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The Deleted Skills


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There was a few "deleted" skills in the mod tools that made me curious.

I have an idea what does "Persistence" or "Smooth Talker" mean (and how they turned into other skills), but some other I am not quite sure, and I am interested. Any ideas?


DELETE - Touch

DELETE - True-Speech

DELETE - Opticks

DELETE - Moderation (Forum moderating? : P Actually, it sounds more like Temperance and what-not.)

DELETE - Obedience

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How would one go about learning True Speech? I imagine there isn't a 'how to' book anywhere. And Mastery and Gates are fairly hard to discover (unless the Sphinx is playing tricks on you) so I imagine this one might be harder? Maybe?


I would also love to learn it. I have a feeling that by the end of Year 5, the PC has the change of being the sole master of all the illegal arts available.

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How would one go about learning True Speech? I imagine there isn't a 'how to' book anywhere. And Mastery and Gates are fairly hard to discover (unless the Sphinx is playing tricks on you) so I imagine this one might be harder? Maybe?


I would also love to learn it. I have a feeling that by the end of Year 5, the PC has the change of being the sole master of all the illegal arts available.


Perhaps, just perhaps, we might have a chance to meet an actual, living Dragon.


Well, considering how many adventures and event you can squeeze into one year, I'd imagine there's a decent chance in five years.

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Perhaps, just perhaps, we might have a chance to meet an actual, living Dragon.


Well, considering how many adventures and event you can squeeze into one year, I'd imagine there's a decent chance in five years.


That would actually be pretty cool (and I suppose possible, eventually) and I'm hoping on it, but seeing as how nasty Dragons are portrayed, it would probably be best to already have some handy knowledge of it, if only so as to not end up as a medium-rare wizard. Some Dragon Etiquette would also be pretty useful for that encounter...

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Huh, Ok, this Redacted answear came now a bit unexpected.

I just thought it would be nice to put it on someone who use unconventional ways to reach his goal and who made his/her standing in regards of the dragons clear.

Also you already confirmed that this adventure chain continues.

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This adventure can curent only be got if you take the Botany Class.

The Adventure Botany Extra Credit "To the Fields!" have to be finished bevore the "Crafting the Negation Wand: Reviewing Your Notes" show up


If I finish the adventure I curent have in work (ok its at hold for some time now) and the Team add this also there will be a other way to get to the Rare material you need to craft this wand.


(I hope this answear your question)

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