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Item Bug/Duplication


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I noticed this when working on the Wiki.


There are two items exactly the same, with different names: there's "Bow: Standard", and "Bow"; they have the same attributes and description, as well as price. The only difference is that the Bow: Standard is sold in the Tikandara of the Ulmenth's Catalog, and the Bow is sold in Tikandara of the Ulmenth (Merchant). In fact, the Bow is the only item sold at the merchant shop, which is strange since the merchant shop is gained at Archery level 8; the catalog is gained at Archery level 4, but it has many more (and much better) items than the merchant shop.

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Found something I wanted to ask about - it's not an item bug, but I figured I'd just post it here rather than make a new thread.


Does Pure Luck level 8 have any perks? My character didn't seem to gain anything at that level. Luckily, not much happened that day, so I'm pretty sure if there were any perks for it, they didn't inform properly. There's nothing under the info about gaining skill steps that says you've learned anything, and in the total day summary, there's only a comment about someone else competing (so it's not there).

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This one's an issue with an adventure. In the "Find a Way to Pay for Entrance into the Town Fair" adventure, the "Thief!" part of it, there don't seem to be any rewards for completing it. I had blue for the blackmail option and green for running; Blackmail told me that I didn't find anything on my second search, and the running, I caught the boy. It seemed like a success (and the adventure wasn't listed as failed in the daily summary), but nothing was awarded.

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