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Orthography bug


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At Finesse 6, Orthography need 2 SS to get from 0 to 1.

first casting of Inspirational Thinking with 4 Air phemes get Finesse to 10

At Finesse 6, Orthography need 2 SS to get from 0 to 1.

Second casting of Inspirational Thinking with 4 Air phemes get Finesse to 14 in the next day

At Finesse 14, Orthography need 2 SS to get from 1 to 2 and 2 to 3.



I note that this spell used with Strength phemes and I expand weaponsmith from 8 to 9 easily (Strength 1 to Strength 5

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Actually, this one is correct. Some Skills are more difficult than others to Train, and Orthography is one of these- it has a Train Modifier of 1.5. You'll need to either reduce that, or you'll have to pay the price for the Steps. :)


I can see at least one ability to alleviate the train modifier. Still, 8 point of unoticeable difference? Ouch.

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