance of Fools for a barley used lute of good quality. From a librarian that work together with us bookworms, I was evaluated that for the Research skill, and even for the Religion skill I already reached the limit for a 1st year. Although my Decipher Handwriting could still get a bit better, and my Religion skill is only based on Piety, Prayer, and Theology. So, there is still a lot of room to broaden my knowledge about Religion. Sad that these skills are not part of the Exams I will have. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schwarzbart Posted September 25, 2022 Author Report Share Posted September 25, 2022 Week of 22nd to 28th Gelamenus When I did go to the city to have something different than the usual canteen food, I discovered an old man studying WeiQi! That called up memories from when I was a small child and my mother try to teach me this game. On a closer view the old man wasn't study WeiQi but instead play against the board itself. When the old man saw that he has and interested observer I was invited to learn the game. The old man was surprised when I told him that I actual learned know it at a beginner level. His surprise even increased when I managed to win against him, although it was only at a 9 stone handicap game. Afterward he invited me to a dinner and told me that he is looking for a new method to increase his live. I was offered this self-playing board as reward if I manage to find him a method that he still can use. Now then where to find such a thing? A library at Academagia? Maybe, but as bookworm club member I never seen a book that have such a topic so far. Moment, didn't a distant relative who now live in Mineta work as alchemist in the past? Good that my father had given me the address of this distant relative before I left home. So, I visit her home and introduced myself to the old lady of the Schwarzbart family. She told me that I should have visited her earlier and why I so far didn't start the teaching she had arranged for me! Confused about her words she reminds me of the woman I had to visit on my father's order and that the person is still waiting for me. I actual complet forgotten about her with all the things going on for me! Before she could go on, I told her the reason of my todays visit. She then told me to bring the old man to her house as she isn't sure if she has the right thing for him. Lucky the old man still sat at the table and playing WeiQi. So, it didn't take much time to bring him over. Afterwards I was sent back to Academagia to not miss the curfew time. The next day I had a letter near my bed that only said that I should come to the house of old Miss Schwarzbart after class because work is waiting for me there. Now than I did as asked and was then tasked to copy a specific receipt from a book and then buy the materials needed for it. Making the copy took me 1 evening and the needed shopping another evening. On the 4th evening I played WeiQi against the old man again while Miss Schwarzbart preparing the potion. Sadly, this time I lost extrem bad against the old man. After the potion is handed to the old man, I got the regular price for the materials I had to buy, the self-playing board and was allowed to keep the copy of the receipt I made. Miss Schwarzbart even praised me to get may self also one portion of the core material called Schwarzbart Weed. She just suggests me to look for a different project to use this for as only a Master Alchemist can brew this potion. Half of this week was gone just like that, and I still have to study for Arithmetic! So, the rest of the week I had to study like mad to finally finished with studying Arithmetic class as well. In the end it did feel good to reached Study Mastery in all class before the Exam starting next month. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schwarzbart Posted September 25, 2022 Author Report Share Posted September 25, 2022 Spells as of 7. Cheimare Because I now have found some way to really learn the basic ways of magic, I found some time during the class time to put all the spells together I know so far! The reason I could do so is because we have to attend some kind of self-learning during the usual class time when we got no exam. New spells are market with N. Spells I now can cast without any difficulty:6th Finger A simple spell of the Enchant and Revision school that helps a lot with working on Enchant projects or at the Forge. It even lasts for a full week.Awareness of the Blessed A simple spell of the Revision and Religion school. It improves your sense for Dangers at the cost that you can't communicate that well for 2 days. Benefice from Above An difficult to cast spell of the Astrology and Religion school. Gives a 5-day lasting small increase to success with Beneficial Actions and Abilities that might even increase your Intelligence and Insight.N Crone An Vocal, Music, and Glamour spell of moderate difficulty. It increases your Voice and your Vocal Musik performances for 4 days.Glow of Victory A Glamour, Glory and Charm spell that is supposed to be simple. It increases the casters Charm, Glory and Beguile for 5 days.N Insight into Planet's Schemes An easy Astrology, Insight, and Knowledge spell. For 3 days your interactions with one person get a good improvment.N Intense Focus An very easy Glamour and Mind spell. For 3 days it gives a good increase a sub-skill of your choice, but also reduce 2 random sub-skill. On a good casting your Insight is increased as well.N Lift Knowledge An very easy Revision and Pattern spell. For 2 days it gives