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Wellington99 last won the day on September 9 2022

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About Wellington99

  • Birthday 09/01/1994

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    Ohio, USA
  • Interests
    PC video games, playing guitar, military history, anime, writing stories in my free time, British naval vessels

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  1. Yeah there's currently a server issue going on. Haven't heard anything official yet
  2. The game at its core is a mobile game and has to be built to those constraints Presumably some time this month for the next Q and A
  3. While I agree about the stories: Mobile data. All about storage space and it adds up quick. They have had a Belle bash story, the Christmas one, which as 4 or 5 Belles interacting with one another. It's something that was hoped to keep on going. With the search for a publisher I'd imagine it would be a while before we got another. Regarding Hood, a long time. I just rosed her and grinded other maps to slowly get her because of how many vestures she needs. Also, make sure you're prepped. Her rescue battle's notorious for being the hardest so far, it's pretty much a make or break.
  4. Leningrad's eyebrows are a stylistic choice, anime-like, iirc Belles IIRC need crew to operate at 100%. They can aim, fire, and sail but they can't reload, repair, or put out fires. They need crew to work. As for the Morg threat, the game timeline ends in 1945/1946 when the threat presumably ends. Meaning that as it stands there's no idea of what happens, it's up to the players Stories, it makes it easier when you only have to manage the captain, the Belle, and occasional 2-3 other misc crew throughout the story. It's a stylistic choice, otherwise the stories would be massive I'd imagine.
  5. Well the French just had a war plan where they get aid from Mischief to build up Bart quicker, and I think they achieved that too, so Jean Bart should be done quickly We have been told too that if we get the conditions for it, the Royal Navy who has two Lion-class battleships under construction, that we might wind up finishing some
  6. The other thing I love, which maybe I'm biased about, is the whole War aspect. The war reports, actually affecting the timelines and such. Biased because I'm the UK's diplomant XD
  7. It's easy to get quick updates on and so forth on the discord, but I don't think it would be a big ask to start up with the forums. Discord allows for quick communications, voice chats, and even channels locked to national picks
  8. I got a bit excited and came up with a short bit about a Belle awakening on September 1 1939. Flex a bit of my writing chops a bit with it, seeing as I haven't written in a long while
  9. It is official ladies gents and everything inbetween and elsewise! It's launch day on Feb 22!
  10. New client = new Belles that have voices and a step further to launch
  11. Currently the last update we got was this week for the next build (last minute bugs)
  12. With any luck we should hopefully get launch before end of the year, but I'm not a member of the BCS team so not the best source of info. The good news with the current build is while it wasn't designed to go on as long as it has, it's brought up interesting scenarios and issues more late game
  13. Lot of the chatter is happening on the discord since the next phase of open testing happened as it is quick to inform with issues and resolves. The ongoing kerfluffle in Ukraine has delayed further updates to the game due to members of the team being in the effected area, however by end of month there's expected to be another wipe and update.
  14. Some of them were probably not 100% when the interviews started up, and probably were holding back until beta launch minimum for some.
  15. Quite a lot of work and effort put in for them all, especially considering we only got a smattering of '39 Belles revealed before the alpha and beta came out and we still got more Belles and more being shown off. It'll be interesting to see what happens after launch, if we'll get more interviews and updates. I think it'll be nice to tease Belles
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