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Patch 18 *Delayed*

Legate of Mineta

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Bad news- I am sick, and so is a key member of the coding team. I don't think this Patch will get out the door today- tomorrow seems much more probable.


We'll be cleaning up a few back-end save game serialization issues, along with some odd behavior for Parent Skill reporting- won't be too much longer, and thanks for the patience!

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I'm not quite sure what we'll do with Patch 19- the world's smallest Patch, I guess. :)

Now that most of the bug is fixed, does that mean you can relocate more coding member to year 2 development and year 1 improvement?

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given the expansive nature of the game, are you concerned about min maxers manipulating it to achieve unreasonable outcomes? aside from pheme spell stacking certain attribute and skill progressions and use of areas seem to work so much better than the majority of others, and the more variables that are in a game the more game cracking can be accomplished. and i understand year two will be even more complex?

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I don't think we are too concerned- the goal of Academagia is to role-play. If you prefer to min/max, you are perfectly welcome to do it- this and other reasons is why we are allowed modded games to be able to be loaded into Year 2 as well. :)


my concern about manipulating unintentional game mechanics is mostly concerned with the difficulty of play. if im able to max out skills or attributes in year 1 or 2 then later years become an exercise in button clicking. event checks? psh.

i suppose you could just roleplay as a super genius then?

it just seems like some things couldnt possibly have been intentional features.

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i suppose you could just roleplay as a super genius then?

it just seems like some things couldnt possibly have been intentional features.

I am not sure how year two works, but I would assume something like increasing the caps of all skill to 20, so you won't start as a genius because 10 skill rank is the new 0 rank to us (probably work as rank 5 black color in event thought). The attributes learning modified will also scale up according so unless you blatantly cheat with mod tool, min/maxing will not gets everything done, and it will only get a couple more things done, Ex: max 6-12 more subskills and finish 3 more adventure than normal player .


Edit: Of course, going by the trend the mix/max person will get 6-12 more sub skill EACH years, but hey, they work hard for it.


Edit 2: On second thought, since rank is at 20, we can only max 3-6 in year two and then 1-3 in year three, which then year 4 just to maintain current sets of skills while normal player should be maxing 1-3 new skills per year evenly due to lower bunch of skills to maintain, so in the end we are pretty even except we gets it early. This also considered that we can gain more ss in places in year two and so on.

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I am not sure how year two works, but I would assume something like increasing the caps of all skill to 20, so you won't start as a genius because 10 skill rank is the new 0 rank to us (probably work as rank 5 black color in event thought). The attributes learning modified will also scale up according so unless you blatantly cheat with mod tool, min/maxing will not gets everything done, and it will only get a couple more things done, Ex: max 6-12 more subskills and finish 3 more adventure than normal player .


Edit: Of course, going by the trend the mix/max person will get 6-12 more sub skill EACH years, but hey, they work hard for it.


Edit 2: On second thought, since rank is at 20, we can only max 3-6 in year two and then 1-3 in year three, which then year 4 just to maintain current sets of skills while normal player should be maxing 1-3 new skills per year evenly due to lower bunch of skills to maintain, so in the end we are pretty even except we gets it early. This also considered that we can gain more ss in places in year two and so on.


min maxing by spiking attributes early seems like it would get alot more than that. given 10 or higher attribute makes all skill leveling take one subskill, i could level 1-3 parent skills perhaps once a month in a given attribute if i use effective abilities to get a lot of extra skills. from intelligence and insight thats quite a bit.


and how do attributes scale up in later years? if i hit 10 all attributes except maybe fitness this year, but normal players hit 5, does it scale to 10? or 20? if 20, kinda hard for normies. and conceivably i could get higher than 10 in many attributes. plus research. if i do most of the attribute research, how do i even level attributes in later years?


this is not really accounting for skipping classes for bonus leveling or counting the +3 action times on holidays? i think you get maybe +30 actions over a year so 3 extra months. plus ill be leveling by events. i finished, as far as im aware, the dance of fools even and got like 5 SS raises and 5 relationship with durand. also a good clique gives you bonuses i think, i dunno, havent tried yet.


i may be overestimating the min max potential slightly, but im pretty sure the average person would get 1/2 to 1/3 of my skills due to optimizing attributes and of course 1/2 of the attributes as well. plus of course better skills means more successful events which means more skill advancements and also less injuries and stress which can take away up to 3 actions if you get caught on a weekened or holiday.

