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Imperial market, year 2 suggestion


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I noticed shopping required you to use several ours of a day just to visit one shop or order items.


In my opinion one morning afternoon or evening spent shopping at the market should be enough time to visit all the shops in the imperial market... or at least more than one shop.


For the second year I think the option shoping should take you to the market where you can click on the store you want to explore. If the UI interface doesn't change too much then perhaps you could add more of those gray buttons with different store names.


Shopping did seem to take far too much time from other activities if you wanted to explore the shops.


I liked the game over all, it's not a very graphic game, but I liked some textbased graphic hybridgames of old like Gateway and gateway 2. So I was ok with the design however the shop action did seem a little too time intensive, having shopping actions limited by player currency and the effort/time required to earn more is enough, there should be no need for basic shopping to take several game days just to find a wand some food and maybe basic clothing or textiles for clothing or writing utensils.


That's the suggestions I've been able to come up with. I actualy explored one shop then loaded a previous save which seemed a little foolish imo, but that way I could determine what shop had what I needed/wanted. Once you have explored the shops they should be availabe at any time during a shopping round in my opinion.


One possible optiond be to have explored shops available whenever the shop action is used, and then add one or 2 or 3 additional shop exploration point's every time the shop action is used adding to the amount of known shops.

GL with your work on Academagia year 2.

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I think I'd like to be able to pickpocket or con people away from their cash or to make them buy a certain item (if illegal, all the better as there are no trails to lead to your character).


It would certainly be interesting for a thief character to start inspecting security for a later break in, at least.

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I always imagined the sales clerk being a balding slightly fat grinning man. Grinning because he instituted a special rule for students.


"Hi there!"


"Hello" he grins, wiping his otherwise clean hands in the apron. "What can I do for you?"


"I need a toothbrush, a bottle of *mumble* and some cotton swabs"


"What was that thing in the middle?"


"something for my zits"


"Aaaaah, well! ZITS. Yes, we don't carry anything for that, try another shop. Tomorrow maybe." (He grins and you can't quite figure out why.)


"But you got toothbrushes and cotton swabs?"


"Why yes!" He goes around back and fetches them. A toothbrush and a cotton swab.


"Errgh, I'd like to buy more than *one* cotton swab. Please." You try to be polite but the grin is really starting to get to you.


"Sorry! Special policy. Students may only buy a single unit of any given item."


You pocket the toothbrush and the swab after you pay for it. Hoping that in year two you can buy more than just a single cotton swab and maybe not spending so much time finding a given shop because this is getting ridiculous.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I was ok with the design however the shop action did seem a little too time intensive, having shopping actions limited by player currency and the effort/time required to earn more is enough, there should be no need for basic shopping to take several game days just to find a wand some food and maybe basic clothing or textiles for clothing or writing utensils.


I agree!

Playing Romance of the 3 Kingdoms have this problem too,it take a whole day just to "exit" or "enter" a city,and then entering your home take another day lol,even if its only a problem favour-wise!

It is a bigger problem in this game though,because time is more precious in this game!I have 90 years to spend in RoTK,1 year in Academagia,but RoTK cost 1 day to shop and Academagia 1/3 day to shop!


Although shopping is rare and not so important in Academagia!:mellow:

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