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Broken wand and other things


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Hi there, I am having a few different issues.


1. The Wand of Shadows (purchased from Catalog of Shadows) appears to be broken, as the UI does not indicate that it is adding -CoD chance or either of the skills it is supposed to augment. I have tried it on 3 different characters now and it worked for none of them, which is a shame since I would get a lot of use out of it.


2. Explore does not show up as an option for any of my characters and I see this has already been discussed here, but I am wondering if it will ever be fixed, as I would like to use it.


3. I am currently having this problem with the Hedgehog familiar adventure Bored: one of the quest stages appears to break if I use any kind of buffing spells or locations. The stage is apparently supposed to have a "make the check easier" option and the real skill check, but if I buff at all, the real skill check vanishes. I can only click on the clock button, the adventure ends instantly, and there is no way to continue it in the Adventure menu. I therefore cannot complete the adventure currently because I can't pass the check without buffing.


4. Loading a save game while already playing very frequently causes a crash to desktop, I'd say maybe 30-40% of the time, and more commonly near the end of the year.


Thanks for your attention!

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1. I may be wrong in this case, but some Effects are not shown by the UI due to a limitation of the engine. I'll ask the Team to double check this particular Wand, though, to make sure it is being applied.


2. Explore was corrected in CP3, and you should see it appear with Explore Skill at 1. Sadly, CP3 does not correct in-progress games, only new games created with it. :(


3. Hmmm, thanks! I will send this to the Team.


4. We've wrestled with this particular behavior, and how the game clears its cached data, and unfortunately we've not had good results. On higher end systems, this issue is very rare, but it often happens for people that like to save/reload on lower end computers. I don't think it's a behavior we can correct in Y1, unfortunately. :(

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2. Explore was corrected in CP3, and you should see it appear with Explore Skill at 1. Sadly, CP3 does not correct in-progress games, only new games created with it. :(


Thanks for the fast reply. I'm afraid I don't know what CP3 is--I did download what I thought was the most recent patch/DLC bundle, and I get a check box at the beginning of the game for DLC 15 which I check when starting a new game. Is there something else I need to download?

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