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A Bunch of Random Events


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It has been suggested that if I am to keep writing, I should make on topic to put it all in. So, here are some random events. I don't know if they'll ever been in the game (at least in an official capacity), but I don't really care. i wrote them, and what good is writing if you don't share it? Without further ado, here are some events (i figure one per post should be good).


The Imperial Lounge


On this rainy day, you happen to be down at the imperial docks. Suddenly, the rain picks up and you're not sure that even your cloak will keep you dry.

You duck into a doorway. Without warning you feel yourself pulled inside.

"Welcome to the Imperial Lounge!" Announces someone. You're pulled forward, as a servant takes your cloak before you can even protest. Finally, you're face to face with a masked harlequin.

"So, how may we help you today?" he asks. Looking around you see this is a pleasantly lit building filled with people. Many are together making conversation, there's a band getting ready, and off the hallway are some rooms, apparently for relaxation.

What do you want to do?


Exit 1: Leave. You didn't want to be here anyway. [None]




You explain to the harlequin that you didn't mean to enter and just want to leave.


He frowns and says, "Well I suppose the lounge isn't for everyone."


You find yourself being pulled backwards, and your cloak is put back on you, and then you find yourself back outside, almost as if you had gone back in time. You dash through the rain back to the academy.


Rewards: None




Exit 2: See if the band needs a singer. [Voice]




You head over to the band to see if they need someone to provide vocals. Luckily, they do and offer you a spot!


Soon you're preforming on stage. They play well known songs, so you easily keep up. The crowd enjoys your performance, and when you finish there are loud cheers.


Even better, the band is impressed and gives you a small cut of what they were payed.



Rewards: +50 Money, + 1 Voice




You head over to the band to see if they need someone to provide vocals. Luckily, they do and offer you a spot!


Soon you're preforming on stage. You don't know the songs too well and struggle to keep up. The crowd murmurs with disapproval, and you get the feeling that if this wasn't such a high-class establishment that you would be pelted with fruit.


Afterwards the band curtly thank you and leave. You head out of the lounge and back into the rain, humiliated.


Penalty/Benefit: +1 Stress, +1 Voice




Exit 3: Socialize with the people. [Etiquette]





You go about socializing with these upper-class people.


They are very impressed by your knowledge of etiquette and remark that skill and confidence with which you speak belies your age.


After a night of good conversation, you head back to the academy, with the rain now lightly coming down.


Reward: +1 Etiquette



You go about socializing with these upper-class people.


Unfortunately, you don't really understand their way of doing things. Time passes like a blur, and somewhere in there you somehow ended up buying someone else a drink.


Disgusted, you leave, now slightly poorer. And the rain is still coming down.


Penalty: -10 Money




Exit 4: Concentrate on relaxing. [Concentration]




"Is there some place to just...relax?" you asked the Harlequin.


"Of course," he tells you. He leads you into a small room with many comfortable looking pillows and blankets.


He leaves you to snuggle within the pillows and blankets. You focus on letting yourself relax, and ironically, it works.


Later, you awake. You realize you must have dozed off. Still everything seems fine and you are very relaxed.


The harlequin enters the room. "Ah, good, you're up. The hour grows late, so you best hurry if you wish to return to the academy."


You hurry to retrieve your cloak from the servant in the hall and head out into the rain, which has lightened considerably.


Reward: +1 Concentration, -1 Stress




"Is there some place to just...relax?" you asked the Harlequin.


"Of course," he tells you. He leads you into a small room with many comfortable looking pillows and blankets.


He leaves you to snuggle within the pillows and blankets. You focus on letting yourself relax, but you're just too tense. All this does is make you more tense.


Finally, you give up and leave, retrieving your cloak from the servant in the hall and exit the building. To your annoyance, the rain is still heavy.



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One night you're walking down the hallways. Oddly there are no professors around stopping you. However, you hear a roar behind you.


You turn around to see a terrible monster. It's form is constantly shifting, and you can't quite make it out. You realize you're having a nightmare.


This is odd for two reasons. First, it's rare you recognize that you're dreaming. Second, usually your nightmares involve you giving a presentation in a class only to realize your classmates are laughing at you because you're naked.


As the monster draws closer you realize you don't have much time to act.


Exit 1: Be brave and stand strong. [Courage]




You gather your courage and stare at the monster. It gets closer and closer...and then passes you without hurting you.


You awake a moment later, surprisingly content. In short order you fall back asleep, having much nicer dreams this time.