a good increase to your Decipher Handwriting and Research. On a good casting Cryptology and Filing also gets a good increase.Moment of Peace A very simple Incantation spell that remove some stress and let one withstand stress better during the next 4 dayN Quick Wit An easy Knowledge and Glamour Spells. For 3 days in increase your Chance of Success with all Social Action and Abilities. Although for the same time your Negation and Persuasion is reduced.N Saving Face An very easy Appearance and Glamour spell. For 5 days your Aesthetics, Cosmetics and Courtly Fashion is increased.N Scan Music An very easy Music and Glamour spell. For 4 days your Lute, Lyre, Violine, Voice, and Harpsichord sub-skills are increased.N Sing-Song An very easy Music and Glamour spell. For 5 days your Famous Songs and Voice sub-skills are increased. On a good casting even 4 relationships with you are improved.Solace A very simple spell of the Revision and Religion school that reduce your Stress even more then Moment of Peace. What more for 1 week your Temperance and Composure increases. Synchronize Schedule An very simple Time and Glamour spell. Plot and Coordinate is raised for all clique member for a full week. Even better a full 1 in 20 chance to hit the target of a ranged attack despite all the odds.Warm Cloak A very simple Air and Incantation spell that keep one warm. We learned it from the Legate thanks to our college winning the college competition.N Window to the Past An very easy Glamour and Research spell. For a week your Library Knowledge and an History sub-skill of you choice is improved. Spells I still have some problems but work at last half of the time:N Baldacci's Invigoration Spell An Revision, Stimulate, and Empower spell of moderate difficulty. For 4 days the target of this spell gets the Vitality, Strength and Courage increased. But also suffer a lot of Stress and losses the Temperance sub-skill for the duration Cleanse and Remake An very difficult Religious and Astrology spell that increase all your Attributes for 4 days. I think that you start do disregard your own live during its effect is a big flaw of this spell. N Conservation An very difficult Astrology and Numeric spell. You earn 60 Pims while 20 nearby persons losing 3 pims each.Inspirational Thinking An Informative, Knowledge, and Revision spell of moderate difficulty. It increases ones Research and Insight for 3 days.Marcum's Square and Rectangle An Numeric and Glamour spell of moderate difficulty. For 3 day it increases your Intelligence, Geometric Laws, Dialectic and Logic.N Minor Lift An easy Air, Revision and Item spell. For 4 1/2 day the size of an item is reduced and so make it also more concealable. N Musical Talent An simple Music and Glamour spell. For 3 days all your Music sub-skills are increased and your Music skill itself even get a major increase. Number Knack An Numeric and Glamour spell of moderate difficulty. For 3 days your Astrology, Glamour, Incantation, Negation and Revision is increased.Oliba's Reading An difficult Astrology, Alphabetic and Numeric spell. For 3 days it increases your Cryptology by a lot.N Organized Mind An moderate difficulty Knowledge, Informative, and Astrology spell. It increases your Intelligence, Research Action and Abilities for 4 days.Seed of Doubt An Glamour and Confidence spell of moderate difficulty. The target loses its confidence, get stressed, and even get hampered with all the Actions and Ability it tries for the next 4 day. Stiff Upper Lip An Emotion and Glamour spell of moderate difficulty. It increases ones Courage and Leadership for 4 days. On a good casting it even increases the Forge and Enchant skill sets by more than the 6th Finger Spell. N Wizard's Aid An easy Revision and Magic spell that make spellcasting easier for the next 4 days. Spells I know everything needed but without some helping push can't castDurand's Flotilla A Glamour of moderate difficulty that increase your Patrol and Courage for 3 days. Unless you manage to perfect cast it all your Actions and Ability get hampered for this time as well.N Flush of Anger An Glamour and Emotion spell of moderate difficulty. For 4 days the target get the Diplomacy and Patience skills reducedHarmon's Strife An Glamour and Emotion spell of moderate difficulty that permanent reduce the relationship of the target with some other people.N Impress Listener An moderate difficulty Speech and Glamour spell. For 2 day you get your Luck, Flirting, Flattery, Persuasion and Negotiate increased. Jumble Letters An Alphabetic, Enchant, Glamour spell of moderate difficulty. The target has its Intelligence and Insight reduced and even better see a slightly higher chance of failure with all Action, Ability and spell it tries before it next rest.N Reveal Flaw An high difficulty Knowledge and Glamour spell. For 2 days all your Spells, Actions and Ability get easier. Because I suspect that from now on I will learn many more spells, I'm unsure if I'm willing to spend the time to continue expanding this summary of my known spells. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schwarzbart Posted September 26, 2022 Author Report Share Posted September 26, 2022 Week of 1st to 7th Cheimare The month of the mid-therm exams is upon us. That students who have no exam at a day have to go to class just for self-study with only the materials we brought with us is a really bad arrangement. At last, the professor should allow us to go to the libraries and learn from the books there. Because this arrangement is boring like hell to many students it becomes the time of the pranksters und bullies. I'm wondering if this will result in a war like situation when more students can't stand the stress anymore. To help my clique I used Synchronize Schedule during Monday's lunch time. Also, when I realize that one of our members became to stressed, I use Solace or Moment of Peace on them. One book I brought to read during this self-study time pointed me to a Crystal Bridge at the Gondia Park that supposed to somehow teach all kind of magic. Not really understanding how it works but when I relaxed some time at this bridge, I clearly learned a lot. I suspect there is some glamour dream magic or even outright mastery magic at work. The later would also explain why it is forbidden to enter this bridge. Anyway, just this single visit increased my understanding in Glamour Spells, Incantation Methodes, Moons, Theory of - Negation and - Revision. The glamour part even included the Saving Face spell. As promised, I visited the woman living at the bog a few times this week. Somehow, I have the feeling that all the visits this week where tests hidden within a normal conversation. After all this visits this week, I was told that I'm not ready for the school she wants me to visit, but she will teach me starting with the next week. From everything I could piece together its Gate magic I will learn from her and later at the school. That we don't have regular class these days don't mean that the Professor don't make us do some tasks for them. So, my Music professor asked me to learn how to play a Maestringer, some kind of enchanted violine. To get this instrument and learn how to use it I had to find the bard Aello. Finding him and then learning how to use the enchantment together took me a whole evening. The next evening, I performed with it in a public place but there it was then stolen when I left my eyes of it for a moment. Thanks to the education I got in my Dialectic class it only took some time to find the tief and get the undamaged instrument back. The thief was at the misbelieve that magical item like, the Maestringer could be used by just about everyone. During lunch break at the next day, I then performed with it for the Glamour professor, and she got entranced by it. Just great, after this performance the next professor expect great things from me in the future, at last the task asked by my Music professor was done. In hope to get some extra credit I returned to my Music professor but instead the expected extra credit I got the violine and as bonus a piccolo. For the Exam results I got 50 in both Geometry and Dialectic. While the 50 points in Geometry was just mediocre, in Dialectic it was enough to be the class best. The second best in Dialectic was a student from Durand called Kurt Henning. Good, that for Geometry the mid-therm exam only counts for 5% of the final score for this year. So, I still have a good chance to become one of the best. Aymeri Cauer 50 Caligraphy Tabin Furenzti 31 Caligraphy 54 Geometry not only was he better then me in Geometry, but with 63 the best in Revision Eduard Solov'ev had no Exam this week. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schwarzbart Posted September 26, 2022 Author Report Share Posted September 26, 2022 Week of 8th to 14th Cheimare This week I only had the Zoology exam and 65 point I was only slight better than the snake girl Uliva Valaresso with 62. The rest of my clique had some mixed result, but only Eduard with his Athletic score on the lower end did stand out. Aymeri Cauer 71 History 51 Glamour 41 Athletics Eduard Solov'ev 46 Glamour 33 Athletics 52 Grammar Tabin Furenzti 65 History To release some of our build up stress and test our team coordination in a battle, we did join the testing of a new combat simulator. We had to fight against a horde of Goblins with some humanoids of even larger size then humans mixed in. The simulator is in an extrem unfished state in my opinion, it only has unenchanted weapons, pure Revision and Incantation spells. So, we ended up with a big handicap because only Tabin could use magic For us positive is that this simulator also not recognized that we have Synchronize Schedule running what I refreshed during Monday's lunch time. Although we didn't get all that far, we still managed to earn 50 Pim each from joining that fun. When helping as bookworm I found a 2-step receipt to create a wand for Negation magic using the Schwarzbart Weed. But even the orthography part for the 1st step is too difficult for my clique members that for now I only could make a note where to find the receipt. Hopeful later this year Aymeri or Tabin learn enough about Orthography that they can help me with this part. During another day helping as a bookworm, I found a note left behind in a book. Despite it was protected with a spell I still managed to read the message. Apparently, a student was looking for help from a friend of his how to best start something with a girl he like. Despite wondering why such a note end up in this book I decided to help this student. So, I returned this letter with some encoded information about his crush using the girls name as the key. I also found some time to visit the house in the bog to work as the apprentice of the lady living there. