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Skill level maximum increase


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It seems as though various skill level maximum increases are not working.

I just finished researching mastery phemes, and it said skill level max is now 11 for mastery phemes, but its stuck at 10.

Also, decipher handwriting said it raised cryptology but it didnt.

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There are some reporting issues with Maximums (specifically about incorrect values) which we are working on, but Skill Maximums otherwise appear to be working correctly. For Mastery Phemes, you may want to try Training it a bit more- in my own test game, it did level to 11 after Research. Depending on your Attribute, you may need a significant number of Skill Steps to level it to 11.


Let me know, and thanks!

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Ah, i see.

I didnt try training the skill since it said it was at maximum.

I take it that its a bug that when a skill level maximum is increased that the skill in question will not say it has a new maximum or the required steps to raise it? Hmm, this makes it very confusing and will need to keep track of what skill maximums are increased when they happen.

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