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Game is too big for my screen!


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can we use that too to increase the size of it? cause on a 1080p screen, it only takes up like the inner half of it, would be nice to have it bigger, even if it was just scaling

(sorry if this counts as thread hijack, thought it would be relevant)

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No problem- assuming that you have Windows 7, it's pretty easy.


1) Right-Click on your Desktop, and choose: 'Personalize'.


2) In the bottom left hand corner of the new window, choose 'Display'.


3) On the Display window, choose 'Smaller - 100% (default)' and then the Apply button.


...now, you should be able to play with everything in it's right place. :)


Have fun!

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The way to solve the problem is similar on XP (you will need to look at your desktop settings). Here is how Microsoft suggests to do it:




Have fun in the game, and let me know if that solves the issue!

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Yes, I do use a netbook unfortunately. 1084x600. Changing the DPI couldn't cram the last 200 pixels in either...


Oh well, the game IS playable; I can just barely reach the confirm button at the bottom of the calendar screen, but my Attributes list cuts off at Stress so I'll never know what's there. I guess that's okay. I hope that users of all kinds of computers are taken into consideration in the future games, though, because I'd love to keep playing.

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Oh well, the game IS playable; I can just barely reach the confirm button at the bottom of the calendar screen, but my Attributes list cuts off at Stress so I'll never know what's there.



The surrounding is actually just empty space, but the thing you miss after stress is Vitality, Encumbrance, and Concealment.


The last two won't be a problem if you keep check of what you are carrying; the vitality however, will be more important that stress, but you should be able to see that if you can click the top tip of the confirm button

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