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A strage sound?


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Event Name: A strange sound (Encounter chance: Uncommon)




Part 1: Within the bush


As you are passing through the forest just minding your own business and studying for your next class, you jump when you hear an odd sound within a bush.


Exit: Just walk away (No Roll)

Success: Must have been my imagination, besides I have better things to do then search a bunch of bushes in the middle of the forest!


Failure: (None)


-1 Curiosity




Exit2: Inspect the bushes (Roll/Courage)

Success: Alright now I know I heard something. Time to search the bushes I just hope I dont regret it.

+1 courage

(Unlock's: Part 2)


Failure: As you are about to search the bushes you hear yet another odd sound, this time much louder and much more ominous. Out of a massive and sudden fear you run as fast as you can toward your dorm room and hide under your bed. Quivering like a little baby.


-1 Courage

+1 Stress




Part 2: A Snake and an Egg


Much to your surprise you discover a rather large and dangerous looking snake about to engulf, a peculiar egg!


Exit1: Oh well just let nature be (No Roll)

Sucess: You head home without looking back. Why try to bother with nature?


Failure: (None)




Exit:2 Use Glamor spell to trick snake into eating something else!(Roll/Glamour Spell)

Sucess: You manage to create an illusion of a delectable and chubby looking mouse. The snake with a glint in its eye immediatly spits out the egg and slithers on to capture this delicious looking morsel

(Unlocks Part 3)


Failure: You manage to create a scrawny looking mouse, but the snake find's no interest in trying to hunt down something so small a puny.

(Return to choice menu)


-1 Glamour Spell

+1 Stress



Exit3: Try to pry the egg from the snakes mouth!(Roll/Brute strength)

Success: You manage to to pry the egg from the snakes mouth and then throw the snake to the side. The snake looks back at you with a bit of rage, but then slithers away with complete and utter defeat.


(Unlocks part 3)


Failure: As you are wrestling with the snake you accidentally crush the egg within the snake mouth. You feel absolute dread as you see the round mass slowly moving through the snake throat. You slowly put the snake down and walk home with with your head down.


+2 Stress

Add Emotion: Regret




Part 3: What to do?


You managed to rescue the egg from the snake but now you have no idea what to do with it and you surly dont want to place it back on the ground where that snake might comeback and get it. Pondering what to do with it you suddenly relize that it's starting to get dark out so without a second thought you decide to head home with the egg in your pocket. Once in your dorm room you place the egg within your wardrobe and head of to sleep, deciding to wait until tomorrow to figure out what to do with it.


Exit 1: Wait until tomorrow

(Skip to Part 3 1/2)




Part 3: What to do? 1/2


You suddenly awaken from a nice slumber by a loud crack. You immediatly run over to the wardrobe thinking the egg may of somehow been damaged. You open your wardrobe and find yourself within complete astonishment as you find the egg to be 6 if not 8 time bigger than it was yesterday. You immediately relize this is no ordinary animal growing within it.


Exit 1: Immediatly turn the egg over to the proper authorities(No Roll)

Success The teachers head over to your room with paniced looking faces and immediatly confiscate the egg, they thank you for reporting and leave but not without a nasty lecture about not messing with nature. Well at least you dont have to worry about anymore problems.


Failure: (None)




Exit 2: Take a closer look(Roll/Obervation)

Success: Whatever hatches from this egg will most likely be very large and possibly dangerous.

(Return to choice menu)


Failure: (None)




Exit 3: Wait and see what hatches from the egg (Roll/Curiosity)

Success: A few hours later you are awestriken to find whats inside. A dragon! You cant belive your eyes! Unfortunatly you've also remembered that once a dragon hatches from an egg it believes that the first creature it sees is its mother!


(Gain Familiar)

(Replace Familiar) *skills will be equal to current*


Failure: You think it's best not to wait.

(Return to choice menu)

(Removes *Observation* choice if not already attempted)




Lol, so thats it sorry if it's a bit off, my story telling skills isnt all that great, nor is my plot forming or grammar :)


I dunno maby this is a bit far I think it's a cool idea :)

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This is great! It needs a little bit more text, especially in the beginning, but otherwise is excellent. :)


Dragons also could not be Familiars, for reasons that you'll have to discover. :)


Thanks for the positive feedback and quite excellent bit of mystery there my friend :)

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