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Saison Exp sources


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As many have neglaced the Saison XP gatering for theyr companion here the list what I think is possible for them:


Exposure: 2 exp for any Saison you dont get a other XP source especial if you are working

Adventure: This should not apear on the Saison Study list as only when you got adventure XP you can decide to replace your other Exp source with the Adventure one

Practice: 3-8 exp if you train something on your own without advice

Training: You get Exp from a someone other Training you personaly the one Training you need to have this Ability at 2 or higher and it must be higher then what you have now. You get his Ability +3 in exp and he get 2 Exposure Exp in the Ability

Teaching: You gain the Teacher Com+Teaching+3 add a other +3 if he only teach 2 and even +6 if youre his only student this saison. Limit you can gain is his Ability or Art score.

Books: because of the cost of them I think usualy only Mages, Redcaps and our Scribes have access to them. Beside one need to have Artes Librares at 1 or higher to read them.


Please correct me if I'm wrong at this.

But In general bevore you do nothing pick a other who dont know what to do and Train him in something your bether then him so at last he get more then 2 exp in that saison and you still get the 2 exp to get bether in what you train him.

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4 1214: Adventure. Big Gauntlet; 14 [or 16, can't remember] (a)

1 1215: Exposure. Work on talisman; 2 (a)

2 1215: Adventure. Convent raid; 6 (a)

3 1215: Adventure. Nurenberg; 5 (a)

4 1215: Cptn Chabrias teaches Teaching; 16 (a)

1 1216: Adventure. Troll & hiccups; 5 (a)

2 1216: Exposure. Teach Arabella Magic Theory. 2 (a)

3 1216: Practice. Master Trusty Windspell for Fast-Cast; 5 + correspondence on MTheory with Dirk; 1 (a)

4 1216: Adventure: Grande Finale Drakoensis. [also refined lab]; 12 + correspondence on MTheory with Dirk; 1 (a)

1 1217: Exposure. Invent two custom fog spells; 2 + correspondence on MTheory with Dirk; 1 (a)

2 1217: Book. Teach Your Apprentice: Mentem; 15 + correspondence on MTheory with Dirk; 1 (a)

3 1217: Practice. Master The Aura of Rightful Authority for Quiet Casting; 5 + correspondence on MTheory with Dirk; 1 (a)


??: Exposure. Teach Arabella Auram; 2 + correspondence on MTheory with Dirk; 1





4 1214: Adventure. Gauntlet ending; 4 (a)

1 1215: Exposure. Work on talisman; 2 (a)

2 1215: Exposure. Work on talisman; 2 (a)

3 1215: Exposure. Worked on project; 2 (a)

4 1215: Arabella teaches Finesse; 5 [max level 1, 2 students] (a)

1 1216: Exposure. Chair for Taitale; 2 (a)

2 1216: Practice. Finesse for flying constantly; 8 (a)

3 1216: Practice. Finesse for flying constantly; 8 (a)

4 1216: Adventure. Dragon Hits City; 7 (a)

1 1217: High priest teaches Hyperborean Lore; 13 (a)

2 1217: Practice. Finesse for flying constantly; 8 (a)

3 1217: Practice. Finesse for flying constantly; 8 (a)





3 1215: Book. Magic Theory Summa; 11

4 1215: Exposure. Teaches Finesse; 2

1 1216: Exposure. Chair for Taitale; 2

2 1216: Baruch Teaches Magic Theory. 19

3 1216: Book. Magic Theory Summa; 11

4 1216: Book. Ignem Summa; 21

1 1217: Exposure. Help Baruch in lab; 2

2 1217: Josephus Triceres teaches Latin; 23

3 1217: Book. Intellego summa; 14

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1214 Winter Adventure (dont know any more)

1215 Spring Order of Hermes Lore +10 exp from Summa (Adventure exp from Cloud Attack is probably less)

1215 Summer Paris 6+3 exp: Bows 3 exp, Languages d'oil 4 exp, Area Lore Europe 2 exp

1215 Autumn Exposure Area Lore Europe 2 exp

1215 Winter Order of Hermes Lore +10 exp from Summa

1216 Spring Exposure 2 Exp Area Lore Europe

1216 Summer Order of Hermes Lore +10 exp from Summa

1216 Autumn Adventure Exp 8 Area Lore Europe, 5 Bows , 2 Bargain

1216 Winter teaching 10 exp Bows

1217 Spring Exposure Area Lore Europe 2 exp

1217 Summer teaching 10 exp Bows

1217 Autumn Exposure Area Lore Europe 2 exp



1215 Winter Vim 14 exp from The Implications of Conciatta's Metamagica Made Manifest (Book Learner)

1216 Spring Second Sight 5 exp from adventure exp

1216 Summer Second Sight 5 exp Hyperborean Lore 5 exp Concentration 2 exp from adventure exp

1216 Autumn Vim 14 exp from The Implications of Conciatta's Metamagica Made Manifest (Book Learner); Magic Theory correspondences with Baruch +1 exp

