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Skill Perks


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I was looking in the Modtool for info on the Skill Perks for Aesthethics and it's subskills so I could get that info onto the Wiki and I noticed a few things that looked a bit odd. Obviously I looked for the lores/phemes in the modtool, but I cannot find the appropiate lore/phemes, so here is the list:


Court Hairstyles Perks

Court Hairstyles 2 has a lore selection of 'Exit 02'.

Court Hairstyles 3 has a lore selection of '15489'.

Court Hairstyles 5 has a lore selection of '15491'.

Court Hairstyles 7 has a lore selection of '15492'.

Court Hairstyles 9 has a lore selection of 'Attribute = Charm + Skill = Rimbal Tactics (Sub Skill) vs. Threshold = 8'


Courtly Fashion Perks

Court Fashion 2 has a lore selection of 'Meek III'.

Court Fashion 3 has a pheme selection of '15431'.

Court Fashion 5 has a lore selection of '16898'.

Court Fashion 7 has a lore selection of '16899'.

Court Fashion 8 has a lore selection of '15452'.

Court Fashion 9 has a lore selection of '16900'.


Perfumes Perks

Perfumes 1 has a lore selection of '15519'.

Perfumes 3 has a lore selection of '15520'.

Perfumes 5 has a lore selection of '15521'.

Perfumes 8 has a lore selection of '15522'.


Sewing Perks

SP XI - Hidden Pockets has a Magnitude of 5, but that probably should be 11?


Hope this helps and keep up the good work! :lol:

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I ran across some things that looked a bit odd, so here it goes:


Storytelling Skill Perks

SP II - Storytelling Reference Table is pointing to [Reference Table]Reference/Storytelling (Reference)

SP VI - Storytelling Reference Table is pointing to [Reference Table]Reference/Storytelling (Reference)


And if this is correct, than what does it do?


Furthermore I have been using the Revision of Skills Spell and I have been trying to use this spell to switch my Theory of Negation (at lvl14) with other subskills for adventuring, but have been unsuccesfull. Although the casting of the spell is always succesfull, the subskills always remain unchanged.


Hope it is usefull :)

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I noticed while using study that is wasn't getting the relationship boosts I was expecting.


So started up the modtool and found the following:


Enchant Study Perk II has a target of [Relationship]Character/Self/Character/Class/Selection of Class/Enchant/Choice of Character/Character (Default)


Now most of the relations boosts use something like this(shortened version): /Enchant/Random Character (Default)/Character (Default)


So I looked up all the Study Perks and found a few more that use the same target and I tested them and none of them give any increase in relations. So the problem seems to be in the Choice of Character part.


So here's list:


Enchant Study Perk II

Geometry Study Perk VI

Incantation Study Perk VI

Arithmetic Study Perk VIIII

Botany Study Perk III

Dialectic Study Perk VI


Hope it's usefull and keep up the good work ;)

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