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Dispassion Adventure


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Dispassion Adventure

Prerequisite: Dispassion >= 3


Part 1: Dreaming with the Headmaster!


What a weird dream. You are standing in front of the Legate in your pajamas.




"Ah! Good to see you, @playername@."


Good to see you in my dreams too, Legate.


"But... I am not sleeping..."


But you are! The people in your dreams don't sleep!


"But you aren't dreaming!"


Professor Piaxenza's voice boom out from the ceiling. "Orsi, can you please begin? Let's just say I did a sleepwalking glamour on @playername@."


Oh. How embarassing.


"Alright, alright. A majority of our faculty is... distracted."




"Very distracted, I must say- and I think you are the only student capable of fixing this."


You? What talents of your is so incredible?


The Legate frowns.


"You are... well, I will be blunt. You are good at sucking people's passion dry. Normally in a school nobody would like this kind of influence, but this is exactly what we need for now."


Ouch. And how are you needed?


"I just said the faculty is distracted, right? They are distracted by something they are not just passionate about, but obsessed with. If we don't get this fixed within tonight, Academagia will found itself without Professors tomorrow..."


The Legate raise his eyebrows in expectation to your response.


Exit 1: Passion. Sure! (Automatic Success)

Of course! Anything for the school (and the Legate)!


The Legate smiles in relief, and slumps in a nearby armchair.


"I am afraid you'd say no or take an hour to think. Thanks, @playername@, now listen carefully..."

+1 Relationship with Orso Orsi


Exit 2: You helped him once, you will help him again. (Requires Memory: You are working with the Legate.)

"You know, that was a really mean thing to say."


"I just kind of forgot you are also the one whole pulled me out of deep trouble. Come on, I am the Legate!"


"Whatever. Did you actually expect me to say no?"


"No. And listen carefully...."

+1 Dedication

+1 Relationship with Orso Orsi


Exit 3: Dispassion. Demonstrate! (Requires Dispassion >= 5)

What? You? To subdue the instructors' obsession?


You won't last a second. The faculty is a bunch of beasts. Professor Knoht? She can kill someone by flicking her wand the wrong way during her frequent brain-lapse. Professor von Ruppercht will probably eat you along with his pies. Professor Leith probably will brew you into some immortality potion, and Professor Monetario might make you a Sleeping Beauty along with himself, and...


...To say the least, this is a stupid idea. A Legate should exercise his authority over the riff-raff faculty, not you, and YOU.ARE.SO.OUT.OF.THIS.PLAN!


The Legate stares at you with his mouth agape.


"You are right," he turns around, voice shaking, "This is a bad idea."


"Hey wait! I am just demonstrating-"


"You are?"


"Seems to be a bit of an overkill though."


"I love you so much, @playername@. And now listen..."

+2 Relationship with Orso Orsi

Continue to Part 2 Immediately? The whole thing happens overnight...




Part 2


A Wand of Passion. Capable of manipulating passion and love.


And instead, it is being used by a thief to... distract the professors?


The Legate sighs.


"It is actually not that bad a plan for a thief. Academagia does have its own share of treasures..."


The Legate step aside, revealing a few robed figures lying on the ground, unconscious, and glowing with a soft green light.


"Fortunately, I met the thieves on the way when I was returning from Mineta. They were stupid enough to walk through the Great Gate."


"So what's the problem?"


"The one with the wand escaped. And he stole the-" The Legate abruptly stops, and shakes his head. "You don't need to know that. Anyway, I would like you to fix our instructors."


"Erm, can you get more specific than that?"


A sheet of paper materialize on your palm.


"There. Now go!" The Legate suddenly falls through the floor.


You gaze upon the list. Words in golden ink slowly forms a sentence.


"Of utmost priority: Professor Pluiete and Professor Massioti, Ardica Lake"


And the list couldn't be more right.


What greet your sight upon your arrival is the two professor swimming frantically in their robes with a dozen drooling sirens in pursuit.


Ahhh, lust. That Wand of Passion is pretty terrifying.


Exit 1: Glamour Methods. Make'em ugly! (Charm/Glamour Methods v.5)


One flick of your wand and the two professors' heads turn into sharks.


Appearance-wise, anyway. The fans of Professor Pluiete might weep if they see this, but it is certainly better then being captured by lustful sirens.


And the professors are certainly very grateful as they climb ashore and thank you with a smile.


You decided not to mention you have trouble reverting the glamour, and scamper away. Really, the image of a shark-headed Professor Pluiete smiling is quite nightmarish indeed.

+1 Flawless Timing

+1 Variable: Time Passed....