1216 Winter Exposure 2 Exp Concentration; Magic Theory correspondences with Baruch +1 exp

1217 Spring from teacher Hyperborean Lore +13 exp; Magic Theory correspondences with Baruch +1 exp

1217 Summer Magic from teacher Hyperborean Lore +16 exp; Theory correspondences with Baruch +1 exp

1217 Autumn Magic from teacher Hyperborean Lore +16 exp; Theory correspondences with Baruch +1 exp

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Changing the posts, are we? :o


Honestly keeping track of XP is my weak point. I don't have a rule book so it is a tad bit over my head. Also I don't like making plans until I absolutely need to, so yeah. :)




Winter 1214: Adventure. 8XP for single weapon

Spring 1215: Training single weapon with grogs... (10XP then.)

Summer 1215: (mis)Adventure(s) still playing itself out. (tbd)




? (I doubt anything, really, he's still pretty new)

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Keeping track of exp seems a good idea, as I'm guessing I will forget the numbers gathered otherwise.

1214 Winter: Gauntlet adventure: 16 exp (used)

1215 Spring: personalizing lab. 2 exp (used)
1215 Summer: Learning spell. 2 exp (used)
1215 Fall: Getting taught by Eudokia the Autocrat in Artes Liberales. 13 exp. (added)
1215 Winter: Learning spell. 2 exp (used)

1216 Spring: Learning Spell. 2 exp (used)
1216 Summer: magic theory Summa: 11 exp (used)

1216 Fall: Vim summa 15 exp (used)

1216 Winter: 12 exp from the Crown Jewel heist and world saving. 7exp to Finesse & 5 to Carouse. (used)


1217 Spring: Marriage prepping/reholding/enjoying life 2 exp (used)

1217 Summer: Reading Order of Hermes Lore 10exp (used)

1217 Fall: Creo Summa 12 exp (used)

1217 Winter: Perdo Summa 10 exp (used)





1216 Summer: Adventure 12 exp (used)

1216 Fall: Taught Artes Liberales from Eudokia the Autocrat 13 exp (used)

1216 Winter: Taught Angelic from Eluf the Stonemason 15 (used)


1217 Spring: Taught Hyperborean from Chabrias the Turb Captain 16 (used)

1217 Summer: Taught Brawl from Eluf the Stonemason 12 (used)

1217 Fall: Taught brawl from Hjordis the metal worker 12 (used)

1217 Winter: Stealth 2 exp, Area lore: City of Ivory and Jade 5 exp (used)



Will try to keep it up to date.

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1214: Winter: Gaulet Adventure 16 exp (used)
1215 Spring: Criamon Lore Book +11 exp from Summa (used)
1215 Summer: Ivory & Jade Covenant Lore Book +10 exp from summa (used)
1215 Fall: Ivory & Jade Covenant Lore Book +10 exp from summa (used)
1215 Winter: Ivory & Jade Covenant Lore Book +10 exp from summa (used)

1216 Spring: Familiar Bond (Fishy)

1216 Summer: Catacomb Adventure 3 exp + Mystery Cult Initiation (unused)

1216 Fall: The Four Humours in Hermetic Theory 17 exp + 1 creo exp + 1 Muto exp (Secondary Insight) (used)

1216 Winter: Teach Your Apprentice: Mentem 15 exp + 1 Intellego exp + 1 creo exp (Secondary Insight) (used)


1215 Summer: Introduction at Paris event, Paris Adventure 6 exp (unused)
1215 Fall: Lurk
1215 Winter: Lurk

1216 Spring: Adventure. Troll & hiccups 5 exp (Unused)

1216 Summer: Catacomb Adventure 3 exp (Unused)

1216 Fall: Fame building

1216 Winter:


1215 Spring : Introduction at Cloud Airship Adventure 6 exp (unused)
1215 Summer: Fishy~
1215 Fall: Fishy~
1215 Winter: Fishy~

1216 Spring: Familiar Bond to Makara

1216 Summer: Catacomb Adventure 12 exp (Unused)

1216 Fall: Fishy~

1216 Winter:

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@Freespace you can only spend up to 5 exp per saison to a single skill from adventure exp.

(Unless you have a Ability that give you extra exp for Adventures then the limit increases by them for a single Skill)

if you train someone then its 2 exp you get but if you want training then the one who train you need to be bether then you!

We have Chabrias the Turb Captain who actual have Single Weapon 7 but he will Teach a group of up to 20 people so the exp gained from him is 10.

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