It feels good to face your fears.


Reward: +1 Courage




You gather your courage and stare at the monster. It gets closer and closer and then lunges. You can't take it and close your eyes and scream.


You awake in your own bed, in a cold sweat. Suddenly there's a loud noise causing you to jump and cover your head with your covers.


It takes you a moment to realize it's just lightning. Still, you lay there shaking, and only the gentle sound of the rain on the windows manages to lull you back to sleep.


Penalty: +1 Stress




Exit 2: Try and change the dream. [Concentration]





You put all your thought into manipulating the dream. After all, if you're aware you should be able to change it, right?


The monster leaps at you as you close your eyes...and then disappears. You hear a bird chirping and open your eyes.


You find yourself in a calm meadow, with a picnic set out. You spend the rest of the dream having a pleasant meal until you wake up, feeling relaxed.


Rewards: +1 Concentration, -1 Stress



You put all your thought into manipulating the dream. After all, if you're aware you should be able to change it, right?


The monster leaps at you as you close your eyes...and then disappears. You hear laughter and open your eyes.


You find yourself standing in front of your class. They are all laughing and you don't even need to look down to know you aren't wearing any clothes.


Well, at least familiar nightmares are better than unfamiliar ones, right?





Exit 3: Cast a spell within the dream. [Negation Spells]




You still have a wand in the dream, so why not use it. You draw your wand and start casting a spell.


The monster lunges at you, and you shoot a fireball at it. It's a huge and powerful spell! The benefit of being in a dream.


With the monster defeated you slip deeper into sleep and out of the dream, having a restful night.


Reward: +1 Negation Spells




You still have a wand in the dream, so why not use it. You draw your wand and start casting a spell.


The monster lunges at you, and you shoot a fireball at it. It's a huge and powerful spell! The benefit of being in a dream.


Suddenly, you're awakened by a loud noise. You see that there's a bit of your door missing and your wand in your hand. You left you wand by your bed and managed to cast a spell in your sleep. Impressive! The professors are not so impressed and give you detention for destruction of property.


Penalty/Benefit: Reprimand, +1 Negation Spells



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Automaton Spider



After a full day of classes, you're walking in the halls when you hear a scream. You recognize the voice as belonging to [Character]Character/Female/Selection/Noemia Falcon y Paredes, since she screams so much. You figure she saw a large spider or the like and decide to look.


She saw a large spider all right. It fact it's an huge Automaton, about the size of a wolf, menacing her. Neither girl nor Automaton has seen you yet. What do you do?


Exit 1: Leave. You can't hope to handle this. [None]




A real profile in courage, you slowly back away and go back the way you came.


On your way back you see [instructor]Instructor/Random (Default) running to deal with the Automaton.


"Reward": -1 Courage




Exit 2: Distract the Automaton by throwing your voice. [Voice]




You get ready to throw your voice. You open your mouth and make an odd call, causing the Automaton to turn towards where the noise seems to come from.


It investigates and heads that way. Meanwhile [Character]Character/Female/Selection/Noemia Falcon y Paredes runs in the opposite direction.


Soon the Automaton runs into [instructor]Instructor/Random (Default) and is dealt with.


Reward: +1 Voice



You get ready to throw your voice. You open your mouth but nothing comes out expect a garbled noise. Worse, it comes from your direction.


The Automaton scurries towards you. You flee and it gives chase. The only thing that saves you is a chance encounter with [instructor]Instructor/Random (Default), who deals with the Automaton. You're still left feeling defeated.


Penalty: -1 Stress




Exit 3: Cast an incantation spell to get rid of it. [incantation Spells]




You whip out your wand and begin to cast a spell.


As you finish both the Automaton and the scared girl turn towards you. You fire off a blast of lightning that hits the spider dead on. It jumps and sparks and then collapses; you have defeated the Automaton.


[Character]Character/Female/Selection/Noemia Falcon y Paredes runs up to you and gives you a big hug as thanks. You can't tell if it's so tight because she's so grateful or because she's still scared.


Rewards: +1 Incantation Spells, +1 Relationship(Noemia)



You whip out your wand and begin to cast a spell.


As you finish both the Automaton and the scared girl turn towards you. A small blast of lightning hits the spider. It shivers and shakes for a moment and then moves towards you with a purpose. Looks like your spell wasn't powerful enough.


