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Game Balance issues


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I've made this thread to point out game balance issues or items that might need to be retooled or revisited.


I've found one so far but I know that there are others that just haven't surfaced yet.


What is the advantage of using "Visit the Athletic Fields" over "Rest"? Visit the Athletic Fields removes two points of Stress. But Resting removes ALL Stress AND restores Vitality. Both take one action. So what's the point of Visit the Athletic Fields? It offers no apparent advantage and there is no incentive to use it over Rest. So why is it there?



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This question has been raised before, actually- the short answer is that it allows you to manage your Stress in order to keep certain Emotions, or to fulfill certain Prerequisites. The long answer is that we intend to give it a missing additional Effect. :D




Works for me. I was going to suggest a 1 step increase to Playfulness or perhaps a random Competition or Athletic skill in addition to the Stress reduction. However, I'm sure you guys already have an excellent idea.



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