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schwarzbart Posted September 27, 2022 Author Report Share Posted September 27, 2022 Week of 15th to 21st Cheimare This week I even had 3 exams, but I'm done now with them till the endotherm exam come around in some month. With Arithmetic 50 I shared the first place with one student from Avila, one from Aranaz and another one from Vernin. For Music I even reached 100 points the same as Katja Quinnecht from Godina, again for a shared 1st place. The 70 points in Enchant that I somehow reached is by full 10 points better than the 2nd best, Rixenda la Serana also from Vernin. With be the best in 5 from 6 of my classes I probably standing out a bit too much, lucky it was shared 1st place for 2 of them. Let also have a look at my follow clique members: Aymeri Cauer 39 Rhetoric 44 Enchant Eduard Solov'ev 63 Rhetoric 50 Astrology 25 Enchant Tabin Furenzti 61 Astrology 27 Enchant The last place in the Enchant class goes to a Morvidus bully called Joana Lio y Rossollo with 18 points. My friends sadly are not doing much better! Maybe I should introduce Tabin and Eduard to the Jeweller where I learned some basics from. This week I again did try on the tower that the time pheme opened. Although I was wounded in the progress, we managed to beat all creatures of the ground floor. The path to the 2nd floor apparently needs a different unlock that we didn't manage to unlock during this visit. Also, there were no additional treasures found in this floor beside of the sword I found during my first visit without my clique. During a bookworm club meeting we missed the curfew of the library and where locked in. So, we had no choice to stay in the library for the night. A book spirit alerted us to its presence via some light. After we helped it against a book spirit that belong to the restricted part of the library, it told us that a book was stolen from there that usual keep them in check. Despite the danger of book spirits, I apparently still sleep in. When I did wakeup, I found myself in a different library. Picking a book from the shelf next to me I realized it's a language I never saw so far. Checking some more book, I found out they are all from the same language. I put one of them in my knapsack and started looking for an exit, on the way I was discovered by some "normal" spirit. This spirit then asked me for the help to recover a book for them that they could be free. When I accepted to the task, they showed me the way back. I would have considered this as a dream if I didn't have the book when I did wakeup at the same spot my follow Bookworm members are. Asking them if they know the language, they all answered negative, but I got point to a language expert who recently regular visiting this library. The next evening, we meet again to recover the stolen books. One of the club members managed to pinpoint the location of the book via Astrology and realized that it isn't just 1 but 2 of them. Although the villa was guarded, we managed to recover the 2 books. We even managed to sneak into the restricted part of the library to put the books back. When we were discussing where to place them, we were caught by a professor. Lucky, we got away with just a verbal warning to not doing such a thing again when we explained what happend. Beside this I also visited the house in the bog once again to continue my apprenticeship. Strangely the Zoology part of her teaching was mostly about fish but not exclusive so, I also learned about Gate Methodes and Anatomy. If I didn't know it is about Gate magic, I would suspect I am learning Incantation Phemes. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schwarzbart Posted September 29, 2022 Author Report Share Posted September 29, 2022 22nd to 25th Cheimare Although we no longer had exam this week, we 1st year again just have self-study sessions in a classroom. From Oan I learned that the later years still have exam during this week and so our usual professor had to help there. If this week is still an exam week, why didn't the exams that were placed on a Saturday wasn't instead done this week? This week Monday I finally found the Language expert my fellow Bookworm Club members mentioned. Showing him the book with the strange language he direct asked me where I got it! So, I got to tell him the story about the strange library, the spirits there and that I was asked to find a book for them. This language expert promised to help me with this task if I allow him to join when I return the book parts and hand him over the book I just showed him. He then followed up that he will find the book parts but in return I have to find a way to gain them. The book I taken from the library had no real worth for me and getting help from someone who can find the book parts is actual a good deal for me. So it was an easy choice to accepted to this deal. He promised me that by tomorrow evening he already have the first location. The next evening, we then visit a cook who thinking the strange writing in his book part are cooking receipt. Because I have no talent in cooking, I decide to outright buy the book part for 50 Pim. This didn't take long so I had some time to relaxe at the Crystal Bridge where my mind again got filled with magical knowledge. If learning just always was this relaxing and easy! Lucky no professor came to this corner, or I would be in problems because I got to relaxed at a restricted area. Wed. we then visited a gravedigger, and somehow his face looking familiar. For his book part he asks us to perform a sinister show. I have the right thing to use here, playing some sinister violine piece strengthened with the enchantment of my Meastringer. Beside the book part we also got a sinister puppet that had seen better days. On the way back I finally remember where I had seen the face of the gravedigger. Last