Before it can strike however, [instructor]Instructor/Random (Default) bursts in and dispatches the menace. It still leaves you shaken, much like [Character]Character/Female/Selection/Noemia Falcon y Paredes. She still thanks you for trying and gives you a hug. Misery loves company you suppose.


Penalty/Benefit: +1 Stress, +1 Relationship(Noemia)




Exit 4: No time for anything fancy, physically hold the spider back. [brute Strength]





Thinking fast, you put yourself in between the Automaton and [Character]Character/Female/Selection/Noemia Falcon y Paredes.


The spider lunges at you and with all your might you hold the Automaton back. You manage to do this for some time as [Character]Character/Female/Selection/Noemia Falcon y Paredes screams for help. Finally help arrives in the form of [instructor]Instructor/Random (Default), who easily dispatches the Automaton.


Though you insist you're alright, the professor still orders you see yourself to the infirmary. [Character]Character/Female/Selection/Noemia Falcon y Paredes escorts you down, thanking you the entire time.


Rewards: +1 Brute Strength, +1 Relationship(Noemia)




Thinking fast, you put yourself in between the Automaton and [Character]Character/Female/Selection/Noemia Falcon y Paredes.


You try and hold back the spider, but you greatly over estimated your own strength and under estimated the strength of the Automaton. It soon overwhelms you and the last thing you remember is one of the legs hitting you in the head.


You wake up some time later in the infirmary, with a very concerned looking [Character]Character/Female/Selection/Noemia Falcon y Paredes at your bedside. The nurse scolds you for being so fool hardy.


[Character]Character/Female/Selection/Noemia Falcon y Paredes appreciates your efforts, and even tries to hug you, but her hug only causes more pain in your sore ribs. Well, it's the thought that counts.


Penalty/Benefit: -1 Vitality, +1 Relationship(Noemia)




I think that's enough for one day.

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Content submissions for DLC 17 have very much closed by now, and there's no plans to release further official DLC for Y1. That's not to say plans can't change, but currently that's what they are.


'Course, if you've got a functional Windows XP instance, nothing stopping you from making a mod for them ;).

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I'd still put them up here, there may still be a content patch after DLC17 and there's no harm in posting stuff.

That's what I always say!


Anyway, despite the name I guess this is just a writing thread for me, not just limited to random events. Maybe I should make a mod topic? I don't know but here are three background options:


Family: Farmers

By selecting this background, you gain +2 to your agriculture skill and +1 to your animal husbandry, brute strength, and seeds skills.


Your family owns and operates a large farm. You spent your days doing chores around the farm, learning a lot about a farmers life. While farming may not be a prestigious a background as some of your fellow students have, but the skills you learned will still come in handy.


(This next one is a reference to my favorite scene in The Three Musketeers.)

Exploits: The Three Duelists

By selecting this Background, you'll gain an extra level in your courage subskill, all four dueling subskills.


While you were delayed in a small town you went exploring. While you were out you bumped into a mage who, not realizing your age, challenged you to a duel at noon. Then you bumped into another mage who, again, not realizing your age, challenged you to a duel at one hour past noon. Then you bumped into a third mage who challenged you to a duel at two past noon. When you arrived in the town square you found all three duelists waiting. They were surprised to see you, and when you explained that you had a duel with all three, they laughed at your youth and courage. They then called off the duel and show you some dueling skills for when you do fight a duel.


(And finally a version of the Friendships: Actually, Bitter Hatred. This time the student in question was from Hedi, and things go differently. Also, I'm not so sure about the amount the realtinship is improved, so suggestions are appreciated).

Friendships: Rival Turned Friend

By selecting this Background, ensure that your Relationship with a random Hedi student will start off already three points positive.


During the course of your travels, you happened to encounter another would-be student. At first, it seemed like the kind of funny coincidence from which friendships are often made, but... well, first this kid took your lunch "by accident." Then you got the last passenger berth on a three-day airship ride, leaving no sleeping space for your peer but a thin pile of straw down below-decks with the pack animals and the rats. So then this kid started spreading rumors that you had spitting lice and had to be quarantined. Then you were both thrown off the ship. You continued on a forced march for seven hours before coming to a town where the first people you met were bullies, much older kids, and the two of you had to work together or face disaster. You ended up being stripped naked and nearly tied to the column of a very popular temple, but you worked together and managed to drive off the bullies and get your clothes back before anyone saw you. You both still think the other is stubborn idiot, but you can't help but still like each other. This may be the beginning of a great friendship.





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