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Black Chicken Studios Forums

Doodle scheduling sessions


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I thought we might try if we could get a doodle scheduling system to work with the game - might make scheduling a little less of a hassle, if everyone can find the time to participate. I thought it might work as follows:


Jot down whether you think you'll be able to make it on either the Saturday or Sunday of a given weekend between 12 and roughly 15 GMT. Update as necessary / possible.


The default assumption is that we play every Saturday. If, however, it seems many people will miss a particular Saturday, but would make it on the Sunday of the same weekend, we will discuss switching on the forum.


Here's the link:



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You think? For me it doesn't make a difference - most Europeans would be around noon GMT like me, so I doubt an hour in either direction would affect things for us. I think it's the Americans who are having to play at tricky times. How would such a switch affect them?

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I think Friday will be hard for us Americans- by the time we're done with work, you guys will mostly be in bed.


I could really get behind our sessions taking place a bit later in the day, though. Seven in the morning is ridiculously inconvenient for a weekend when I've probably been up till two the night before.

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Well, I typically can't get on Fridays: in the morning because I have to leave early, and in the evening because I started playing Pathfinder with some other people. The same happens with Saturday weekends (currently). Sunday for me is typically completely free (unless a 3rd party steps in (family or other thing)).

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