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More than one step at time...


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My question today ( after this long absence ) is about aventures, it is possible to trigger the parts consecutively? Start adventure A0, and in the same action proceed to A1,A2,A3....etc.

Adventures are quite fun but too long to be doing in separated actions... you get busy whit the schedule and forget about the adventure , when you finely get to do, its been to long and don’t remember where stopped.

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First of all, all Exits have Continuances, either Success or Failure, which tell the game which Stage is next in line. Failure Continuances only need to be set if the Exit has a Roll; otherwise, it's just a Success Continuance in all situations.


For the Continuance, you want to set it as a 'Context Date' Type with Offset/Duration/Variance each equal to 0. This will force whichever Stage you've set the Continuance to immediately upon Success or Failure, depending on the Continuance.

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