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Have Fans' Reactions to this Game Surprised the Team in Any Way?


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I am just curious. For example, I can easily imagine that they have been disgusted about some suggestions about Professor Briardi for future years, but are they, for example, surprised by Pelia's popularity and/or people's eagerness for forbidden magic to be easier to learn in the game (hence the addition of the Purple Academy background)?

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From the Team:

"Are we surprised by Pelia's popularity?  No.  No, no, no.  She's one of the standout side characters and always has been; we've been tempted to write about her more, only we didn't really want to step on the original writer's toes.  (But we're pretty sure she won't mind if a fan does it.)

Are we surprised by fans' eagerness for forbidden magic to be easier to learn in the game?



We at Black Chicken are gamers.  We understand."

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