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Favor Problem


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After working long and hard at limning, I finally got my relationship with Professor Ruprecht up to 10. I decided to cash that relationship in with a favor. I failed at calling in the favor, which is okay, except...it made my relationship go back to zero. Is this intentional? If so, it seems fairly harsh that one bad roll (what is the roll for favor, anyway? Why would I fail?) would erase all of the good will I had built up. Couldn't it just go down a point or two?

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Actually, this is another issue- Favor should not be possible to fail, and we are investigating. It's possible that Favor is working correctly, and what's happened is that von Rupprecht tried to teach you a Skill which you are at Maximum, thus failing. If this is the case, we will alter the rules so that you do not lose any Relationship if he finds he cannot teach you anything.


...if anything, maybe the Relationship should go *up* in that case. ;)

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