One flick, two phemes, three swing. The spell miss its target by a mile.


Professor Pluiete began to fall behind. A siren accelerate and begin to gain on Professor Massioti.


You panick and fire a slowing spell on the sirens instead.


As the professors began to gain distance and climb ashore when the sirens are far enough, your slowing spell suddenly bounce off from beneath the lake straight into your face.



+2 Variable: Time Passed....


Exit 2: Brute Strength. Get in the water and "move" the sirens away. (Strength/Swimming v.15)


You breathe deeply and hop into the lake.


It took you only a few seconds to catch up to the sirens - they were all swimming in circles, so you just had to pick a spot and wait.


Then you grab them one by one and casually toss them aside. Some of the sirens retreat upon seeing your herculean feat.


After checking over the professors to see they are fine (which Leo Massioti proudly assure you they are), you scamper away quickly, ignoring the professor's invitation to "do this again" in the future.

+1 Brute Strength

+1 Variable: Time Passed....


You breathe deeply and hop into the lake.


It took you only a few seconds to catch up to the sirens - they were all swimming in circles, so you just had to pick a spot and wait.


You grab a siren by the head, and try to toss them aside. You get slapped in the face quite a few times. The two professors move in the siren slapping you and try to shove her aside. A few more sirens jump in.


It took quite some time before the sirens get tired of wrestling and slapping and began to disperse. The professors briefly thank you as you quickly scamper out of the lake and to your next target. Ow!

+1 Wrestling

+2 Variable: Time Passed....


Exit 3: Voice. Sing at the siren. (Charm/Voice v.5)


You began to sing, making up insulting lyrics about sirens, and the siren glares at you with anger.


The Professors take the opportunity to climb ashore, and thank you for pulling them out of trouble. You ran away from the lake towards your next target, singing the song along the way.


As you scamper away, you vaguely heard the Professor Massoiti suggesting to Professor Pluiete that he should get you compose a song to memorize grammar. Ugh.

+1 Insult

+1 Variable: Time Passed....


You began to sing, making up insulting lyrics about sirens, and the siren glares at you with anger.


No one bothers to pay attention to you. The siren merrily continues on their chase and the professors continue to swim frantically.


You keep on rising your voice, coughing a few times in the process as your vocal cord face its biggest challenge ever.


After quite some time, your voice finally reach an audible level. The Professors slip away as the sirens glare at you, and you scamper off in an hurry to the next target.

+2 Variable: Time Passed....


Exit 4: Mastery. Temporarily override their lust. (Fitness/Mastery Methods v.10)


Sensing that mastering the sirens in front of professors might be too risky, you etches up the phemes for the seemingly innocuous spell "Induce Napping" instead.


One by one the sirens sink into the water with peaceful snoring. Professor Massoiti runs to you and comments that your "sleeping glamour" is totally wicked and might be fun for some specialist Rimbal matches.


You haven't the heart or the courage to tell him. You just scamper away. Regardless, it is a good discovery - Mastery do works on sirens!

+1 Mastery Methods

+1 Variable: Time Passed....


Sensing that mastering the sirens in front of professors might be too risky, you etches up the phemes for the seemingly innocuous spell "Induce Napping" instead.


One by one the sirens sink into the water with peaceful snoring. As the professors approaches you, the spell suddenly bounce from beneath the lake hitting the professors.


It took you quite some time to wake them up and make sure they are alive. Drat.

+1 Mastery Methods

+2 Variable: Time Passed....


Continue to Part 3 immediately?

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Part 3


You gaze upon the list. Words in golden ink slowly forms a sentence.


"Trapped in the past: Professor Rieulle Chastellain. Ballroom."


That really, really doesn't sound good. What if it involves messy temporal magic?


Your worries are pretty much dispelled upon your arrival at the Ballroom, though. The professor is sitting comfortably on the floor, listening to the gentle melody performed by a bunch of... floating lyres?


"Professor? Are you-"


"Shhhh! Wait till the Mid-Hionosi Sonata ends next year! This pre-exile melody is believed to be lost!"


Next year? This calls for a intervention.


Exit 1: Voice. Let's break the Professor's eardrum! (Finesse/Voice v.6)


You take a deep breath, position your mouth beside the professor's ear, and-



The floating instruments drop back on the ground with a mundane "thud". A snake drop from the ceiling. A nearby table cracks. A window breaks. The floor shakes.


The Professor blinks, and then fall asleep.


Good enough for you. At least he would be willing to teach by the morning.


And with that, you turn around and walk out of the ballroom.