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Well, you need

6 attribute points in year one to get the corresponding skill modify at requiring one point, so at rank 20, I would assume it need 12 points at year two.



Research only get you to at most...+5 to each attributes and maybe to +8 in later years when new skills/magic is introduced for research, and then the rest is gain from adventuring or item boost, so both would end up burning up quite a lots of time where the normie would can training on their concentrated skill set while the mix/maxer continue to painfully expand their skills set a bit larger.


Event only give like 1-2 points boost so it would become quite negligible when the cap is raised to 30 at year three.


Now I would also assume that at a starting of a new year the game will check the stats of the player save and if the total amount of earned skill points its underperformed compare to the actual game difficulties, then it will mention something like parent send you to summer school and auto buff your stats to a fair value even to rank 15 if didn't learn a lot.


Backing to the attribute part, assuming the number keep growing, then year three would require

18 attribute points for skill rank 30, then 24 on year four for skill rank 40, and finally 30 points in year five for skill rank 50.



Anyway, all these still just theory and speculation, so until some new information is reveal for year 2, and wikia collects enough informational to properly calculate all these data, I will stick to my yearly diminishing 6-12 extra gain rate until then.

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Well, you need

6 attribute points in year one to get the corresponding skill modify at requiring one point, so at rank 20, I would assume it need 12 points at year two.



Research only get you to at most...+5 to each attributes and maybe to +8 in later years when new skills/magic is introduced for research, and then the rest is gain from adventuring or item boost, so both would end up burning up quite a lots of time where the normie would can training on their concentrated skill set while the mix/maxer continue to painfully expand their skills set a bit larger.


Event only give like 1-2 points boost so it would become quite negligible when the cap is raised to 30 at year three.


Now I would also assume that at a starting of a new year the game will check the stats of the player save and if the total amount of earned skill points its underperformed compare to the actual game difficulties, then it will mention something like parent send you to summer school and auto buff your stats to a fair value even to rank 15 if didn't learn a lot.


Backing to the attribute part, assuming the number keep growing, then year three would require

18 attribute points for skill rank 30, then 24 on year four for skill rank 40, and finally 30 points in year five for skill rank 50.



Anyway, all these still just theory and speculation, so until some new information is reveal for year 2, and wikia collects enough informational to properly calculate all these data, I will stick to my yearly diminishing 6-12 extra gain rate until then.


research gets me +15+ to int at least. since the research chart isnt done i cant say for sure if thats max or what max is on other stats. i do know i could have at least 19 int by midterms. but you say i only need 6 int to get every int skill 1 skill step to max level? hell ill have all skills at 6 by midterms and ill have raised skills in the meantime.


ill go ahead and attempt a test game with attributes at 6 by midterms and see what happens. hopefully i dont get sick too much and such.






as for your comment legate, its true if you make drastic changes each year i cant effectively predict the ideal strategy but once all the years come out, something i sadly probably wont be around to see, it wouldnt be too difficult to figure out the comprehensive best strategy.

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On that, inescapably, we agree. :wacko:


Given that im stuck with how year 1 works, so far these are my attributes with 2 weeks of the first month to go:



i got lucky and scored a point in planning from an event which is worth 1 Int and 1 Ins after 2 actions of follow up research. i also had the 3 research topics necessary for 2 more Ins and 1 more Int.


now ideally i would raise luck 3 points to make sure i didnt waste and of the astrology skill steps bonuses from library of the mantle of the stars. i would use that and mantele to raise my history as well as get a nice bonus to revision, both of which are classes i chose. and the other thing i would like would be 4 points in finesse, although i can wait on that since i ran all ins int classes to make sure i score good on the midterms, even if that doesnt mean much. my eventual goal is 10+ in all attributes as well as 150+ final exam scores. although 1001s look pretty according to you such a high score wastes many actions for minimal permanent benefit.

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