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Merit Prizes


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Hi, most of the later merit prize don't show up for me (and never have).


Just started a new game with patch 20 and DLC 4.1 and competed up to 1000 points. The Merit Prize that should exist and that I can't get :


Merit Prize XIII

Merit Prize XVI

Merit Prize XXI

Merit Prize XXII

Merit Prize XXIII

Merit Prize XXIV

Merit Prize XXVII

Merit Prize XXVIII

Merit Prize XXVIIII

Merit Prize XXX

Merit Prize XXXI

Merit Prize XXXIIII

Merit Prize XXXVI


Also Merit Prize XXXV description talk about the Sloppy Speech Pheme but you get the Perfection Pheme.

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Hmmm. We went through a pass on Merit a few Patches ago, and we didn't see any issues with these in particular.


Just to confirm, are you fully Patched? If you enter the game and press F12 you can see your version number in the lower left hand corner- if you are fully Patched, you should see


Let me know, and thanks!

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I noticed the following in the modtool:


The Ability Merit Prize XXIII, Merit Prize XXIIII and Merit Prize XXVII áre not in Ability part of the modtool


The Ability Merit Prize XXVIII is in the Ability part of the modtool twice.


And in the Merit part of the modtool there are 34 items, while there are 36 prizes.


Hope this helps!

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  • 3 weeks later...

So after DLC 5, I still have some missing merit. (but I get all the new correction that have been made). I start the new mod base today looking for something that could be different and I think I found the problem. All the merit I can't get are set to AND instead of OR.


To be precise : (In the Mod Tools, once I have the new mod base open)

Merit tab on the left

you see the name : 1 Abilities, 7 Prerequisites

open one

In the first tab (Prerequisites), on the right under Add New, Change and Delete

you can chose between AND or OR


All the merit prize I can get while playing are set to OR but the one I'm never getting are set to AND. What exactly does it do, I have no idea but I think that's the problem.


Here are the one set to AND:

Merit Prize XIII

Merit Prize XVI

Merit Prize XXI

Merit Prize XXII

Merit Prize XXVII

Merit Prize XXVIII

Merit Prize XXVIIII

Merit Prize XXX

Merit Prize XXXI

Merit Prize XXXIIII

Merit Prize XXXVI

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