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Free Games


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So fare I think we don't have a thread for Free Games despite that the stores fight for customer with free games to keep. That why I started this thread with the currently free games at GOG.

Games on GOG.com General page of Free Games at GOG (including Demos)

https://www.gog.com/promo/rerelease_ultima_underworld_and_syndicate Ultima Underworld 1+2, Syndicate Wars & Syndicate Plus for free at GOG till Sep.2021

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The Sims 4 base game becomes free to play at the 18. Oct.
People already own it they can claim the Desert Lux Kit for free in game till 17. Oct.
For me that means previous owner get this Kit as bonus because The Sims 4 becomes a free game.

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Dungeon of the Endless is currently for free over at Steam
(I personal didn't like this game but that say nothing as everyone's taste are different)

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