week he had delivered 2 large sacks to the house at the bog. Cunning businessman, he probably earns twice from each corps he supposedly burry. The puppet is probably something he got from a grave as well. Thursday, we meet a band that using the last part for the lyric of their songs. Convincing them that lyrics are be used by every band they gave up the book part. Before we entered the library it looks like the language expert preparing for battle. Seeing this I am preparing my sword and horn to fast be usable. Right when we entered the library we got attacked by undead, also the spirit are actual human dark mages of high ages. After some fighting the language expert throw a book toward me with the order to destroy it. When I saw something flying toward me, I already moved my sword before his words really reached my mind and cut the book. What followed is that the old men were sucked into the book, all skeleton crumbling to dust and as last the book vanished. When all was over a group of heavy armed men showed up and the language expert turned out to be their leader. For helping them destroying these evil mages they only managed to seal away I earned the Glasses of Focus from their captain. This magical glass increases the Intelligence, Study Habits and Concentration of the wearer. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schwarzbart Posted September 30, 2022 Author Report Share Posted September 30, 2022 26th to 28th Cheimare During Friday's class I learned that I have to visit the Legate in his office after classes and Saturday my Zoology Professor asked for my help at the Lodge of Forgotten Winter. So, after class I found myself with the rest of my clique and some other people in the office of the Legate where we were explained that we have to search for 3 pirates. They supposedly have set their camp at a nearby forest. After my clique agreed to strategical search for hints of the pirates the other could only follow up with our choice. Sure enough, less then 1h after we started, we found a camp for 3 people inside the forest that looked like it could be from the pirates. My knowledge of the animals let us avoid all the dangerous ones. What my group impressed the most was that once they lost sight of me, they could no longer tell where I was. After the report is finished, I had to stay behind just to learn that during the holidays I had to stay at the house of Miss Schwarzbart. Beside this surprising news, I was also asked to visit the office tomorrow once again, after I returned from the trip. Saturday after breakfast I did pack what I should bring and what I think is useful. And as expected, the Professor want me to serve him and the Tyrant Wolf as Page, while they were playing a game of cards. While I was serving them for some time, I suddenly hearing scratching noises from below. Informing the Professor about this they stopped their game, and the Professor open the door to the basement. When we looked there was just a prisoner here wo apparently made the noises. Suddenly an unnatural darkness creeping into the room followed with the noise what sound like the combat of multiple beasts. Although I could use the Horn for an area, I don't want to risk a blind shot, not knowing who or what I will hit. So, I trying to use the Beginners Dispel against this darkness. At first, I only slowing down the expansion but when I renewed my focus on the Dispel the darkness finally vanished. Spotting the Professor knocked out but no one else here I am using first aid on him. It only did take him few Minutes to full recover and then he started analysing the traces of the combat and all the left tracks. On the way I was explained that apparently evil werebeast captured the Tyrant Wolf and we have to rescue him. Thanks to magic from the Professor, we could approach them unnoticed. When one of this werecreatures approaching the Tyrant Wolf with a sinister looking dagger, I started with an attack using my horn, followed by a wind spell from the Professor. Right behind the wind spell I rushed in to take the bound Tyrant Wolf out while the Professor keep going with magical attacks. After the golden robe that binding the Tyrant Wolf was removed, he regained his senses. Seeing the size increasing of the Tyrant Wolf the enemies started to run away. From the talk on our way back it looks like I left a good impression on the Professor: But somehow I have the feeling, that it was way more important that I left a good impression with the Tyrant Wolf. As promised I visited the office of the Legate once I returned. I was tasked by the Legate to search for a thief who have stolen a magic staff and retrieve the staff. Because the Legate have a good guess where the thief was to find I found him in a short time. Although the thief was resting the staff was still close to him, probably to close. Also, there is apparently a non-magical alarm trap. In hope there is not a second alarm trap, I bypassed the one I just spotted and stealthy approached the staff. When I tried to snatch the staff I realized the tief holding the other side. Suddenly I feel a presence next to me and there is the Legate standing challenging the thief to a duel. Did the Legate really just forget to place an duel circle for the duel? Both the Legate and the thief are apparently of the same strength and the duel is interesting to watch if not for the risk to hit by an astray spell. So, I assisted the Legate by direct him to favourable terrain. When victory was nearly at our grasp some sprite showed up to play with the staff. This