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Update 160

Käpt'n Korky

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Oddly empty, considering the cheers I read on dicored abou this update. The triggered update/launch debate was dealt with in another thread.

First of all: I liked this update as well. It matches my expectations for a story driven game and the plot was very enjoyable.

Also laz got a question answered by it. Yay!

Belfast averted a very angry rant on the very last moment there.

I really liked how we got to see two related Walküren interact with each other and how a Nixen battle was told from their point of view. And Scharnhorst is my second favourite anyways. She simply proved it. If her sister is a bore, which I doubt, she might even earn top spot.

Btw, what's a Tramp Steamer? A steamer full of Tramps, or unemployed Hollywood actors and actresses in this case?

I also have no idea what a Buster Bergholm or Busby Berkeley are supposed to be.

The inevitable German lesson:


Flawless German. Merry Christmas to the writer(s). 

*knock knock* Hm, who might that be?


GESTAPO looking for Scharnhorst! Thank you Belfast for that cunning interrogation of yours. They should make you a Kriminalsekretär.

Where did that fine lady learn the song of a musical performed not in the Reich that predates her by 2 years? And of all songs a song that was cut in the 1936 film adaption? And that's only the odd thing. The criminal thing - in 1939 Germany- is knowing that musical at all and music by Cole Porter in particular. That entartete Musik is banned and very unsuitable for a Battleship of the Kriegsmarine. And she performed it in a very disgraceful moment, which shed a bad light on the Reich. That Walküre is in big trouble now.



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Dolphin brawling, peacock roping, "Oh, we'll get to the monkey." 

I've never enjoyed Scharnhorst more.

6 hours ago, Käpt'n Korky said:

Btw, what's a Tramp Steamer? A steamer full of Tramps, or unemployed Hollywood actors and actresses in this case?

A merchant vessel that behaves like a tramp, wandering from port to port, picking up what one-off cargoes and short-term contracts it can, rather than operating a regular run.

They also share a reputational dubiety.

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I must confess it's me who is the most conspicuous in my absence up to this point in the thread, so I have decided to make my appearance.  I have several things to say.


In all seriousness, I must confess I am very giddy at finally getting another update with the fairest lady in it.  I do love her so, and I am excitedly looking forward to how her story goes in game.  As for Scharnhorst, she's really wild, but certainly worthy of my attention and my respect.  I found that she carried herself very well in this update, and I am interested in her story as well.

Secondly, I had been wondering for a time about the notion of two ships whose names correlate to each other would interact, such as that whose namesake was the captain of another ship.  Somers and Nautilus, for example.  Scharnhorst and Spee happen to be of such a connection, and with far more recent history between each other.  I would have loved to see that explored more in the update, but unfortunately their interaction only lends credence to their close companionship, not to any supernatural or name-related ties.  It's a fantastic pair to work with, and it's really a shame that connection wasn't explored more.

Finally, props to the writers of the update for giving us a different side of each of the girls shown.  We got to see rather than the neutral girl Spee generally represents, a fierce and aggressive fighter, willing and able to engage a battleship guarded by escorts, all on her lonesome.  As for Scharnhorst we got to see an understanding, caring, and almost motherly side of what should normally be a violent wild spirit.  It really is fantastic to see such complex facets of each belle, and I hope all the belles are as interesting as this in their writing.

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17 hours ago, Ninjapacman said:

[...] As for Scharnhorst we got to see an understanding, caring, and almost motherly side of what should normally be a violent wild spirit.  [...]

We did? I admit my fears of Schranhorst being a goof got a bit bigger. Dueling someone over the risk the other put themselves in? 
Before Iget a bigger headache just let me note that Scharnhorst does NOT excercise the (Prussian Officer) code of conduct for a proper duel here. So Spee is in the right.
And that's totally ignoring the question, if Walküren are satisfaktionsfähig in the first place.

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57 minutes ago, Käpt'n Korky said:

We did? I admit my fears of Schranhorst being a goof got a bit bigger. Dueling someone over the risk the other put themselves in? 
Before Iget a bigger headache just let me note that Scharnhorst does NOT excercise the (Prussian Officer) code of conduct for a proper duel here. So Spee is in the right.
And that's totally ignoring the question, if Walküren are satisfaktionsfähig in the first place.

To be fair it’s been some time since I read the update.  I recall that’s how her actions presented her, but I might have to read it again.

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