+1 Voice

+1 Variable: Time Passed....


You take a deep breath, position your mouth beside the professor's ear, and-



"Ahem. Professor!"





"Alright! What is it!?"


"The Legate sent me to remind you that you should get some sleep and join the lessons tomorrow. Good night!" You sleeping spell catch the Professor by surprise.


Good enough for you. At least he would be willing to teach by the morning.

+1 Voice

+2 Variable: Time Passed....


Exit 2: The Exile. Uhhh, Professor, it is not even ancient! (Requires The Exile >= 5)


"Professor. I have good reason to believe that this is not music dating before the Exile."




"Floating lyres are indeed a mark of obscure pre-Exile music, but I am sure that not even modern music involves "beeping" sound. Is there even an instrument for that nowadays?"


"Hang on... you are right."


"I'd recommend you to catch some sleep, Professor. The Legate has asked me to remind all members of the faculty to attend their lessons tomorrow."


And with that, you turn around and walk out of the ballroom. The professor follows you closely, confused.

+1 Observation

+1 Variable: Time Passed....


Exit 3: Bully. You are not putting up with these stupid lyres. (Automatic Success)


Ignoring Professor Chastellain completely, you casually strolls up the stage, pluck down the floating lyres and stomp on them until they stop moving.


Professor Chastellain is understandably angry at your actions.


"No! What are you doing! These are rare, precious piece of history-"


You cuts him off.


"They aren't. They are simple instrument enchanted by a rare wand to distract you so a thief can steal from the Academagia and ruins its reputation alongside."


And he is understandably confused and disbeliving.


"That is not even a feasible story, @playername@-"


"Just ask the Legate tomorrow! I don't have time for this," You point an accusing finger at him, "and you have shrieked your responsibility as an instructor!"


The effect of your words is stunning enough. You stomp out the ballroom, with the Professor following, confused and not exactly glowing from your scolding.

+1 Dispassion

-1 Relationship with Riuelle Chastellain

+1 Variable: Time Passed....


Continues to Part 4 immediately?




Part 4


You knew it is not going to be easy.


Somewhere among huge mountains of expensive clothes on the models of Solar System (which is supposed to be in the Planetarium) that is currently floating above the Dining Hall are Professor Badcrumble and Ringraeyer.


Not to mention they are under the influence of the probably omnipotent Wand of Passion and won't be responding to your call. And that's not counting their own rather headstrong personality.


Somewhere above your head, the professors giggle as if they are in heaven. Fashion heaven.


Exit 1: Astrology. The stars shall shake and throw your professors down! (Luck/Astrology v.10)


You rise your wand, and swing it again and again without worries.


Socks fall. Corsets fall. Dresses fall. Clothes fall. All kinds of fabrics fall from above like a landslide, and among them you see the two professors landing on the mountains of clothes with a soft thud.


And embarrassed enough to greet you and dashes back to their own room without any further effort on your part. A reasonable reaction, considering that both of them are wearing corsets on their head and frilly tuxedos wrapped around their legs.


Before you can take out the list, Professor Sixt von Ruppercht and a giant, floating pie the size of a room crash through the supposedly impenetrable roof renowned for its durability. Looks like this isn't getting any easier.

+1 Astrology

+1 Variable: Time Passed....



You rise your wand, and swing it again and again without worries.


Socks fall. Professors fall. Corsets fall. Dresses fall. Clothes fall. All kinds of fabrics fall from above like a landslide, covering up the professors on the floor like a barbaric burial.


Opps. It took you quite some time to dig them out, and then a bit more time to wake them up. Both professors don't exactly remember the event when they wake up, but they made their excuses and dash back to their own rooms upon the realization that they are wearing corsets on their head and frilly tuxedos wrapped around their legs. The clothes inexplicably vanish as the professors leave.


Before you can take out the list, Professor Sixt von Ruppercht and a giant, floating pie the size of a room crash through the supposedly impenetrable roof renowned for its durability. Looks like this isn't getting any easier.

+1 Astrology

+3 Variable: Time Passed.... (Yes, THREE)


Exit 2: Society. They are victims. Fashion victims! (Automatic Success)


"You see! These are the exemplar fashion victims, blindly following short-lived trends and wasting their life on ugly garments!" You announce to no one in particular.


The floating clothes become absolutely still. Kate Badcrumble's head pop up in a pile of corsets somewhere above you, her mouth agape.


Before she could open her mouth to retort, you begin to spout a barrage of bigoted social commentary about fashionable Avlia ladies, and then comment that even the regent of Avlia is also fits the description. The Professor's face turns glowing red as she break out of the wand's influence, and the planets gently set the two professors down to the floor before floating back to the Astrology classroom. The clothes inexplicably vanish as the professors leave.