resulted in an explosion that blasted the sprite, the tief, the Legate and me in different directions. We still managed to capture the thief and get the staff. Strangely I feel some kind of connection with one of the sprite there, maybe it was even me why the spirits even came here. But I guess it probably just some misconception on my side. Back at the office of the Legate I got an letter that I had to hand Miss Schwarzbart the day after tomorrow. Sunday I had to do some homework, doing some minor tasks for the bookworm club and continue my apprentice time at the house in the bog.The stories got so long again that I cut off the holidays for a other posting Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schwarzbart Posted October 1, 2022 Author Report Share Posted October 1, 2022 The Passing to Itinera The Passing is where people traditional researching their ancestry. So, it's a busy time for the Bookworms. I got tasked to help the History Professor who helping visitors of the library with their ancestry research. Only by the evening I then managed to go to the house of Miss Schwarzbart. Naturally I didn't forget to deliver the letter from the Legate. Over dinner the old lady then showed then interest what we learn in class these days, and was quite shocked that there was nothing we were thought for the complete last week. She also was shocked that beside Enchant I didn't have any regular magic subject as class. I also found time to do the remaining homework. For The Weeding Feast I had to assist Miss Schwarzbart in creating an Invisible Cloak using pure alchemical processes. She explained that this way one doesn't need to do extra steps to hide the magical energy. Also, she ranted that during her time as Artifice and Alchemical Professor she never would let Vernin Students have a 1st year without Alchemy class. This all she then on the current Vernin Regent who in her opinion is probably the worst Regent Academagia ever had for Vernin. For the evening I then meet with my clique to sneak into a Weeding Feast. To our luck there where many students beside us so our school uniforms didn't stand out. The food and entertainment is on a high level, although not on the level when my family visit my uncle, it still the best I saw in Mineta so far. Beside paying my tuition I spend most of this day at the Academagica Vegetable Gardens observing animals. There I once again have the strange feeling of connection I first had during near the end of the duel of the Legate vs the Thief. This time it is even more intense! It's like a part of my self is somewhere out there and hiding from me. When I returned to the house of Miss Schwarzbart the feeling slowly faded away. Talking with the old lady about it she explained that I probably started to form a familiar bond with another creature. Thanks to the Zoology class I already know how to take care of normal familiar she then only teaches me Exchange Familiar, just in case our bound don't work out for us both. After breakfast Miss Schwarzbart casted some magic on me. She then suggests that I should visit the Vegetable Gardens again but should return before lunch. Observing the animals in the garden for some time I was approached by a sprite when I was starting to eat an apple. Getting a feeling of hunger from the bound I cut off some part of the apple I didn't bit in and hold it toward the spirit. The sprite is carful approaching me and then fast take the apple out of my hand before landing next to me. If I'm not wrong, it is a Springtime Jenny. After some time of conversing with this sprite called Wildflower, it got time to return for lunch. After I asked if she want to come with me Wildflower agreed and landed on my shoulder. When lunch was over, I was asked to clean the kitchen and dining room to fulfil one of the usual traditions of Itinera. Wildflower was a good helper with this task because she could fly. So, she could clean ceiling light where I would have difficulty to reach them. I think at one point I even saw Miss Schwarzbart spying on us with a smile. Before we headed back Miss Schwarzbart gave me a parcel for the Legate that contain the invisible cloak and a letter. She reminded me that I need to register my new Familiar at the Academy and that at last for the next time I should build my bound with the sprite at forest areas. At the office of the Legate opened the parcel and commented "As always perfect work from Miss Schwarzbart" when he could feel the cloak but couldn't see it. He then opened the letter and laughed "Looks like she has high hopes for you youngling, just one kind of warning don't mention what she thinks about your Regent toward him" For the night I then had to stay at the dorms because class starting tomorrow again. made a mistake in the 26th to 28th Cheimare using spirit instead of sprite a few times there, that is fixed now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schwarzbart Posted October 2, 2022 Author Report Share Posted October 2, 2022 Spells as of 7. Hinoshi Finally, I got some universal usable spell for my skills like Mathematical Acuity. New spells are market with N . Spells I now can cast without any difficulty:6th Finger A simple spell of the Enchant and Revision school that helps a lot with working on Enchant projects or at the Forge. It even lasts for a full week.N Armor of Winds A difficult to cast Incantation spell. At the cost of a minor penalty to your non magical Ranged penalty, you gain a good increase of your vitality and vitality maximum for 1 dayAwareness of the Blessed A