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Skill Maximum Increase Problem...


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Rah, Rah, Godina! In my most recent game (complete with all patches, updates, and DLC--my second game overall, and first with all updates), Godina has been in the lead with Merit points from day one. As such, I have already received several Merit Prizes (I think we are up to XXI, but don't quote me on that). The last few merit prizes have included "an increase to a random [magic type] sub skill Maximum." I just got my Incantation Phemes to 10, and saw that my Maximum was raised to 11 via one of the recent Merit Prizes. However, where other (non-maxed) skills list "Needed for next level: # of #", my Incantation Phemes lists "Skill level at Maximum" despite the skill only being at level 10 while the Maximum is listed as 11. Is this a glitch, or is this intentional? (ie, the skill can be raised by other means, but not training? Or perhaps it is something to be raised in Year 2?)

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Do you have some bonus that gives you minus to this SS? Because the Bonus dont count for the skill max but are calculated into the displayed SS.


I am not aware of any minus, though I admit that I am still new to the forums and thus am not entirely certain what SS stands for. Why would an "increase" to "sub skill Maximum" not actually raise the Maximum? I'm sorry; I'm confused.

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There may be an issue with the reporting here, but just to verify- what is your game's version? If you press F12 in the game and look in the bottom left, you should see, if you are fully patched. In much earlier versions, there were issues with reporting, especially on Maximums.


If you do have a more recent Patch, however, we'll want to look at your save game- if you can pm me a RapidShare link of your save, we'd appreciate it.


Thanks, and great school spirit. ;)

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