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Common Room access?


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Why is it that only three of the colleges allow their members visitation to their own Common Rooms? Morvidius is the one I can think of straight off the top of my head. From an RP perspective, you'd think that if a student walked out of his/her dorm room to go to Wherever, he/she would notice the Common Room on the way out? I know there's a mod that plays with this setting, but it did funny things to the Library of Longshade, and I spend lots of time at that place; alas, I lack the skills to write my own mod (and my real-life college professors frown on me gaming while in class, unfortunately). Just wondering.

--- Lisa

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Originally, access and information was granted via special Items you could obtain. Specifically, there were 7 Emblems, one for each College, which allowed the same access, but that implementation was altered in favor of the present situation. Following the mod, we're looking at restoring access for the missing 4 Colleges, perhaps as soon as DLC 5.


I think we are going to do something more interesting with all this in DLC 8, though.

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I noticed the unfortunate Longshade side effect to my mod about a week ago and have since put up a warning. I apologize for any issue you may have had, namely having to abandon a game already deep in-progress. :( If common rooms don't make it into DLC 5, but the new mod base does, I'll have a working mod for it up and running in a couple days or so. If new mod tools aren't put out I will try again, but testing may take several days.

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