simple spell of the Revision and Religion school. It improves your sense for Dangers at the cost that you can't communicate that well for 2 days. Benefice from Above An difficult to cast spell of the Astrology and Religion school. Gives a 5-day lasting small increase to success with Beneficial Actions and Abilities that might even increase your Intelligence and Insight.Crone An Vocal, Music, and Glamour spell of moderate difficulty. It increases your Voice and your Vocal Musik performances for 4 days.N Fortune's Choice An difficult Astrology spell. For a bit more then 1 day you drain the luck of a target to give you a slight better chance for nearly everything.Glow of Victory A Glamour, Glory and Charm spell that is supposed to be simple. It increases the casters Charm, Glory and Beguile for 5 days.Insight into Planet's Schemes An easy Astrology, Insight, and Knowledge spell. For 3 days your interactions with one person get a good improvement.Intense Focus An very easy Glamour and Mind spell. For 3 days it gives a good increase a sub-skill of your choice, but also reduce 2 random sub-skill. On a good casting your Insight is increased as well.N Law of the Circular A easy Revision and Numberical spell that for 2 days increase one selected sub skill by a good amount while 5 others are slightly reduced. Lift Knowledge An very easy Revision and Pattern spell. For 2 days it gives a good increase to your Decipher Handwriting and Research. On a good casting Cryptology and Filing also gets a good increase.N Little Delirium A easy Glamour and Affliction spell. Till your target rest the next time it becomes more Playful and is less careful where it does what.N Mathematical Acuity A very easy Revision and Numeric spell that increase your Applications of Arithmetic and 2 other selected sub skill for 3 days.Moment of Peace A very simple Incantation spell that remove some stress and let one withstand stress better during the next 4 dayQuick Wit An easy Knowledge and Glamour Spells. For 3 days in increase your Chance of Success with all Social Action and Abilities. Although for the same time your Negation and Persuasion is reduced.Saving Face An very easy Appearance and Glamour spell. For 5 days your Aesthetics, Cosmetics and Courtly Fashion is increased.Scan Music An very easy Music and Glamour spell. For 4 days your Lute, Lyre, Violine, Voice, and Harpsichord sub-skills are increased.N Silence Footfalls An very easy Air and Incantation spell that for 3 days give you a good increase to your Move Silent sub skill.Sing-Song An very easy Music and Glamour spell. For 5 days your Famous Songs and Voice sub-skills are increased. On a good casting even 4 relationships with you are improved.Solace A very simple spell of the Revision and Religion school that reduce your Stress even more then Moment of Peace. What more for 1 week your Temperance and Composure increases. N Sparkling Fields A very easy Glamour that increase your Observation, Perception and Playfulness till you rest the next time.Stiff Upper Lip An Emotion and Glamour spell of moderate difficulty. It increases ones Courage and Leadership for 4 days. On a good casting it even increases the Forge and Enchant skill sets by more than the 6th Finger Spell. N Swim as the Fish A very easy Revision and Water spell. It increases your Brute Strength, and by a good amount your swimming sub skills.N The Familiar's Gift An easy Revision, Familiar, Empower and Blood spell. For some of your Vitality some of your familiars Attribute are increased. on an average casting it is even all all Attributes of your familiar that are increased.Synchronize Schedule An very simple Time and Glamour spell. Plot and Coordinate is raised for all clique member for a full week. Even better a full 1 in 20 chance to hit the target of a ranged attack despite all the odds.Warm Cloak A very simple Air and Incantation spell that keep one warm. We learned it from the Legate thanks to our college winning the college competition.Window to the Past An very easy Glamour and Research spell. For a week your Library Knowledge and an History sub-skill of you choice is improved. Spells I still have some problems but work at last half of the time:Baldacci's Invigoration Spell An Revision, Stimulate, and Empower spell of moderate difficulty. For 4 days the target of this spell gets the Vitality, Strength and Courage increased. But also suffer a lot of Stress and losses the Temperance sub-skill for the duration N Beginner's Dispel An simple Dispel and Negation spell. If you want to remove or counter hostile magic this is where it begins. N Champion of the Voiceless An Animal, Glamour and Astrology spell of average difficulty. Permanent reduce the bound between your targeted familiar and its master.Cleanse and Remake An very difficult Religious and Astrology spell that increase all your Attributes for 4 days. I think that you start do disregard your own live during its effect is a big flaw of this spell. Conservation An very difficult Astrology and Numeric spell. You earn 60 Pims while 20 nearby persons losing 3 pims each.N Drop Guard An average difficult Affliction and Glamour spell. For 4 days the targets Danger Sense and ability to patrol isn't as sharp as usual, listening is slight affected as well.Harmon's Strife An Glamour and Emotion spell of moderate difficulty that permanent reduce the relationship of the target with some other people.N Heightened Senses An easy Sense and Glamour spell. For 5 days your targets Danger Sense, Observation, Patrol and Perception is increased. Inspirational