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The question of identity


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Would it be possible, to add new students with DLCs?


I'm pretty sure logistically it's not much of a challenge, my real question is; if we create students (maybe based on ourselves...would be fun to meet other forumers in game :D) would you guys be willing to add them to the game (after revision)?

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It's definitely possible, but in honesty, we would not add it unless it matched well with the present content. At the minimum, this new Character would have to have a portrait which matches the style of the current portraits in the game, have a good sense of personality, interests and goals, have an Adventure written for them, a Familiar and all relevant Abilities described.


It's a tall order. :D


Now, for a *mod*, however, you could add a new Student very easily.

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So wait, you guarantee here that if I full fill that list that character would be added? (assuming he isn't some weird wizard killer, but a regular student)


I am confused though about the adventure. Who would an NPC character need to have an adventure written for them? ... Or do you get an adventure with all students when reaching a certain lvl of friendship? (really don't know)

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Well- no *guarantees*, but if you managed to create a Student which filled all those criteria (the art will be the hardest, I warn you now against disappointment!), and this Student was thematically a good fit, then- sure! I think we would put them in.


As to the Adventure- every Student in the game has an Adventure related to them. A new Student would need the same. These Adventures all have different Prerequisites, some more difficult than others.

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*Is utterly shocked!*


I really didn't know that about the students.


But yes I guess the art will be the hardest. Luckily though I may know a few guys who work for me who are great with such things.


Could you give me a few pointers what requirements should be full filled. Like a maximum size, amount of detail, a certain format?

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That is really great and should work well. I have one final request, but this might be a bit of a stretch.


Could you post 1 or 2 character pictures that are in the game somewhere in this forum? Forging a style is well and all, but it is difficult if you have to change back to the game all the time to remind you of what it should look like.


If you don't want to it is okay, but I think it would definitely make things easier.

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Protip: the files in the resources folders are actually PNGs without an extension. Do the math before Black Chicken copyright ninja wizards come and take me away. I hear they are really nasty and they have this trick called AAH HELP MR. LEGATE PUT DOWN THAT AXE PLEASE


You have unleashed the Black Chicken White Ninja Assassin Pirate...doomed we are.

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Doomed we are! Unless... Unless we find the Fork of Truth! (sorry that might be a bit obscure reference to a great comic)

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Draigh buddy I think I am beginning to like you. :D


Anyway for the precise reference; Fork of Truth

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