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Two noob questions: study at library and working at Four Phases


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Study at the Venalicium you should indeed start the game with, but note that there is a chance you lose the ability for a day when you use it. If you do lose it it's only gone for one day, you should get it back at the end of the break day.

Work at the Four Phases Bookstore I can only assume is the same story, since it doesn't seem to have a prerequisite as far as I can see.

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Looks like in 1.0.0 working at the bookstore does exist, but the ability is simply called "Four Phases Bookstore" there. Study at the Venalicium Library likewise exists, and under the same name this time, but it's a skill training ability rather than a study level training ability.

That said, as Schwarzbart mentioned, the included DLC is both 17 content updates and bug fixes rolled into one, so I would highly recommend playing with the latest one, The First Touch of Summer, enabled.

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I see. I normally like to experience a game as originally intended without extras, but if there are years of bug fixes rolled in, that somewhat forces my hand. (as you might guess from my name, I grew up with games being a completed thing you bought on a disk or cartridge and were never touched so that's how they should always be, and darn it get off my lawn!)

As much as I would loathe a restart, which would affect a "blind" playthrough, I'm also rather worried I've seriously messed up. It's already midterms, I do very little besides study/train and I'm still getting pretty poor grades on these tests. If I'm halfway done, just how am I supposed to accomplish anything? First time problems, I'm sure.

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The short version is that "mid" terms happen earlier than the exact middle of the academic year, and the 1.0.0 version of the game is significantly harder/less forgiving in terms of how difficult adventures are, how many opportunities you have to train up your skills/study levels, etc. Obviously experience helps, but even that only help so much when most adventures require parent skill rolls against 20+ thresholds by the end.

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I tried to soldier on with the old guy, just to see it out, but man I burned so much time just trying to get basic things down. 1.0 really wasn't a fun experience, felt like I'd never get anything done. Which I'd be willing to accept if other first years were similarly inept, and the later years were available to play.

Anyway, I'll have the extras added for next time. Call that first run a game-mechanics/tutorial trial.

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If you had the skill on day one it's more than likely from a background choice that expanded a random skill, and said random skill rolled Gates magic. If you got the skill informed on day one unexpectedly I have to assume some kind of random event, unless you used something that, again, expanded a random skill.

For the record it could be sillier. One of the random skill expansion activities is attending a trial, so you could, if you're (un?)lucky/dedicated enough, max out your Mastery/Gates magic from visiting court ;).

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I did joie de vivre and got "lucky." I just find it humorous to imagine what adventure he went on.

First day of school, let's go wander around! Starting from my room. Hmmm... oh, look my neighbor is just casually casting magic from a forbidden school. I'll chat him up and pick up some pointers.

Another funny thing about this guy: I don't have the Explore action. 

I can't help but notice how much FASTER people are cliquing up now. I'm worried I won't get Beatrix in time, I really like her ability.

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The Explore action, to my knowledge, is unlocked by getting the Explore parent skill up to 1. You don't start off with that (bar something like background choices), but if you choose to read Gera's hint letters you'll get +1 Curiosity, which will Inform you of three Explore subskills.

You can add a Stress Bonus to your Befriend action to get a bonus on your roll equal to the stress bonus specified, but as you'd expect it'll also increase your stress by that much after the day's other actions/events/etc. have been calculated.

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