Thinking An Informative, Knowledge, and Revision spell of moderate difficulty. It increases ones Research and Insight for 3 days.Jumble Letters An Alphabetic, Enchant, Glamour spell of moderate difficulty. The target has its Intelligence and Insight reduced and even better see a slightly higher chance of failure with all Action, Ability and spell it tries before it next rest.Marcum's Square and Rectangle An Numeric and Glamour spell of moderate difficulty. For 3 day it increases your Intelligence, Geometric Laws, Dialectic and Logic.Minor Lift An easy Air, Revision and Item spell. For 4 1/2 day the size of an item is reduced and so make it also more concealable. Musical Talent An simple Music and Glamour spell. For 3 days all your Music sub-skills are increased and your Music skill itself even get a major increase. Number Knack An Numeric and Glamour spell of moderate difficulty. For 3 days your Astrology, Glamour, Incantation, Negation and Revision is increased.Oliba's Reading An difficult Astrology, Alphabetic and Numeric spell. For 3 days it increases your Cryptology by a lot.Organized Mind An moderate difficulty Knowledge, Informative, and Astrology spell. It increases your Intelligence, Research Action and Abilities for 4 days.N Presence of Person An easy Presence and Glamour spell. Remove Battle Fear from the target and increase its Leadership and Command.N Rise of the Tides An easy Moons, Emotion, and Astrology spell. For 3 day the target has increased Passion and Playfulness, but with the cost of a slight reduction of Insight.Seed of Doubt An Glamour and Confidence spell of moderate difficulty. The target loses its confidence, get stressed, and even get hampered with all the Actions and Ability it tries for the next 4 day. Wizard's Aid An easy Revision and Magic spell that make spellcasting easier for the next 4 days. Spells I know everything needed but without some helping push can't castN Attuned to Surrounding An average Glamour and Discover spell. For 3 days your Navigation and Raid is increased, and even your luck is slightly increased. Durand's Flotilla A Glamour of moderate difficulty that increase your Patrol and Courage for 3 days. Unless you manage to perfect cast it all your Actions and Ability get hampered for this time as well.Flush of Anger An Glamour and Emotion spell of moderate difficulty. For 4 days the target get the Diplomacy and Patience skills reducedImpress Listener An moderate difficulty Speech and Glamour spell. For 2 day you get your Luck, Flirting, Flattery, Persuasion and Negotiate increased. N Lose Bearings An Mastery and Affliction spell. If you manage to overcome the Intelligence of the target its Explore skill is reduced, and even the luck is slightly lowered.N Punch & Exploit An Combat and Glamour spell of average difficulty. Your take some damage while you get your Melee and Ranged combat Action and Abilities are increased a bit. Reveal Flaw An high difficulty Knowledge and Glamour spell. For 2 days all your Spells, Actions and Ability get easier. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schwarzbart Posted October 16, 2022 Author Report Share Posted October 16, 2022 sorry took some break, but finally the spell list has its description for all spells now. It's quite the spell list now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schwarzbart Posted October 16, 2022 Author Report Share Posted October 16, 2022 1st to 7th Hionosi Most of this week's free time I spend with Wildflower exploring one of the nearby forest areas to strengthen my bound with her. I.e., we gattered some glowing bugs to make a non-magical lantern, I tested out the Improved Familiar Handling from Zoology class and so on. During this week I also had to attend an entry test for a gate magic school and despite I had to bluff myself trough this test I was accepted. Starting with next week I will attend this school with an unregular evening schedule in addition to my duties for Academagia and the Bookworm-club. Friday when we returned from the trip Wildflower found a letter addressed to someone in Academagia, so I took it on me to deliver it. Saturday, I managed to deliver the letter. As bookworm club member I even managed to help her find a transformation spell she needs to start with a scavenger hunt she was invited to with this letter. Lucky for her I had some time to help her with this hunt because she probably never would be able to enter a villa that I could easy enter with my status as noble. Took us quite some time to follow all the clues and got past the tests till we found the goal, the "goblin market". The access to this market should be useful for me if I get my hand on some less legal things in the future. One of my clique members came to me when I was helping as bookworm member at the library Sunday morning. Aymeri told me that a sunken building he spotted underwater during the penguin incident is now actual out of the water and he want to explore it together with us all. So, I finished my job and joined the exploration of this palace like building with my clique members. For most of the exploration we needed to swim around, and it was less exciting then imagined. Actual this time I couldn't really help much especial when we later were dragged in the illusion of a long past Mineta. What I still don't understand is why it was me who ended up with the talking wand called Wand of Ahriman's Mission when it was Tabin who provided the most. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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