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About Adrian

  • Birthday 01/16/1986

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  1. Using spells in adventures would be grand! Really grand! Having to cast spells before an adventure (because you tried, learned what you needed and then reloaded) always felt a bit off, especially if it was one of the more happy go lucky adventures. I'd wish you could tell more, but I'm patient and have a great deal of faith and fondness for the story that the team is creating, so I can wait. I'm not about as much, but best of fortune! - Now if you'll excuse me, I just learned that there was a patch that I need to download
  2. The problem as it stands is that you are likely not, in game terms, part of your clique, so just because your unwanted member hates you, it doesn't mean that he has any negatives with anyone in the actual clique, and thus has no reason to leave.
  3. Welcome to the forums! If you have questions feel free to ask (And to be honest, I was surprised that they moved Academagia up, several times now I have gone into Sheherazade's forums out of habit )
  4. Skirting the edge of autonomy; As the empire began its decline did any city or nation rise to take over the mantle of leadership - and how did it fare for them?
  5. Holyshite Freespace! 40 questions is quite a list (though 50 would be even better mwehehe!) - they are good questions though, several of them made me wonder how they would be handled or have been handled in our world. As for... 36. Are Phillipe's brothers known for any magical prowess? It's fairly obvious that the elder Marchant boys want him to live up to their example, so I would venture to guess a resounding no. Not that I'd necessarily say that to their faces, but maybe I would, toward the end of Y2, that is. - You wouldn't say that at the end of year two either, when keeping in mind that they are a whole family of.... *cough* I mean... hmm no, actually, they are a whole family of -biiiiib bib bib bib biiiiib-
  6. Damnit Aveline! We were winning the damned merit race too, and this.... *cough* friend of mine... actually... though I should like to strangle her... begins defaming Aranaz again.... and again and again. Is it wrong of me to want to bully her into the calm and quiet of the infirmay?
  7. Welcome Feytala! I am a bit late, but better late than never... and I never did any crafting either - I did do some duels though (which was needed at the time to stop a bully)... I wish I still had my /puppyeyes but I fear it doesn't work anymore... *le sigh* still I got a lot of other things working for me, so I guess it is an ok tradeoff. Making mods, or just writing adventures or silly little events is always good. We have had some really good ones throughout the years, and more are always welcome! Either way, hope you'll have fun on the board
  8. Albert, the Staff of the Eye is attained from an adventure that I wrote, but you are right, I hope to continue the adventure in later years. It will likely add a bit to the staff and a bit of backstory and a bit of total calamity the likes of which... *cough* I mean... Yeah, the staff might get better n' stuff, give it time. (And year two )
  9. I just wanted to say: "thank you Metis! Its a good list I need to look over for a bit"
  10. Welcome Silence! Glad to see active lurkers.... no wait... that came out wrong, I think. Eitherwho, if you got questions or anything feel free to ask. (If it is "When does it get active on steam" you'll have to wait in line, they are not telling -.-' ... that said feel free to pester anyway. Someone somewhere should love it. If not then I don't care to think of the amount of needless stress we have forced upon the world thoughout the years.)
  11. I can't be the only one who got the wrong meaning the first time I read this:
  12. Welcome to the forums Clara! I'll admit that I'm better at eating food than preserving it, but I'm glad someone is doing it!
  13. Welcome to the forums Boo! Hope you enjoy,.. I expect to sneak a peek on your astrology notes at some point...
  14. That makes me wonder if the dragons consider that a dragon is still ruling Elumia... Sure, the usurpers may be in power currently, but Dreadshadow Jr. the Second is the rightful king in those parts... we are just waiting for a good time to strike and reclaim what is ours.
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