Before you can take out the list, Professor Sixt von Ruppercht and a giant, floating pie the size of a room crash through the supposedly impenetrable roof renowned for its durability. Looks like this isn't getting any easier.

+1 Dispassion

+1 Variable: Time Passed....


Exit 3: Courtly Fashion. These clothes are... (Charm/Courtly Fashion v.4)


On closer inspection, you realize these clothes are not exactly suitable for wearing; wearing even a pair of socks among these piles will be extremely damaging to one's reputation, and... oh dear, wearing these corsets is a crime punishable by death! They are outlawed in all islands! Unforgivable even in comparison to summoning dragons and abusing Mastery! Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!


You must have said it aloud during your surprise, because the two professors fall from the planets and land beside you, gasping at your discovery, and their own behavior under the influence of the wand. They soon excuse themselves and leave in awkward silence.


Before you can take out the list, Professor Sixt von Ruppercht and a giant, floating pie the size of a room crash through the supposedly impenetrable roof renowned for its durability. Looks like this isn't getting any easier.

+1 Worldliness

+1 Criminal Law ( :wub: )

+1 Variable: Time Passed....


These are really pretty and suitable for anyone to wear. Look at that lovely pair of socks, soft to touch with a refreshing mint scent. That gloves, elegant on ladies' hands and gallant on gentlemen's hands. Hmmmm.


After (hopefully) a few minutes of fashion ecstasy, Professor Ringraeyer fall from one of the planets and land with a loud thud, awakening all three of you. After some awkward silence and weak explanation, the two professor walk out embarrassed and the clothes inexplicably vanish.


Before you can take out the list, Professor Sixt von Ruppercht and a giant, floating pie the size of a room crash through the supposedly impenetrable roof renowned for its durability. Looks like this isn't getting any easier.


-1 Concentration

+1 Courtly Fashion

+2 Variable: Time Passed....

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What do you guys think so far :P ?

I am trying to make it something that happen in one go like the Dance of the Fools, except more... petty :P


*The Time Passed is used to keep track of how successful you are and is used in Part 6 to see whether you can catch up to the Legate and the thief.

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I like the adventure, particularly how the moderator is somehow made into a running gag. Haha. This concept of temporal magic does have me intrigued, though. What would that go under? Revision? Gates?


Probably not Gates. Gates mostly deals with Summoning, Teleportation, and Monster Creation.

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Part 5



Investigation 1: Planning. Think about the possible consequence. (Intelligence/Planning v.8)



+1 Planning

Close Exit 1, Exit 2

+10 Chance of Success[/i]


+1 Creativity

-1 Relationship with Sixt Von Ruppercht[/i]


Exit 1: Incantation Methods. Roast the pie. (Automatic Success)



+1 Courage

+3 Variable: Time Passed....


Exit 2: Astrology. Cast Adrian's Harmless Meteors Swarm. (Automatic Success)


+1 Astrology

+3 Variable: Time Passed....


Exit 3: Baking. Such impunity! You will deal with it like a baker! (Strength/Baking v.7)



+1 Brute Strength

+1 Variable: Time Passed....




+1 Brute Strength

-1 Vitality

+2 Variable: Time Passed....


Exit 4: Rallying. Remind the Professor that this is a lifetime opportunity! (Strength/Rallying v.10)



+2 Relationship with Sixt Von Ruppercht

+1 Satyric Revelry

+1 Variable: Time Passed....




+1 Relationship with Sixt Von Ruppercht

+2 Variable: Time Passed....


Exit 5: Satyric Revelry. Free pie for you! What a wonderful occasion! (Fitness/Satyric Revelry v.15)



+1 Satyric Revelry

+1 Glory

+2 Variable: Time Passed....




-2 Vitality

+1 Relationship with Sixt Von Ruppercht

+4 Variable: Time Passed....


Exit 6: You've dealt with worse. Serious. (Automatic Success, Requires Background - Apprenticeship: The Pie Kitchen)


+1 Recipes

+2 Relationship with Sixt Von Ruppercht

-1 Variable: Time passed....


Exit 7: Theory of Mastery. Make him eat the pie. And make the pie accomplice. (Finesse/Theory of Mastery v.20)


+1 Mastery Methods

+4 Relationship with Sixt Von Ruppercht

-1 Variable: Time passed....




+2 Relationship with Sixt Von Ruppercht

-4 Vitality

+3 Variable: Time passed....



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