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improving relations between students


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Gossip is the only way early game, and generally the best way. I believe all students start knowing it, but in case I'm strangely wrong, I'm sure Oan teaches you it when she has you get the book out of the tree for one of your fellow students.


Raise your gossip higher to raise relationships higher then one point at a time- with high gossip, you'll be raising them three points per gossip, easily.


I swear there are other abilities that do this, but they tend to be 'will raise relationship between two random clique members one point' rather then you choosing who gets raised with who, and I... can't at the moment remember what they are. I thought it was Society or Heraldry, but I was wrong, apparently.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did the way Gossip works change? I have the skill at level 9 (-1 due to "Vettor's Methods") and Charm at 4; I must have used it nearly twenty times on various students, but I seem to be unable to raise the relationship by more than one point.

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